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9 - 5 Mafia - Day 3 - GAME OVER! MAFIA WINS!


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Him coming in and saying literally things kind of makes me want to vote him less, not kidding

i smell what you are cooking




So no reason why I should not vote you. Just a mild attempt to wifom/discredit my read.


Happy with my vote


Actually I was more thinking it was part of your meta. 



Is anybody else noticing the apparent change in seph?


He has had a mentor all along, but since coming back in BFG's role he seems a lot more focused and straight to the point. It could be natural development, but it's like he has an agenda or something....



still not getting town vibes out of sooh.


peoples thoughts on sooh?

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i agree dice.  been trying to speed read to catch up before doing a full reread but she seems to be shadowing darthe alot (who i have on my maf lean) and thoigh shes making some reads seems to be asking more questions then making reads.  seems odd to me. will try to elaborate shortly.

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I thought his general FIGHT FIGHT attitude and flagrant enemy making early d1 were >> villager signs but if he does that as a wolf too then IUNNO


See: my general opinion on ranges and etc. - I've been doing this long enough to know what I do well and what I do not

Yeah I get that. I kinda want to go Zander today because I don't want to be wrong and am aware that I get biased over time but *shrug*

Biased? No way!!! You admitted to being a jerk because something interfered with your ability to read someone in a game.


Can I say that those 3 examples were kinda extremes. The town game I replaced in as the lie detector from someone that was in the fire. It was required yo immediately and blatantly wave the town flag and get people organized.


The tp game was your myor game. I was cult jester bomb I.believe. trying.like the Dickens to get lynched and have Tommy/Despo hammer me. (Did it too) btw you still owe Ithi her wishes.


The mafia game I don't even remember which is weird cause I usually remembervrven my bad mafia games. I guess was a BT theme game. Probably from my "have no time" period.


Sorry, actually fell asleep when I started this last night. It may be disjointed.

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Sooh? She is copying Me a ton and not getting the heat for it that I get

Stop whinging Darthe. "She did it too"



You upset she has similar reads to you but she isn't be questioned on them? Logically if she should be getting heat for those reads then you getting heat for same reads is also justified.

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Sooh? She is copying Me a ton and not getting the heat for it that I get

Stop whinging Darthe. "She did it too"



You upset she has similar reads to you but she isn't be questioned on them? Logically if she should be getting heat for those reads then you getting heat for same reads is also justified.

Logically if you have fault with one and not the other it's not the argument that you hand issue with.


Try again

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Is anybody else noticing the apparent change in seph?


He has had a mentor all along, but since coming back in BFG's role he seems a lot more focused and straight to the point. It could be natural development, but it's like he has an agenda or something....

Does his focus seem to have a scummy agenda to you?


Might just be because he has more solid reads than he did before. I can't point at anything in particular to be scummy as of yet. 

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(he's talking about me)

i agree dice.  been trying to speed read to catch up before doing a full reread but she seems to be shadowing darthe alot (who i have on my maf lean) and thoigh shes making some reads seems to be asking more questions then making reads.  seems odd to me. will try to elaborate shortly.


So your shadowing other people is not scummy but my shadowing is?


You know you followed my reasoning onto Ley's mislynch, right? 

And now you're following Dice.


















This is where im leaning now.  will have to try to do a full re read hopefully before EoN.


This is your last read list... I'm wondering when I started to look scummy to you. 

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Sooh? She is copying Me a ton and not getting the heat for it that I get

Stop whinging Darthe. "She did it too"



You upset she has similar reads to you but she isn't be questioned on them? Logically if she should be getting heat for those reads then you getting heat for same reads is also justified.

Logically if you have fault with one and not the other it's not the argument that you hand issue with.


Try again

no. It is you whinging about it.


Plus Sooh has been overall more town than you. So for her it is an item of note, for you it is another ting on the pile.


