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Ghostbusters Mafia - Game Over - Mafia Wins!

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Been reading up since the game started, but I slacked off a day ago. In skimming, I see a looooot of claims. I like Turins, I feel he had good reasoning for outing, and I get Tsuki if he really is going to be absent for a while.


I´m only on page 9. 


Eldrick, that is poor reasoning to make someone a wolf. Basically that he is a good wolf. I disagree with the idea of you being willing to trust someone else to tell you he is town before you are even willing to consider it. 


It is very early still but I will look at Shad. 



D1  yolo wolf team of Dice, Zander and Tsuki.  


Turin - what had happend so far in your qt when you wrote this?




Basically by this point he had already stopped talking to me. So everything I talked about (the false name, direct mafia accusation without considering we could be V/V, not giving me even his character name(granted it is obvious) or any reads other than echoing my Dice mafia read.


I saw he had been posting in the thread at that same time. He did change his name after a short time. I think he knew it was him. Not sure if he will say he made sure I knew it was him or not.


Look at his first posts of the game and then I just said Hi Zander.  He changed after that. 




I don´t know anything about this theme either. Except that there are ghosts and that there are people that hunts ghosts and that there are some kind of green slime. 


You havent seen Ghostbusters...WOLFY








Vote: Zander


Game has to start somewhere. I don't presume to know if him mentioning "getting the wolves" constantly is alignment indicative, but I tend to think over-selling yourself as town is a scum marker.


So, let's see what happens, shall we?

Bold is his reasoning. I agree with it and it is one of the things that perks my ears up too. (i.e. Zander using the PM thing to atempt to hard clear himself in GnD) You see it as alignment neutral for Zander specifically. He sees it as a general tell. ( at least that is my take on it) 


Also the underlined, You see something that sits odd you push to see what develops. I can appreciate that. 



[v] Dice {/v]


I don't like he kept his "joke" vote on Rey even after he seems to have a lean on John. Well he called him a hypocrite anyway.  

HAHA! I just called him a hypocrite too. Apparently it's okay for him to make comments on reads but not okay for anyone else, I can see where Dice is coming from


It might help you to think of John as a cross between Mynd and Darthe. But with a different sense of humour. Hr is a "beat the grass to startle the snakes" type player. 


If he gets under your skin you could ask him to go find his "Princess Sparklebutt" siggy :tongue:



Even if you wanna use this weak reasoning, maybe not weak for John because he doesnt know me but for you it is.


In the GnD reference you used what was my alignment that game Turin?


And me calling myself Town or lets hunt the Wolves is completely null for me.


Where are you going with this irt to me?  This is one of those weak pushes Ive talked about from you last game,  I know I was wrong but its something Im noting cause Ive seen it before from Scum!Turin.


Want to hear you answer some of my questions.


First, I am NOT saying that your town proclamations are indicative of your alignment. I was saying that it looked like it was HIS reasoning and that in general I do agree with it. With some people I now I have to hold down my urge to jump at it because my opinion is that you don't say you are town you show you are town. How you got that was my stance  I am not sure.  In the GnD game you were town. Back at you tho. How many times have you used that line " I was wrong about you but..." You know the definition of insanity right? 


So Z do you think it is more likely a town or mafia thing to join a QT and try to conceal your identity(even if poorly)? 



In my case Town imo.


2 reasons:


If I was Scum why would I hide who I was then say who I was?  Really dont make much sense and seems like another stretch you are trying to make like you did with Dice to try and build your cases.


I looked up the role and seen it was not the same as Mason, the only other same type I heard of before was Lovers.


My level of paranoia is quite high as Town, once I knew what it was it didnt make nearly as much sense of us both being Town as opposed to us just being Masons, I know it CAN be but seems unlikely knowing that I am Town.




This is going to be soooo funny later.


John, I see what you are trying to say, but your wrong about me. I was suss of Dice from his intro post.



I did say I was the "towniest town to ever town in response to zander. It is a common current phrase(you can even see it in his member title).


Really want to see Dice's response/reaction to this.


Youre saying youre suss of me but yet you seem to be sheeping me Turin, why?


First, I am NOT sheeping you. YOU know that I  came to my own read on Dice without any input from you. I could in fact easily ask you this exact question with more validity. 


You do see why this kind of thing is just making you more suspicious to me. 




What? Im not following.




Not quoting "Monstr" post of Turin's- Post # 437


Funny why you didnt hint at Neighbors at all when Ive been breadcrumbing it all along.  Why didnt you, why now?


You think Town!Zander trusts someone in a role that is all about mistrust?  LOLOLOLOLOLOL


I think anyone who knows me and has played with Town!Zander knows #theparanoiaisreal.


