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Harry Potter Week - Dumbledore's Army Mafia Game Thread [GAME OVER-MAFIA WINS]


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Alright. So. I've come to the conclusion that the way Lessa hopped on the Devil train makes me not wanna be here.


I think I might actually trust Turin here. *shudders*


[unvote]. I hope I'm not making a huge mistake here.



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Suddenly finding themselves locked in a room with no doors, the students began to get desperate. Fingers were pointed in every direction, but eventually the most fingers were pointed at her. Backing away, she whispered, “I know who the traitor is.” The other students paused.


“It… it was my diary” And with a scream the others fell upon her.


Verbal has been Lynched.


He was…



Ginny Weasley, Town Aligned




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Votes will be locked at LYLO


This is standard practice but might be unfamiliar to many of you.


What this means is that, if a day begins under conditions such that town will necessarily lose if they do not lynch correctly, votes are locked in place once cast and cannot be moved.


You will be informed if this is the case.

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This new room was near impossible for the students to sleep in, but the room seemed to know that they needed rest. Eventually the lights dimmed, some blankets showed up in the corner, and a soft whisper of wind blew through to lull the students to sleep.


The night was fitful, and someone was tossing and turning in their sleep. As everyone woke to the lights coming back up to normal, they nervously counted who was left and found they were one short. It didn’t take long before they found her slumped against the wall, a broken broomstick laying next to her. It looked like it had been the instrument of her murder.


Turin is dead.


He was….



Angelina Johnson, Town Aligned





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Ah man.

No good. I suppose I'm dead meat now.

I suppose I deserve it. I blundered terribly this game.

I have played terribly! I really think this game has been fun though. But why can't you vote?

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Bomb in Gryffindor seems weird to me.

Must use D1 day vig shot also seems a bit weird. Possible. I dunno.

I got to go back.to work.

My Things are...

Slytherin: 1x vote block

Gryffindor: 1x doc

Talk in about 5 hours.

Here it is.

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