Driving again. Love this job :rolleyes:

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(he's talking about me)

i agree dice.  been trying to speed read to catch up before doing a full reread but she seems to be shadowing darthe alot (who i have on my maf lean) and thoigh shes making some reads seems to be asking more questions then making reads.  seems odd to me. will try to elaborate shortly.


So your shadowing other people is not scummy but my shadowing is?


You know you followed my reasoning onto Ley's mislynch, right? 

And now you're following Dice.


















This is where im leaning now.  will have to try to do a full re read hopefully before EoN.


This is your last read list... I'm wondering when I started to look scummy to you. 


when i started to look back.


Believe Manbat was who you were talking to.




Prolly gonna pay most attention to this group when rereading

Since 2 out of 5 have turned up Town, are you more or less sure about the other 3?"



You had Turin in your null pile to this point, you haven't liked Tina or is unsure of her, the same for me. Since none of us 3 are in your town pile why question this? Doesn't sit right with me.



In fact this is your next post


"I have mostly a not so good gut feeling about Turin and Tina and partially Zander as of right now."



Why ask that him that?


And me shadowing ive had darthe in maf lean since the start.  i had clov as my strongest town early (and was right) and i think at the point my read list came out was the only or one of the few that had a maf lean on cory as well.


ive asked a few questions but ive been formulating my own reads all along.

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and as far as following your read on ley its cause you brought up a past game experience i wasnt privy to.  and i think i made my opinion pretty clear on that.  you just posted additional info that wasnt available from this game to me.

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Zander - I asked for clarification on his reads, not so I could subscribe to them, but so I could get another read on him for his response. I already had my opinion. 

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Sooh? She is copying Me a ton and not getting the heat for it that I get

Stop whinging Darthe. "She did it too"



You upset she has similar reads to you but she isn't be questioned on them? Logically if she should be getting heat for those reads then you getting heat for same reads is also justified.

Logically if you have fault with one and not the other it's not the argument that you hand issue with.


Try again

no. It is you whinging about it.


Plus Sooh has been overall more town than you. So for her it is an item of note, for you it is another ting on the pile.


Driving again. Love this job :rolleyes:

Now I'm whining by pointing out basic facts.

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My list hasn't changed that much as of late.

Would like to get your opinions manbat


Dice is definitely town

tina-slight town after tress did a I so she is looking alot better to us. Although the bit during the night phase about the "slip" on seph 1.0 was not cool.



sooh- however I seem to be more and more suspicious of her.


Turin- I have him between these two. I wont have a chance to Do a iso until tomorrow when my computer is back. ( I feelbetween him and darthe , there could be a wolf there)



manbat - i really want to lean town here, just wish I saw you more.

yates- tress has told me not to trust him. He has fooled her before. He seems like a strong player to me.( I have trouble with him.)


Cory- idk... I only had interaction with him darthe, and sooh yesterday. I feel a little better with him since then and have moved him from mafia to here for now. I will always be wary of you cory.

but would like your opinion manbat.


Darthe- when him an turin are on, things always escalate. They are always going at one another



zander, I have a feeling here still.Still has my vote as of now. Would like ton hear more since he missed yesterday.


(Darthe/turin) one or the other. I honestly am having trouble here.


My reads are pretty much the same as yesterday. (Would like to see others lists)


darthe. When tress came back she explained in detail, how she goes about making a reads list, as well as doing a few Iso's for me. I was shot though before I had a chance to do much :(

Yes I am town, if you are asking my views before on seph 1.0 I had bfg as null.

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I thought that I would get some mafia time today to re-read more but I won´t. I´ll have to do as much as I can. 




Cory is dice town This game? I suck at reading the new him


im not cory but i am town




Official Vote Count


Darthe (4/7) - Turin, Ley, Tina


Ley (7/7) - Cory, Sooh, Seph, Dice, Clov, Darthe, Zander


Seph (1/7) - Manbat


Not Voting: Yates, BFG


With 13 alive, it takes 7 to lynch. 