"His first or second post there was that I must be mafia otherwise we would be listed as masons. That this was his only thought was very troubling as MODS specifically have the mechanic of Neighbors to create a level of mistrust."


Above red is a direct quote from Turin's post.  Please read and see how Turin explains why I should have come to or at least strongly considered making the exact conclusion he finds troublesome....lololololol


As for the reasoning on Dice's initial post, I explained that in my initial vote on him so nice try there.


This is another patchwork, reaching, stretching case on Turin's behalf.  Like Id be lees likely to think he may not be Scum except he's got nothing to his cases or pushes imo.



Also confirming that I am





Zander the reas on is fine for both of you to be possible town with that role is unlike mason this one removes the certainty of you both being town. That's a big thing imo.


Also test today, will be catching up and getting into it tonight.


sorry about that




so turins claim


ok first unvote



I think the lynch goes between zander and turin today


@zander  what have you got to say?



ummm what?


Youve defended me all game now this?


This reads awk to me.


Its like you believe one of us HAS to be lying or HAS to be scum.



If one of them is scum, it should be clearer now by watching their interactions ITT now that it's out in the open.


As Turin said, the neighbors concept has inherent distrust between each other. You can talk privately, but don't know each other are town.


I don't agree that Zander's lack of communication to Turin is alignment indicative. Turin might be on to something there, but he might not be. And it's not the only factor.


Zander has been towny ITT to me. I want to hear his response for why he stopped talking to turin.




Really? A hard claim this soon? Doesn't change anything I intended...


Due to work springing departmental audits on us, and being tapped for promotion assuming we perform well (read: 70%+ above baseline), my posting is going to get real hectic,




I do this because I think it is the most Town thing I can do, atm. My  post rate is going to be shot to hell for the next week, maybe two. This way, town stops wasting time pointing at me and gets to the serious work...

4 People voted for me... Statistically, 1 scum. Find him.


On game mechanics and why I don't care I have claimed:

First, Scum have safe claims, and they are main characters, IMO (notice, OPINION). Reason - I am cop, and my character is a one-scene nobody.

Second, any results I receive have a high chance of being irrelevant, as - again, IMO - I seriously believe that in a game about a movie about GHOSTS, that there will be some sort of recruit mechanic, or possession.

Third, Ithi is ebil... EBIL... I wouldn't put it past her to have made a scummer who hides INSIDE someone else, IE, the townie has to die to expose the ghost...


Therefore, this game is gonna come down to in-thread reads, IMO. The only thing I have to go on, is someone knew I was town and pushed for me. Honestly, I would have said Turin, before his claim, because he has played with me before, and should remember that the only tactic I know is making 'mountains out of molehills', jumping on people for what I see as emotional responses, and generally scummy behaviour - If he forgot how I am, I am seriously sad... not really.


Lynn is at the top of my list. Too emotional, too quick to join on my wagon and agree with everything against me...


[v]Allanalynn[/v] (spell that right?)


Are you effing kidding me???


WTF are you doing claiming in this spot??!?!?!?



We don't have to clear it up by lynching one of them, though. Like seriously. We just had a cop claim.


which is awesome   if he lives   which is awesome if the one he views isnt a gf.


theres always the option that we may not lynch one of them   it depends on the conversation



Double roles???


Im not sure ive heard of this before Dice....






<3 <3 <3





Been reading up since the game started, but I slacked off a day ago. In skimming, I see a looooot of claims. I like Turins, I feel he had good reasoning for outing, and I get Tsuki if he really is going to be absent for a while.


Hallia <3 <3 <3


I saw he had been posting in the thread at that same time. He did change his name after a short time. I think he knew it was him. Not sure if he will say he made sure I knew it was him or not.


Look at his first posts of the game and then I just said Hi Zander.  He changed after that. 


Yes I know Im me.


I dont understand.


Why hint? I knew what I was. If by some chance I still get lynched I will flip EXACTLY as I stated. 


You didn't CONSIDER the possibility of us being V/V. If you don't know you should be asking people. There is a reason for the role to NOT be confirmed but to have to work towards trust. I was completely honest with you from the start of the game. You came in with a false name. You didn't make any effort in QT to look into me. I tried to give you benefit of doubt and hope you would come along. you went right into nudging me ITT. If we could have shown we were both town to each other there then we would have been in better shape as town. You basically deciding I was mafia from the start and in effect casing me in thread while avoiding me in QT led me to believe that you are in fact mafia. 


About Dice. Do you deny that I told you I thought he was mafia before you did in QT. I will have to check but I don't think you had sussed him in thread yet either.  So keep working at that. Especially since I had questioned Dice before you were even in thread or QT.


Keep fighting. I know you won't quit in either alignment. 


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