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*knock knock*

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oh, Kat, he did!


Haha, Ahlmyra, no, it isn't me! There used to be another Charis around here too, a White. I don't know if she's still here or not, but it was quite the coincidence! Charis is my RL name, so when I made my SN I didn't even think about it! 


Mama, I knew that! I forgetted. *clings to her nickname*


Mills! Congrats, that's amazing! And it was lovely Marta I met- I went to Serbia for three weeks for her wedding about a year and a half ago- it was amaaaaaazing!


You went to Serbia? Wonderful! I miss Marta.

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HI BOOPS! *snuffles* Good to smel, er, see you, friend!



I miss her now too- she's a momma and wifey now. It was the trip of a lifetime and we had a blast! Serbia is freaking BEAUTIFUL, and Marta and her family were so kind and welcoming to me!!

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