That's a lynch! Scene incoming!



Thought I should give my thoughts on this as well. Ley was town, I´m town and I think Turin is as well. There was noone who was willing to move to Darthe from Ley. Because he is mafia and mafia were on Ley? We know Clov and Seph were town. 



This could be worth looking into.  I know these three blues are town. 2 flipped that way and i cant be wrong on the third one lol


im leaning towards zander here  am not at all sure on sooh am pretty sure cory is town and still think darthe may be town. not one hunndredd percent sold tho





I should re-read Darthe but I´m not sure that I´ve got the time. I had him as mafia on D1 and looking at that VC makes me think he might be mafia. Noone was willing to move to Darthe. Still got Zander as mafia. Not sure about Sooh or Cory. Yates and BFG didn´t vote. I think Seph 2.0 looks good. I´m getting better feelings about you too. No idea about Manbat. I´m just frustrated that he can´t post something short and concrete. 


say hi to Freja for me tina!



Cory i think has been pretty obvious all game.


Darthe boils down to I think he's too obvious to be mafia. As mafia darthe can be subtle and downright sly. As town he says weird stuff and gets lots of heat. Im nbot TOTALLY discounting him as mafia but i dont think its  likely


I will. :)


I don´t like the too obvious argument. 


Tina's eyes only:




If I die and flip cop that's my view


If I don't I still think he's a villager based on a skim, but he's just someone I read on a very personal level so I can't really give you more than that. Remember WITD where I was absurdly confident he was a villager? One of those "just take Cory's word for it" kind of things. There are things he just doesn't do as a wolf or forgets to do that are major components of his villager game. Make sense?





This tells me nothing. I hope mafia kills you if you are town so that I can believe in your reads. :D I´m only partly joking. As town, your reads are great. I just don´t know if you are town or not in this game. I´m more suspicious of others right now so I´m leaving you for now. 




Oh nm misread
Clov's reads LDO

No I screwed up.

"I'm having a problem finding CLOV's reads. AFAICT, they look like this:"

I blame Sooh.




I make one mistake and you come at me for forever... oh wait.. that was a Darthe-quote.... :wink:



I really need to go back and read, and will do that over the next couple of hours, but there are a couple of things I'm curious about.


1. I'm still unsure about Tina and her alignment. I really can't read her that well yet. I've been rereading my two games with her, and I see a pretty similar posting pattern there as here. I'm really going to have to rely on other people's meta here unless I can find something really glaring in her posts.


2. I don't like that Cory and Clov are not on the same page here, and that means I have to figure out which one to trust more. Good that several have mentioned looking at them more as we go along. As of right now I don't know who I'm more willing to believe, and that's no good for me. 


3. I'm inclined so far to think that Darthe is Town this game, because he keeps pointing out things I have been noticing too. 


4. Monstr seems town enough for now.


5. Zander and seph... honestly I don't know what to believe, but there might be mafia there in one or both. 


I really hope morning will come with better answers. 


I have been reading Sooh´s post. Most posts look okay but I´m a bit unsure. 


Sooh: What kind of things does you agree with Darthe on? What have Monstr done to make you consider him town? 


He has pointed out a whole lot of things to me that I probably wouldn't have noticed other wise. What I was thinking about more specifically was that we both found you suspicious. Darthe seems to have moved away from that a bit now... I haven't necessarily done the same, but I'll gladly admit that I have no idea how to read you. I'll learn eventually.


If you want more specifics I can go back and collect them.



Okay. So you have Darthe and Manbat town since they have/had me as mafia?







They seem like shots at someone people are just dying to clear at that moment they happen... 


I thought that plus that they weren't necessarily great kinda suggested newer player, but I could be wrong on that.

They suggest someone newer or without much forethought and they are good "surface level" shots to clear out people we don't know much about.  They aren't meant to really hunt mafia is the issue. 


Yeah.. agreed.







