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[Game Over] Cliche Mafia - The Death of Meta - Sooh Wins!

Ithillian Turambar

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Okay, are you seriously assuming that all mafia were on this lynch?

LOL - no. But it is as close to a guarantee as you can get that there is at least one mafia on a Day 1 mislynch. Typically there's more than 1 but at least 1. And since Verb was NKed and flipped Town, this is a smaller pool to pick your lynch target from.


I would expect at least two... and you have to if you want this to be profitable because of the 25% rule.  Let's cross reference it with scummy people who also have a low post count shall we?


Let's cross reference it with scummy people who also have a low post count shall we?

RTEShadar, Turin, Panchi, Leyrann, Darthe, SoohBFG


The bold were on the mislynch AND in the low poster threshold.  How silly does my BFG pressure look NOW!  


Cass - 9 (RTE, Shadar, Turin, Panchi, Leyrann, Darthe, Sooh, BFGVerbal )


Any doubts that one of the four highlighted is mafia?  I don't.  



Let's cross reference it with scummy people who also have a low post count shall we?

RTEShadar, Turin, Panchi, Leyrann, Darthe, SoohBFG


The bold were on the mislynch AND in the low poster threshold.  How silly does my BFG pressure look NOW!  


Still dubious.  I'd think BFG least scummy among them and didn't include Shadar because 50+ posts in his first game, all earnest, looks like a solid townie effort to me.  


Oh I wish I was an Oscer Mayer Viggy, that is what I'd truly like to be-e-e.  For if I was the town vigilante, everyone would be in love with me.


Why do I never rand vig?


I could go back to voting Panchi. It would tell me something about both Sooh and BFG, imo.


RTE and Sooh are pretty much random with low to no info.


RTE shouldn't be with how many posts he has.  I've got him as slightly scummier for that fact.  Tress is where I kinda wanna go atm cause Tina could just be inattentive but the inactivity and contentless posting are killing the ability to effectively hunt in this game.  


Yeah well. Tress and Tina aren't in my Day 2 lynch pool. We can revisit either/both tomorrow, imo.


Also the more he talks the stranger Turin looks.  It's WIFOM all about.

Why do you think I tracked him?

I apologize, Darthe, you appear to be right about Hallia being mafia.

Are you caught up in the thread?


I apologize, Darthe, you appear to be right about Hallia being mafia.

Are you caught up in the thread?




Two words.


I am.


Long story short, BFG, if you aren't lynching from this pool?


Cass - 9 (RTE, Shadar, Turin, Panchi, Leyrann, Darthe, Sooh, BFG, Verbal )

You're doing it wrong. Especially if you check your role PM and find something that says something about your alignment being Town.

And yet you were stating intent to vote hallia who is ... Wait for it... NOT ON THAT TRAIN. OMG. :smile:


Tress, you saw hallia claim doc correct?



Long story short, BFG, if you aren't lynching from this pool?

Cass - 9 (RTE, Shadar, Turin, Panchi, Leyrann, Darthe, Sooh, BFG, Verbal )

You're doing it wrong. Especially if you check your role PM and find something that says something about your alignment being Town.

And yet you were stating intent to vote hallia who is ... Wait for it... NOT ON THAT TRAIN. OMG. :smile:


Tress, you saw hallia claim doc correct?



Two words.


I did.


And yet you were stating intent to vote hallia who is ... Wait for it... NOT ON THAT TRAIN. OMG.




There's a big difference between threatening to vote for someone and voting them. This is a dumb conversation at this point in time given new information but seriously, dude.



Also the more he talks the stranger Turin looks. It's WIFOM all about.

Why do you think I tracked him?

I don't believe you did as town. I could see you tracking me as mafia since I said I was gonna shoot darthe.


I think you just faking all together tho.


I think you just faking all together tho.

That is highly probably given my cliche. Only my tentacle of truthiness knows for sure.

Turin - why aren't you voting Hally already? You are clearly here. You clearly saw the counter claim since you quoted it. What's up?


I'm cool with this.  Tress dies or Hally dies.  Basic game so there won't be an RB, thus Tress can self protect if she is doc and that'll last for the game.  I also confirmed myself and will now claim Ley as an IC in the process.


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