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Plans for Friday???


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2 minutes ago, JaimAybara said:

Thanks! And The Eye of the World of course. 


See you are missing an opportunity. Start them on the Eye of the World...but you should do a one person play of New Spring beforehand. Really get into it with costumes and wigs :P.


Its short enough.

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2 minutes ago, themann1086 said:

I actually told friends who were interested in the show but didn't want to make a huge time commitment to check out New Spring. It's shorter, has a relatively compact narrative, does a solid job introducing folks to how the universe works, and it's less likely to spoil the tv show story than reading the novels.


Imagine how quick it'll be to let them watch @JaimAybara's future one person play. ?

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36 minutes ago, Mnemosyne said:

I took Friday off work but now it seems there's a possibility it might air in my time zone on Thursday night... in which case Friday will be re-watch day! ?


Shoot! This changes everything! I'm Central Time US, so it's going to be out Thursday evening? But the best time for me to watch it alone and nerd out with my bread and cheese is still Friday afternoon! So I have to shuffle through life lie some kind of lobotomized zombie Thursday evening thru Friday morning trying to act like The Wheel of Bloody Time isn't RIGHT THERE on my Roku, ready to fire up? Truly, this will test my will power like no other trial...


<wife wakes up at 2am Friday morning, hears Trollocs howling in the basement> 

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20 minutes ago, Borderlander said:

But the best time for me to watch it alone and nerd out with my bread and cheese is still Friday afternoon!


Bread and cheese (with a pickle and an apple) is my ultimate snack for reading/watching fantasy. I'm all about the classic adventure saddlebag fare...

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9 hours ago, JaimAybara said:

I have a tradition in how I get people to read Wheel of Time… “I’ll buy you the first book if you read it.” And now I have a large group of friends that are fans. So, we are doing an in-world feast, including but not limited to: stuffed Cornish hens, meat pie, shepherds pie, stew, French bread, cheese, honey cakes, beer, brandy, (and everyone is getting a wooden mug). We will also do prediction games before each episode with a ten to twenty dollar buy in, winner take all after the third episode on who has the most accurate predictions.


2 hours ago, Mnemosyne said:


Bread and cheese (with a pickle and an apple) is my ultimate snack for reading/watching fantasy. I'm all about the classic adventure saddlebag fare...

 I love all the traditional Fantasy party food! Been a long  time since I’ve done something like that. I think the last time we did it was when we introduced our daughter to the Lord of the rings movies. Someone mentioned lamb stew earlier and now I need to find that recipe! That sounds perfect with a big loaf of bread. 

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Guest Wolfbrother31

I had planned to go to a Wild Game Feed at church and then have a watch party with a bunch of guys at my place (half are book readers and long-time fans, half have never heard of it, but love LoTR).



I just got word today from my mom that my cousin committed suicide yesterday.  ?  Appreciate your prayers, friends. 


I'll likely be at a funeral & WoT will wait until next week for me.  

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25 minutes ago, Wolfbrother31 said:

I had planned to go to a Wild Game Feed at church and then have a watch party with a bunch of guys at my place (half are book readers and long-time fans, half have never heard of it, but love LoTR).



I just got word today from my mom that my cousin committed suicide yesterday.  ?  Appreciate your prayers, friends. 


I'll likely be at a funeral & WoT will wait until next week for me.  

Very sorry for your loss 

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First, I will have to convince my guy that we need to ditch watching Agents of S.H.I.E.L.D., which is our usual Friday night show, and go for WoT, which is based on a book series he could not finish nor remember reading.


- I know he read the first 2 books. He has retained ... nothing. -


I will have to be cunning. As cunning as a cunning fox who used to be Professor of Cunning. And then execute my cunning plan. Once I have something worked out.


My food of choice will be Flammkuchen, because it's Friday. Flammkuchen Friday. With onion and cheese, maybe mushrooms.


And we will watch only ONE episode. I will not binge. Binging is the story killer. For me, anyway.


Then I will order a new set of the books. Because I got rid of them all due to maltreatment: their spines were cracked by someone who had borrowed them from me. That person is no longer a friend.

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4 minutes ago, Elder_Haman said:

It’s nearly a certainty. I haven’t seen official official information, but midnight UTC is the most reasonable conclusion. So Thursday night in the US. 

I don't understand why it is so hard to put this out there.  I miss the TV Guide days...

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