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Everything posted by HeavyHalfMoonBlade

  1. That is the most awesome thing anyone has ever said to me. Well, top five at least. Since the siggie is so awesome, I'll endeavour to do five awesome things for other people in your honour. So, no pressure at all. *gulps*
  2. So, you never said what I owe you for the siggie? Since Mystica kidnapped a certain boy from the kitchens I have been at a loose end mostly... Wait I'm the the Amyrlin. I can order @Mystica to give him back. Olightolightolight. Where is she? I mean, thanks for the signature. You haven't seen Mystica, have you, by chance?
  3. Ah Elgee, child I am happy to see that you at least are treating our guests well. Thom, welcome to the Tower. But the greatest fool? This is the Feast of Fools, you know the greatest fool is placed in charge.... Wait a minute. But that means the Amyrlin... oh the indignity. The shame. How can I ever live this down.... Ooo, chocolate cake. *munches* What are you going to do? Wait, this is not the cake that Cairos was throwing about? You put that in the bin didn't you Elgee? You did not just pick it up and put it back on the plate? Elgee? Child? Have some of this cake, Thom. It has some lovely crunchy butterscotch in it. Or sand. I'm not sure which.
  4. Mary had just arrived in Tar Valon, and was not surprised to see the streets packed with people for the Feast of Fools celebration. She wore her feastday best and peered excitedly into each stall she passed. Many were delightfully covered in array of colors and lights, each as vibrant as the next! The smells and sights were wonderful, but her stomach rumbled loudly letting her know it regretted her haste in leaving before breakfast - but wait, was a that pie cart up ahead? As Mary quickened her pace toward the tantalizing aroma of freshly baked pies, her excitement mingled with the infectious revelry of the Feast of Fools, the air filled with laughter, music, and the occasional burst of fireworks, creating a kaleidoscope of sensations that enveloped the City of Tar Valon in a joyous fervor; however, as she approached the pie cart, the bustling crowd seemed to part inexplicably, revealing a shadowy figure clad in dark, hooded robes, their piercing gaze fixated on Mary with an intensity that sent a shiver down her spine, an unexpected foreboding that whispered of hidden dangers lurking beneath the festive faΓ§ade, and as she reached for a delectable-looking pastry, a furtive movement caught her eye – a glint of steel emerging from the folds of the stranger's cloak, signaling a perilous undercurrent beneath the merriment that threatened to unravel the festivities into a tapestry of danger and intrigue. Mary had always bathed her time between the folds of her books, swimming the depths of fictional intrigue and squirreling her time away. Time that had the unfortunate side-effect of over-acting both her imagination, and curiosity. Really if she had been blessed by the Power, Mary would have made a lovely Brown Sister. However, this day, facing this threat, her warning instincts met her immovable curiosity and froze her feet to the ground as the shadowy figure flashed towards her, short dagger raised, all ready for a strike. Mary could only watch aghast as the raised dagger fell, her active imagination already experiencing the dull, bludgeoning pain - stab wounds did not feel sharp she knew from her reading - when suddenly the dagger flew away in a burst of motion. An object rolled to a stop at her feet. A pie dish! She had been saved by a... The dark robed figure was knocked onto the ground by a short bosomy woman, who leapt over the pie cart, cannoning into the figure. This unexpected saviour whipped a wooden sword out from a scabbard on her back and started towards Mary's assailant who was already scrabbling backwards, looking for an escape.
