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The Wheel of Time Will Be Adapted as a TV Series


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On 5/28/2019 at 11:59 PM, RDY said:

I wonder if they'll keep the part about Two Rivers people not being lily-white, race-wise. I mean, Rand says he's surprised to see someone with blonde hair for the first time in his life when he meets Else Grimwell's mother. And some people bullied him because he had grey eyes, which only peddlers or other foreigners had, no Two Rivers person had that. 


I wonder how the fandom will react to having lots of Latinos or Middle Easterners for the main cast, for example (not Rand, since he's clearly a foreigners, but basically everyone else in the Two Rivers). 


It's a common misconception that people from the Two Rivers have "brown" skin (which is a fairly useless description but whatever). They in fact have fairly light skin, just slightly darker than Rand's. This is specifically stated regarding Egwene, she has to spend months in the Aiel Waste to get tan enough to pass for Aiel (and she already had a farmer's tan to begin with). They do indeed have dark hair and eyes, just like pretty much all of Southern Europe. They are most likely intended to look like Europeans living close to the Mediterranean, such as Italy, southern France or Spain.


Now, I don't care how they cast the show as long as they keep to the iconic appearance of Rand and the Aiel and there is some realism in that the Two Rivers people look somewhat homogenous, different from Rand but not so different to make it laughable that Rand could believe Tam is his father. I have myself suggested Southern Europeans or Latinos (which fundamentally tend to overlap) could work perfectly fine. I don't think people would mind as long as it doesn't feel forced and is coherent with the books.

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I suppose I will be called a racist or similar names, but the producers should heed Chernobyl, which has become imdb's highest-rated series ever.

There aren't any forced political correctness, no updated-reversed-rewritten gender roles, no sex, minimal blood on the screen in Chernobyl.

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On 6/8/2019 at 1:29 PM, Berta2 said:

I suppose I will be called a racist or similar names, but the producers should heed Chernobyl, which has become imdb's highest-rated series ever.

There aren't any forced political correctness, no updated-reversed-rewritten gender roles, no sex, minimal blood on the screen in Chernobyl.

They changed the scientist team that supported Legasov with the Minsk woman to represent them, so yes they also did some adaption...


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On 6/12/2019 at 8:18 PM, Maedelin said:

Chernobyl is a real life event.  WoT is not, no matter how much we want to believe in the Wheel.


So, according to you, Robert Jordan was a racist, WOT is a racist series of books, because 95% of the characters are white?

And do not forget, 99.9% of the characters are heterosexual! This is so disgusting! 

My advice, do not read such bigot books at all!

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8 hours ago, Berta2 said:
On 6/12/2019 at 2:18 PM, Maedelin said:

Chernobyl is a real life event.  WoT is not, no matter how much we want to believe in the Wheel.

So, according to you, Robert Jordan was a racist, WOT is a racist series of books, because 95% of the characters are white?

And do not forget, 99.9% of the characters are heterosexual! This is so disgusting! 

My advice, do not read such bigot books at all!


...I...wait.  What?  I didn't say that.


My point is that Chernobyl is a real life event, and to change ethnicities of the people within would be an odd choice.  The Wheel of Time is a fictional series, and it's strange to try and put apples and oranges in comparison.

Are you going to be okay?  It seems to me like you're flying off some kind of handle.

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On 6/2/2019 at 9:51 AM, Rednalloc said:


It's a common misconception that people from the Two Rivers have "brown" skin (which is a fairly useless description but whatever). They in fact have fairly light skin, just slightly darker than Rand's. This is specifically stated regarding Egwene, she has to spend months in the Aiel Waste to get tan enough to pass for Aiel (and she already had a farmer's tan to begin with). They do indeed have dark hair and eyes, just like pretty much all of Southern Europe. They are most likely intended to look like Europeans living close to the Mediterranean, such as Italy, southern France or Spain.


Now, I don't care how they cast the show as long as they keep to the iconic appearance of Rand and the Aiel and there is some realism in that the Two Rivers people look somewhat homogenous, different from Rand but not so different to make it laughable that Rand could believe Tam is his father. I have myself suggested Southern Europeans or Latinos (which fundamentally tend to overlap) could work perfectly fine. I don't think people would mind as long as it doesn't feel forced and is coherent with the books.


I imagine them to be like this picture of the Tunisian soccer team. Notice that redhead in the middle? Tunisian. His name is Fakhredine Ben Youssef.  If you ask any European they'll say that it's very easy to differentiate Tunisians or other North Africans, on average, from Europeans. But sometimes you have someone like Ben Youssef there.


Anyway, I doubt the casting this time will go this way, with people who look North African as the Two Rivers people. They'll not even cast people with Southern European ancestry, like Italian Americans. They'll probably cast people from England to make the show familiar, even though the text doesn't support it that much once you get down to it.


