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*steals a M-G Brew*


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Maybe if someone gave me a M-G Brew or 100 (so I don't have to deplete my stash from my time in charge), I might stick around a bit more.


And which fool gave Horn the keys to the Band? 

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Blame Brid on principle. Plus it's probably actually her fault. Although calling her a fool is pretty brave... or stupid! I may have a few Brews of the MG type .... *shifty* what's it worth?


Hi Corki!  I found an old key squirreled away in a desk (not saying where or whose) and found that it fits an old storeroom full and I mean FULL of M-G Brew.  Hang on and I'll go get a few!  :biggrin:


*tacklehugs Tay and waves at Corki*



I have no MG brew in my special stash.... i can give you a glass of milk if you want :biggrin:


So you staying Corki?! You better or I'll tie you down!





Lanth for spilling Band Brew you are hereby sentenced:  for the next 7 posts you must drink 5 MG brews without spilling any and compare it favorably to something you really like.


why does Lanth have the nicest spotfines ?




Corki!!! - Good to see you here, don't supposed you could get me one of those MG Brews..


*waves at Lanth* long time now see..all there people popping in, It's like an old thread, lol


Yes, why does he get such an easy, nice spotty?  Hmmm?   Where is Zander......



Blame Brid on principle. Plus it's probably actually her fault. Although calling her a fool is pretty brave... or stupid! I may have a few Brews of the MG type .... *shifty* what's it worth?

Yup, what she says.....  Hiya Corki!


Father: One day, lad, all this will be yours.
His son: What, the curtains?




My name is Brid and I LOVE MONTY PYTHON.......






as much as I love Zander right now.


Yes, why does he get such an easy, nice spotty?  Hmmm?   Where is Zander......



Blame Brid on principle. Plus it's probably actually her fault. Although calling her a fool is pretty brave... or stupid! I may have a few Brews of the MG type .... *shifty* what's it worth?

Yup, what she says.....  Hiya Corki!


Father: One day, lad, all this will be yours.

His son: What, the curtains?




My name is Brid and I LOVE MONTY PYTHON.......






as much as I love Zander right now.


see Brid loves me!!!!


Dicey... how exactly do you intend to impose a spotty on someone who isn't even a Band member? :rolleyes: I mean, I know he's crazy enough to do it just for the hell of it but you can't actually make him.


Zan, if you gave Brid that as a spotty then I totally exalt you. She must be hating you right about now lol.


*tacklehuggles Chae* :wink: Slight delay, busy with work, flying visit.


*slips Tal some MG Brew*


I do hate him right now and I can't believe you exalted him!

Oh the humanity!! The betrayal!!

Was that dramatic enough?




Pontius Pilate: 'I will not have my fwends widiculed by the common soldiewy.
Anybody else feel like a little... giggle... when I mention my fwiend...
[A guard sniggers]
Pontius Pilate: '...Dickus?'
[More sniggering]
Pontius Pilate: 'What about you? Do you find it... wisible... when I say the
name... Biggus...'
Pontius Pilate: '...Dickus?'
[both guards snigger]
Pontius Pilate: 'He has a wife, you know. You know what she's called? She's
called... Incontinentia... Incontinentia Buttocks.'




My name is Brid and I LOVE MONTY PYTHON




as much as I hate thinking of getting revenge on Zander


It really is a shame, because the more fun the Spotfine is, the more likely I am to do it. :tongue:


I mean really, what is so bad about drinking MG Brew? Feels like I'm being rewarded for spilling brew! Back in Dice's day, this would never have happened! Mostly because prehistory prevents us from knowing if MG Brews existed back then!


And because MG Brew isn't Dice's to give out willy nilly! Especially as a punishment of all things! This is the Band's most prestigious Brew! Protect the b®anding! Protect the patent!


Save the Brew Diceypoo! You can do it! 


Dicey... how exactly do you intend to impose a spotty on someone who isn't even a Band member? :rolleyes: I mean, I know he's crazy enough to do it just for the hell of it but you can't actually make him.


Zan, if you gave Brid that as a spotty then I totally exalt you. She must be hating you right about now lol.


*tacklehuggles Chae* :wink: Slight delay, busy with work, flying visit.


*slips Tal some MG Brew*


He is a Bander. I got give a rats what boards he can see he IS a Bander now and Forever.



Lanth....Do you REALLY think I dont have my own stash of MG Brews by now?  Im disappointed in you.


Dicey... how exactly do you intend to impose a spotty on someone who isn't even a Band member? :rolleyes: I mean, I know he's crazy enough to do it just for the hell of it but you can't actually make him.


Zan, if you gave Brid that as a spotty then I totally exalt you. She must be hating you right about now lol.


*tacklehuggles Chae* :wink: Slight delay, busy with work, flying visit.


*slips Tal some MG Brew*


*takes a bow*


I do understand that Brid will seek revenge....


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