  5. I'm glad to see I am not the only one with schoolboy crushes - though I would just like to clarify that I don't mean for the actor's (admittedly very) pretty face, but for the character, the mannerisms, the aura. I also only realised recently that part of how awesome she is comes from her not using her hands for weaves, so she has that cool squaring of her shoulders and intense facial expressions. And that comes from not the desire to be different or better, but from her first channeling coming when she was tied to a chair and the knowledge that Whitecloaks will remove her hands if they catch her. So it is all tied into her character, and her arc. There are some things the show just does so well, and Egwene is one of them πŸ₯°
  6. Oh wow! That is so cool! *hugs and squeezes til you're purple rather than blue* Thank you!
  7. Mousy brown tending to blonde.
  8. We really are going to have to do something about that one, I think. Thank you for the pie, child. It was most delicious. And so much better for not being worn as an accessory. I think I had better go have a look at the rest of the Tower, things seem reasonably under control here. *nods cheerfully to Sword Captain*
  9. Mary had just arrived in Tar Valon, and was not surprised to see the streets packed with people for the Feast of Fools celebration. She wore her feastday best and peered excitedly into each stall she passed. Many were delightfully covered in array of colors and lights, each as vibrant as the next! The smells and sights were wonderful, but her stomach rumbled loudly letting her know it regretted her haste in leaving before breakfast - but wait, was a that pie cart up ahead?
  10. *the One Power floods through me, pulsing in time with the throbbing in my temples* Nobody calls me chicken! If Back to the Future taught me anything it is not to ever let such a challenge go by! *ponders* Or was that... Nevermind, even if you don't play with the Red Hot Chili Peppers I am not taking that kind of language. *releases the source with difficulty* Here are two silvers, I'll pay for Hero's too. He probably got a taste of it at least.
  11. I think I will tentatively wait until the Sword Captain has had his. I know it is not a fool-proof plan, but it is better than just jumping in, I think.
  12. *tucks a silver penny back in to his purse* I think I have had enough food thrown at me so far. Is there not anywhere that people are behaving like initiates of the Tower should be? Perhaps I should just go hide, er contemplate in Office. It has to be safe there. Doesn't it?
  13. Someone had the foretelling that one day, a certain Heavy would join and post terrible art, so the thread had to be hidden to save the world from fate worse than going blind...
  14. As long as you ask, young lady. I think I am going to get a drink. This is going to be a long day.
  15. I'd like to bond Egwene from show, because of er, important Amyrlin reasons, and absolutely not because I have a schoolboy crush on her. At my age that would just be silly. From the books, Asmodean - definitely. Don't really understand the reason why, but I have always been fascinated by him. I think I can really relate to choosing immortality to see how music will evolve and to experience it all, despite not really being into that music. But the idea of being see history unfold as a reason itself seems so seductive. Tragedy that he was snuffed out due to a plotline that was not even used... Always, my favourite characters, lol.
  16. The hand of the Creator shelter us all. Here, have mine. I made them from the curtains anyway. You will ask before taking anyone's underwear, won't you?
  17. What would you charge for an Accepted's siggy, called Heavy, with pigtails and no Ajah. Is that enough info or would I need to be more specific? Hypothetically speaking.
  18. Well done! I was hoping a bit that maybe the first word would cause some hilarity, but sadly the way the letters were guessed, it was not to be. Not like when I was playing pictionary I a uni cafe/rest area and the word was "MUFF". Those shouted, excited guesses will haunt me for the rest of my life. No idea what anyone not playing thought was happening. Probably haunts their dreams too, lol. Your up, Del.
  19. T O _ _ E S S / T O _ E R S There are two Os πŸ™‚ Guessed A E H I O R S T 3 notches
  20. Why thank you, Boopsy πŸ™‚ I'm surprised @Cairos has not appeared yet. Apparently he is too busy running around naked and pulling my pants down. I have nothing but respect for the work Elgee does, these few short hours as Amyrlin have been eye opening. Still the show must go on. Very happy you managed to attend, Boopsy. Hope to see a lot more of you πŸ™‚
  21. Would all the aspirants please put on some clothes. This was not in the Amyrlin's handbook, I can tell you. All about negotiating with Whitecloaks, or was that Bookcloaks, nothing about nekkid children. *crosses arms, and starts tapping my foot*
  22. I think these aspies may have forgotten the point of being an aspie. *pulls up pants and shakes head* Wait til Cross gets a hold..., Light I don't have a Keeper. Does that mean I will have to do all the punishing myself? Hmm, perhaps the Sword Captain is looking for something to do....
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