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  • 2 weeks later...
On 4/26/2019 at 10:40 PM, AsaroVincent said:

Reading something and seeing it acted out are two different things. By that logic an X Rated adaptation would be okay. There's no need to dwell on it, to use it for shock value, or as an excuse to stick it in wherever possible. I don't think most WOT fans want an explicit television series. It's true these things happen in the books, but not frequently, nor did Jordan dwell on sadistic or titillating details. The series will lose many faithful fans who see the books as being overwhelmingly wholesome. Of course there's crossover, but there's also a big divide between WOT and GOT fans, stemming from the drastic differences in tone. I have no desire to watch a bloody, sexually charged WOT series and will wait until fans have weighed in before watching it. 


I don't see the need to throw in a bunch of sex things that weren't there because you can already satisfy those who want the stuff with nudity.  The nudity most people point to in GOT is just Danyres getting naked.  It's not the random brothel scenes and such.  Just have some pretty actresses and when it's time for them to get naked do so.  You don't need crazy sex scenes just show it how it was in the books.

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why are they "crazy" sex scenes? Its just sex and it did happen in the books and itll be shown in the show in some format. Simply because Jordan didn't try his hand at erotica doesn't mean that there wasn't plenty of it or that it wasn't important. As  for the other comment, i for one do want a bloody and explicit version. This book is not wholesome pg 13 story, there are hangings, slavery, mind control, beheading, countless murders, sexual degradation and humiliation along with plenty of battles. Just because it might come off across as okay to let kids read this, a visual representation is most definitely for adults. IMHO

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9 hours ago, amegakure said:

why are they "crazy" sex scenes? Its just sex and it did happen in the books and itll be shown in the show in some format. Simply because Jordan didn't try his hand at erotica doesn't mean that there wasn't plenty of it or that it wasn't important. As  for the other comment, i for one do want a bloody and explicit version. This book is not wholesome pg 13 story, there are hangings, slavery, mind control, beheading, countless murders, sexual degradation and humiliation along with plenty of battles. Just because it might come off across as okay to let kids read this, a visual representation is most definitely for adults. IMHO


I would say that WOT is very much a PG13 world in a way that the worlds of other works in the genre are not, most recently A Song of Ice and Fire. The existence of battles alone does not make the story more adult, the Hobbit has battles and that is aimed at fairly young children. 


I would agree that there are a few elements that don't fit that overall theme, most notably the treatment of female source users by the Seanchen and some of the torture scenes, but they aren't the dominant aspect of the books.


It makes for a very challenging adaption IMO, in that they need to draw elements out that were implied, or left off page, and probably to invent new elements as well. Given the likely expense of the show it will only succeed if it goes mainstream and so will need elements that people loved from GOT and other more adult shows.  



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When i think about it, its pretty simple. Lets be real. There's not a lot of teenagers who haven't seen GOT. If you have kids and your dont want your kids to see it and can actually enforce it great, have them wait until they are 18. Same thing can apply to this show. Have them read the books. If the show is too mature then dont have younger views watch until they are older, the reality is that they can watch anytime they want and more than likely have access to other content as well. cough cough. Personally i like an adult feel to tv shows. Im an adult and think it makes things more real. I dont appreciate gratuitousness to be clear but i shouldn't be penalized so a 12 year old can watch tv.  Go play outside.  


When i was speaking of battles i was kind of picturing the battle of dumas wells (probably butchered that) and how grizzly that will be. Its people killing people and then being blendered at the end. Its not just going to be these epic battles with a binary good vs evil agenda with fast paced cameras zipping around so you never really focus on people. Id imagine it will be pretty violent.


Im more interested to know how they will portray rands conversations with lews therin. Honestly theres alot of dialogue in peoples heads that will be missed out on ? 

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I'm soo happy this is become a reality, I first picked up Eye of the world as a sophomore in HS (1990) and was hooked since!!! while everyone is quick to compare this to GOT, I find it insulting.  WoT should be compared to Tolkien not the crap that is GOT. I own all the novels in hardcover and Audio book I've read the series at least 4 times and listen a few others-actually just finished them again.

This TV series will -if done well-resonate with us today because of the GREAT female characters throughout the series.  I think Hollywood needs MORE female antagonists they just make better 'bad guys-er girls' I just hope the PC police don't overuse the feminist agenda-there is no need if WoT is captured correctly, each woman stands on her own merits, if this is made well-I foress LOTS of girls named Egwane (easily the BEST 'Im going out like a bloody QUEEN moment -EVER). Many named their kids 'Calisi' (I bet a BUNCH of parents are pissed on that decision)?



I'm just not sure Amazon has the budget to pull this off, the last battle alone will be incredible to put on the screen without heavy CGI. How are they going to show weaves? The one power? Are women going to glow all the time? some of the best parts of the books are the PoV from various characters. 

