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New Talents Who does what?


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Well the easiest one i can think of since im rereading the series and still in book 1 is the Wolfbrothers. Which is a rediscovered talent. I think we all pretty much knows who does it... *cough* perrin, elyas. *cough*. I know its a rediscovered comment because of what the wolves say. On page 341 tEotW "THey say it's been a long time since they hunted with men, and when they say a long time, the feeling i get is like a cold wind howling all the way down from teh First Day." So that talent has been rediscovered.

Guest Fire Lord

Hmm, a bit off topic but still about Talents, does Rand have any? I mean, with him being the Dragon Reborn and all, you'd think he'd have something special (more useful than blocking gateways, if that can be considered a Talent) going on for him, not that I've seen it.


:lol: Or perhaps being the Dragon Reborn is a Talent in itself... :lol:




In one of the later books, I cant recall which. Anyways, Rand sends some crazy stuff out of his fingers. The only way I can describe it is by saying that its kind of like what Cyclops can do with his eyes.


He also turns the gateways into a weapon by opening and closing them rapidly.


LTT had a name for both of these talents because I can remember logain asking Rand what he was doing and he replys with something.


Rand has several talents afaik. He made it rain in that bowl-meeting-place-thingy in the Aiel waste, so he got a talent with handling weather. He stops a gateway from closing, which I think was also a talent, and in Rhiedean he pulls up water from waay deep, so I think that means he has a talent with earth. There are more examples, but some may also be 'skill' or something.

Guest Fire Lord

I see what you mean, but I meant something along a more particular line? Something more pertinent to why he is who he is and why he is here?


:shock: Come to think on it, I'm not sure as to what I really have in mind, nor how to put it down :shock:

LTT had a name for both of these talents because I can remember logain asking Rand what he was doing and he replys with something.


fire blossoms and deathgates, and they were used in KoD during the trolloc attack


Seems to me that Mats luck might be classed as a talent. He is just irked because it controls him rather than the other way around


Who else great or small hasn't been mentioned yet?


A talent and a weave are different you may want to classify which you are talking about before you continue. Blossoms of Fire and Deathgates are weaves.


Keeping the gateway open really is a talent I dont remember what it was called though.


I dont think weather is considered a talent but it might be.


Hurin I think, the sniffer. He's not a wolf brother just has a damn good nose.


Rand and Avi can replicate weaves from the residue they leave even if they don't see the weaves performed. This is also how Rand can open gateways to the exact place other forsaken have made them.


Mat actually has several odd things going for him. Blowing the Horn of Valere only linked it to him however it didn't imbue him with any other traits. First Mat has a deep connection to the old blood which results in him possessing some memories from his own past lives. These are ontop of the memories that the elfinn placed inside him.


Second as he puts it he has the Dark ones own luck; Mat always mentions that he has always been lucky, but much like how Perrin and Rand's abilities has matured in the series so has Mat's luck. In my opinion Mat's luck became enhanced after his experience with the knife and after the Aes Sedai cured him of the connection to the knife as he was cursing them out. What exactly caused the change in his luck is unknown but it definitely occured after he was cured. But being able to fix random events would definitely qualify as a talent imo.


Lastly he has the dice which also occur after he was cured. These let him know when he is coming to fateful moments in his destiny/life.


I'm surprised no one mentioned Min :shock:


There were a few wierd moments when Rand looks back in time in WH and tGH. I think both times were connected with Fain so it might be related to that.


There's also Dreaming and Foretelling.

We know Egwene's a dreamer and a whole lot of Aiel as well...

Nicola can foretell, Elaida can too :? ...

I'm thinking we know of someone else, but i can't think of it right now...


Nynaeve discovered how to heal being gentled/stilled.. several people now know this

I believe that this is just a weave rather than a talent - Healing' date=' however is a Talent of Nynaeve's.

There's also Dreaming and Foretelling.

We know Egwene's a dreamer and a whole lot of Aiel as well...

Nicola can foretell, Elaida can too :? ...

I'm thinking we know of someone else, but i can't think of it right now...


Gitara Moroso had the Foretelling. Also, Nicola can see ta'veren, and so can Logain and Siuan.


Just a note, Elayne can make Ter'angreal but hasn't figured out how to make angreal yet. Avi can tell the use of Ter'angreal. ;) Oh yeah, and the stuff that Rand sends out with his fingers are Arrows of Fire, not Blossoms of Fire. The blossoms are in a fixed position until they explode, the arrows shoot out of his fingers. Let's see.... other Talents.


Nynaeve, can sense "storms" of people

Min, can "read the pattern"

Avi, can read residues


As for what's been rediscovered:

-Nynaeve, balefire (kinda)

-Egwene, skimming/traveling/making cuendillar

-Nynaeve/Elayne, all the stuff they learned from Moghedien... not really rediscovering persay....


That's all I've got right now.


Can't Elaida also see tav'eren?

I think she commented on Rand being ta'veren when she first saw him in the royal palace in Andor... It might have been something else, though.


She had a foretelling of him standing at the heart of all the turmoil and strife but that's it. She may have suspected something like taveren from the fact that he claimed to be a farmer with a heron marked sword who accidentally fell into the royal garden right next to the daughter heir and her brother and then brought on the previously mentioned foretelling, but I don't remember her claiming to be able to see taveren anywhere.

Nynaeve discovered how to heal being gentled/stilled.. several people now know this

I believe that this is just a weave rather than a talent - Healing' date=' however is a Talent of Nynaeve's.

There's also Dreaming and Foretelling.

We know Egwene's a dreamer and a whole lot of Aiel as well...

Nicola can foretell, Elaida can too :? ...

I'm thinking we know of someone else, but i can't think of it right now...


Gitara Moroso had the Foretelling. Also, Nicola can see ta'veren, and so can Logain and Siuan.


Logain and Siuan can see the ta´veren too? Sice when? :shock:


We found out that Siuan can see Ta'veren in The Great Hunt when she talks to Moraine and mentions that Rand was so greatly Ta'veren he frightened her. We know Logain can see Ta'veren from one of the middle books(Somewhere btwn SR and LoC). He saw Rand in Caemlyn and knew that he(Rand) would do more damage t the world than he(Logain) had done. I cant remember who he was talking to at te time. Probably Siuan/Leane/Min.


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