Who is wolf #3 Derff

fffffffuuu I dunno.  Tinfoil says you if Turin is town but if you don't get copviewed by tonight I'm going to send this games cop a piece of mail with glitter in it so that's not worth considering.  


It's really hard to say with wolf three.  Gun to my head I'd take a stab at BFG or Dice right now.  I dunno which.



you need to fix ure reads there darthe. Im town and I have a theory on seph 2.0. Am leaning Town on him.



im gonna


vote sooh


Yeah I really don't know where that third wolf is.  Sooh honestly makes better sense than you or BFG because I have a solid read on BFG and trust cory's read of you.  


Why are you going with door number three over Zander or ____ secondary read?



Soohs first post at Daybreak pinged me. She hasnt improved that any since. Was already iffy on her from yesterday as well.


You've literally been iffy on me in every game we've played so far :tongue: and in at least two of them you were scum.



I agree with Dice that this isn´t a good argument. 


sorry rl running a bit crazy. trying to get caught up. will be back to normal tomorrow.


Pops in once mentioned.


New seph is also probably a villager

I'm with turin as far as not ready to vote zander quite yet goeS.

zander I demand you get in here and say things!



What are you with Turin on? He thinks Darthe and Zander are mafia. 

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Okay. So you have Darthe and Manbat town since they have/had me as mafia?

No, they aren't town because they think you're scum. I have them as town because they haven't made any comments to suggest otherwise. 




I agree with Dice that this isn´t a good argument. 


It was never meant to be a good argument. Just an observation. 

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I´ll re-read as much as I can. For now I will consider Seph 2.0 as town. I think he has done some good posts today. I had Turin as town yesterday and will continue with that read. I´ll let Cory be for now. Dice looks townier. 


Left is Zander, Darthe, Sooh, Yates and Manbat. 



I re-read Sooh´s posts and didn´t get any good read on her. She posts some posts that I agree with, then she posts some fluff, and it looks like she is trying to be here yet not saying much but then she says something good... Didn´t like her response to Dice´s vote but she had another post that I thought was townie. Not sure. Let´s say that I remove her for now.


That leaves Zander, Darthe, Yates and Manbat.


Cory says Manbat is town. If Cory dies and turns up town then I will trust that read. Not before. But for eliminations sake, remove him too.


Left is Zander, Darthe and Yates. 


I have nothing on Yates so far, not good or bad. I don´t remember much of what he has said.



The only thing that makes me hesitate to vote Zander right now is that he seems to be a very popular choice right now. But I think I should trust my own read. 


So, this post probably didn´t say much but it´s the ground for my very short re-read.

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Tina I am town, like for reals reals

I will probably be resolved long before you need to really think about it, but just for your knowledge


Okay. :)





Okay. So you have Darthe and Manbat town since they have/had me as mafia?

No, they aren't town because they think you're scum. I have them as town because they haven't made any comments to suggest otherwise. 




I agree with Dice that this isn´t a good argument. 


It was never meant to be a good argument. Just an observation. 



You don´t think D1 Darthe was suspicious?

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Tina I am town, like for reals reals

I will probably be resolved long before you need to really think about it, but just for your knowledge


Okay. :)





Okay. So you have Darthe and Manbat town since they have/had me as mafia?

No, they aren't town because they think you're scum. I have them as town because they haven't made any comments to suggest otherwise. 




I agree with Dice that this isn´t a good argument. 


It was never meant to be a good argument. Just an observation. 



You don´t think D1 Darthe was suspicious?


He was confrontational, definitely. It has not been my view when I have read his posts. I'll go back and ISO on him, but as I recall last time I did I didn't find much suspicious. I haven't ISOed him since it was night though, so to really be sure I need to redo it.

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I will also try to ISO him now.


If you have time can you post why you have turin town?


It was the argument between him and Darthe. I thought Turin was the winner in that argument. Then he pointed out some good things about Zander that I agreed with. 

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