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7 minutes ago, HispAnakin said:


I'm soo happy this is become a reality, I first picked up Eye of the world as a sophomore in HS (1990) and was hooked since!!! while everyone is quick to compare this to GOT, I find it insulting.  WoT should be compared to Tolkien not the crap that is GOT. I own all the novels in hardcover and Audio book I've read the series at least 4 times and listen a few others-actually just finished them again.

This TV series will -if done well-resonate with us today because of the GREAT female characters throughout the series.  I think Hollywood needs MORE female antagonists they just make better 'bad guys-er girls' I just hope the PC police don't overuse the feminist agenda-there is no need if WoT is captured correctly, each woman stands on her own merits, if this is made well-I foress LOTS of girls named Egwane (easily the BEST 'Im going out like a bloody QUEEN moment -EVER). Many named their kids 'Calisi' (I bet a BUNCH of parents are pissed on that decision)?



Steady on there WOT may be a more enjoyable and relaxing read than ASOIAF (IMO) but GRRM is one of the masters of the craft and fully up there with Tolkien.


Agree with most of the rest of the post. No need to force a feminist agenda in a series that already has great female characters. Based on GOT CGI is not going to be a problem with sufficient budget.

Edited by Jaglover
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the CGI use on GOT was horrid and they had a HUGE budget. This is my biggest concern. They didn't want to show Ghost because of 'budget constraints'. the show 'Heroes' did a great job on a nickel and dime budget-actually one of the kids from 'Ryan vs Dorkman' vids got a job there because of those videos. 


we can agree to disagree, GRRM is too long winded ( I think because he is a long-suffering Mets/Jets fan like me) ,we don't need 3 pages of the food they're eating-I do want to try lamprey pie though. 

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I think comparing GOT and WOT is more of a financial and popularity case. Obviously Wheel of time TV-series wouldn't be launching in this scale if Game of Thrones wasn't as popular as it was. Also I think the target audience is somewhat the same. 


But comparing the worlds and characters and calling the other bad compared to the other is in my mind pointless. I've read both book series and enjoyed them both very much. 


I'm very excited that there's going to be a mass of fantasy series coming up in the streaming services during the following years and I'll probably have a look at many of them. The Lord of the Rings -series, Game of Thrones prequels, even The Witcher, although I haven't read the books nor played the games. 

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47 minutes ago, HispAnakin said:

the CGI use on GOT was horrid and they had a HUGE budget. This is my biggest concern. They didn't want to show Ghost because of 'budget constraints'. the show 'Heroes' did a great job on a nickel and dime budget-actually one of the kids from 'Ryan vs Dorkman' vids got a job there because of those videos.

we can agree to disagree, GRRM is too long winded ( I think because he is a long-suffering Mets/Jets fan like me) ,we don't need 3 pages of the food they're eating-I do want to try lamprey pie though. 


Poor use of CGI?. They usually had movie levels of CGI and often better than the Marvel approach of throwing everything at the screen. Did you see the burning of Kings Landing?, or the field of fire?. The Direwolves were actually quite complicated to do which was why they minimised their screen time. But if WOT has the same production values as the latter seasons of GOT (when the budget had increased) I will be very happy.


It is also somewhat ironic for a fan of WOT to criticise GRRM for being too long winded. You have I take it read Books 7 through 11? and how the rescue of one character, for example, spreads over three books.


This isn't Marvel vs DC. It is more time to celebrate that these TV adaptions are bringing new fans into the genre. 

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A lot of what I’m reading from Rafe sounds pretty encouraging, but then there’s this: his favorite character is... Egwene? Crap. Well let’s keep our fingers crossed. 


As I read back through this loooong thread, a couple of things surprised me. I expected most of the fans to want a more faithful 1:1 book:season adaptation - which is nuts, but actually a lot of people go the total opposite route of seriously suggesting Books 1 and 2 and even 3 ought to be packed into one season, which is equally nuts. 


Heres the deal: Books 1-6 had a few soft spots, but overall were a masterpiece. Those books need 4 seasons. 1 for EOTW, 1 for TGH and TDR (believe it or not, about half of TDR can be cut and a season starting with the hunt and ending with Rand drawing the sword would be be great), 1 season for TSR (single best book of the series, hands down), and 1 season for FOH and LOC. 


After that, would finish off the rest of the series with maybe 2-3 more seasons.


Another thing that shocked me were the suggestions that Season 1 ought to skip the prologue. Are you nuts?!?! Hey, I know that Red Eagle.... thing.... left a bad taste in people’s mouths, but the prologue sets the tone for the entire series! It’s amazing. If Rafe does one thing right, it is to start the show with the prologue as a cold open, and then have the formation of Dragonmount merge into the title sequence.


Finally, my man Billy Zane at least needs a bit part. Make this happen, Rafe!!

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