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Plans for Friday???


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I would love to know what everyone else is planning on Friday! I know there is a wide mix of excitement and apprehension on these forums (I'm somewhere in the middle myself) but I find as The Day draws closer, a slowly surmounting wave of palpable nervous-energy and glorious giddiness is building up in my soul. I have been reading WoT since I was 16. It has the primo spot on my bookshelf. I never would have started writing myself if I had not stumbled across The Eye of the World, working in an old, independent bookstore after-hours back in high school. I have been following the production like a creepy ex-boyfriend since before there was a production. 


So what is everyone planning for Friday? Watching alone, with family, or friends? Having a medieval feast fit for a Winternight celebration? Taking the day off work/school?


I am fortunate enough to have Fridays off, although there are other things I *should* be doing. I will not be doing those things. I am going to watch all three episodes in a dark room with the windows drawn so the blacks on the screen are as black as possible, crank up the soundbar loud enough to make the dishes in the kitchen cupboards upstairs rattle, and sink into the couch for three straight hours. Possibly have a few candles lit  to add to the fantasy atmosphere. Phone ringer off. Platter of bread and cheese, maybe an afternoon ale. No breaks between episodes—WoT marathon, baby! Not sure if I will rush onto DM right after watching, or wait a day and watch the first three episodes again before popping online to participate in the reactions.


My wife has not read the books and does not especially enjoy this sort of show. That hasn't stopped me from bring her up to speed on the behind-the-scenes debates and the basics of the EoTW, prepping her to watch with me. But I finally realized I *need* to watch this alone. No questions, no explaining things, no eye-rolling... unless it's from me ?  If she is interested, we can watch it together later in the weekend for the 3rd or 4th time. 


So... plans?

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This drops at 4 o’clock on my son’s 16th birthday, so I will have to exercise patience. After the celebration, I’ll come home, binge all three episodes. I’ll spend Friday doing my best to work then come back and watch all 3 again before doing interviews with my non book reading friends. Intend to drop a podcast sometime the following week. 

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It really depends on when the episodes drop.  If they drop at midnight or 2 am GMT on Thursday night (which is 7/9 PM EST) then I'll watch them then.   If they drop later than that then I'll watch them first thing Friday morning.


Either way, I'll probably watch them alone for at least the first run through.



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On 11/13/2021 at 1:30 PM, Borderlander said:

...My wife has not read the books and does not especially enjoy this sort of show. That hasn't stopped me from bring her up to speed on the behind-the-scenes debates and the basics of the EoTW, prepping her to watch with me. But I finally realized I *need* to watch this alone. No questions, no explaining things, no eye-rolling... unless it's from me ?  If she is interested, we can watch it together later in the weekend for the 3rd or 4th time. 


Lol. Same here, but with buddies, not wife. Although I'll be skiing on Friday, I'll be bingeing eps 1-3 early Saturday morning, hopefully alone. I don't need my buddies asking me why Fades look like Voldemort again...*eye roll*. I'll probably be groaning enough over their depicted movement and blurry/shadowy appearance. Expectations, expectations, details, details...arrgh! Trying to keep an open mind. ? (I'm just so thankful for the adaptation...right?)      

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7 minutes ago, CaddySedai said:

Probably re-watch the first 2 episodes (seeing em tooonight omgomgomgomg) and then the 3rd in a mega binge ?

Same. My fiancé has class Thursday night so depending on the exact release time I might have rewatched the first 2 right when she finishes class ?

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I have a tradition in how I get people to read Wheel of Time… “I’ll buy you the first book if you read it.” And now I have a large group of friends that are fans. So, we are doing an in-world feast, including but not limited to: stuffed Cornish hens, meat pie, shepherds pie, stew, French bread, cheese, honey cakes, beer, brandy, (and everyone is getting a wooden mug). We will also do prediction games before each episode with a ten to twenty dollar buy in, winner take all after the third episode on who has the most accurate predictions.

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1 minute ago, JaimAybara said:

I have a tradition in how I get people to read Wheel of Time… “I’ll buy you the first book if you read it.” And now I have a large group of friends that are fans. So, we are doing an in-world feast, including but not limited to: stuffed Cornish hens, meat pie, shepherds pie, stew, French bread, cheese, honey cakes, beer, brandy, (and everyone is getting a wooden mug). We will also do prediction games before each episode with a ten to twenty dollar buy in, winner take all after the third episode on who has the most accurate predictions.



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Taking the day off work to have two watch parties:  One with friends while the kids are at school, and, if it's appropriate enough that they can watch, a second with the kids in the afternoon. 

For our feast for both, I have lamb and sausage puffs, honeycakes, slices of ham and beef (with mustard), nuts and dried fruit and white, crumbly hard cheese, and apple pie. And apple cider and maybe brandy, if I can find some apple brandy.


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1 hour ago, themann1086 said:

I've heard midnight or 2 am GMT which I believe would be 7 or 9 pm Eastern. Unconfirmed though 

Typical Amazon release is at midnight GMT, which translates to 4 p.m. Pacific Time or 7 p.m. Eastern Time in the US.

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At the moment I am assuming a midnight drop, so I will be having a nap in the evening, then watching them straight, with lots of snacks. My husband will probably join me - he's not a reader of the books, but has had endless patience listening to me ramble about this almost non-stop since the teaser dropped. Then I will sleep, and then I will get up and watch them again, and the xray features, and try and take it all in (because I booked the day off work!)

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