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Tainted Minds - A Black Tower Mafia Game: Game over - Town wins


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not a peep of complain? i've been making cases and arguing with like literally everyone. i've gathered 2 votes in 24 hours. are you serious?


yep.  how much complaint is there really cory? huh? and those two votes? came BEFORE you gave reaons iirc. I sure soohs did cause she just quoted your i want to lynch dice post and voted.

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not everyone is willling to take up the mantle of leadership, because being in a leadership role effing SUCKS. I do it because I am competitive and I care about winning, I am happy to take a lesser role if someone else is willing to step up.


"Do you know what leadership means? It means that the person in charge gets second-guessed by every clever little **** with a mouth. But if he starts second-guessing himself, that's the end. For him... for the clever little ****s... for everyone"


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not a peep of complain? i've been making cases and arguing with like literally everyone. i've gathered 2 votes in 24 hours. are you serious?


yep.  how much complaint is there really cory? huh? and those two votes? came BEFORE you gave reaons iirc. I sure soohs did cause she just quoted your i want to lynch dice post and voted.



i imagine some of it is because i lynched a wolf yesterday, and because of the game mechanics

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what happens if you are scum? we lose. that post recently by clov is about the closest anyone got to suggesting the possibility today but it IS a possibility.



Then you pat him on the back for being able to completely take over a game as scum (something he hates playing as, and quite frankly, probably doesn't care enough to put the effort into to play today the way he has) and pat Ben on the back for interacting with someone he knew was mafia in a way that made Cory come out ahead postflip - unless you want to argue that Ben's reactions to Cory come from his traitor teammate.


Then you assign all the townies an appropriate amount of blame for not doing more to get townread, and not putting their thoughts out there early to influence others.

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And ftr I understand being frustrated, and I don't disagree with your stance at all that it probably would not be received the same way.  Part of that is because of Cory's reputation.  Is that unfair?  Almost certainly, yes.


But part of that is because he's busted his butt over the last three days, rallied against what is more likely than not to be a mislynch, and got shaded by scum in a way that suggests Cory probably isn't mafia.  If you want to argue people listen to players like Cory simply because who they are, that's fine, and I fully agree that's an awful way to play.  


But if you want to argue that people shouldn't listen to somebody they have a lot of reason to trust is town over somebody they really DON'T....I don't know what to say.  

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something something expected outcome. something something clov is saying all possibilties should be weighed the same? blah blah blah. blah blah blah. If scum had the balls to not nk lzm I would wet myself. It is the correct move if you think it through and read the thread for context. Because the confusion what scum want to continue benefits them. Tomorrow all cops should out with their results their should be three people investigated bonus points if one of them is dead. I wanna see that juicy counter claim scum play. something something actual outcome. I have no idea where I was going with this btw. I stand ready to lynch clov/ley.

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something something expected outcome. something something clov is saying all possibilties should be weighed the same? blah blah blah. blah blah blah. If scum had the balls to not nk lzm I would wet myself. It is the correct move if you think it through and read the thread for context. Because the confusion what scum want to continue benefits them. Tomorrow all cops should out with their results their should be three people investigated bonus points if one of them is dead. I wanna see that juicy counter claim scum play. something something actual outcome. I have no idea where I was going with this btw. I stand ready to lynch clov/ley.


After this game's over, I'll teach you how to play mafia.

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Speaking from my experience it's usually good to take a leap of faith sometimes. You can always stab people in the back another day :tongue:

This expressed with all possible love and respect of course :wub:

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