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[Advanced] Once Upon a Time Mafia- Game Over, Town Wins!!!


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Thanks for the info Talmanes, you're trying to clear BFG. Defense noted. As for the probability of me replacing and being town a third time... math is in my favor. 3/4 of the players are town, so it's more likely that i replace town than scum. I shall not be amused if NK'd or lynched and i flip town, again.... However, your loss fellow townies. I'm trying to get the scum, you're being distracted to go after me.


That said, sleep well and wake.

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Guys just had a thought and will get it out now in case I don't make it tomorrow.


We saw a "counter" to the LD on the mafia team. I think they also have a godfather. We will need people double cleared. One person is lying and I won't be able to tell but I suspect Turin will. Bear this in mind.


Gonna keep this short and sweet.


Glad that we lynched scum that time around. 1 down.


TG should be getting shot in the face tonight. Vigging him will be better than lynching - it's instant and possibly nets us another scum.


Once they are out of the way things start to get tricky. BFG/Thane3 is where I think most of my focus goes now. I'm also bothered by Hallia's lack of a vote during EOD but she could just be busy for the weekend.


I like Tal's argument about the cop claim. I'm starting to come around on it a bit - most of the roles we've seen all fit with a LD. Having two full investigative roles for town plus a Vig, RBer AND doc seems like too much. ST on the mafia team makes sense. I'm also thinking they have some sort of active role to compliment the RB on town's side. Role Cop maybe?? Ithi did kind of hinted at a PR d1 when she said she 'wouldn't be getting lynched today' so it's possible she was checked N1 and then NK'd N2.


That's all I've really got for now. We will what happens at phase change.


Happy Mothers Day!


Forgot to mention - RTE claiming Harry over who I suspect Turin's character is goes in line with his commentary about how he knew what Turin was up to when he asked for specifically formatted lists. Being familiar with the show would tell him who not to claim so to speak.


Forgot to mention - RTE claiming Harry over who I suspect Turin's character is goes in line with his commentary about how he knew what Turin was up to when he asked for specifically formatted lists. Being familiar with the show would tell him who not to claim so to speak.

Only suspect?? He claimed character, man. Pay attention *swats on the back of the head*


Never mind me AJ, if i could prove to you that i'm town, i would. Maybe someone will prove it this night even. We will find out, after the break.... umm, i mean, night.


Tsuki, does swatting on the back of the head hurt? i might try the same thing..


Seeing as how Nikon was the Silvertongue but never claimed a character I am wondering if the mafia did not get safe claims. That makes TG and BFG being reticent as to their names more suspicious to me. I would think that Nikon would have used the best one available to keep himself hidden since it would ring true when tested. 


So starting with those two when day starts. I don't think I have gotten lists from either and they have both been missing for some time. (although explained beforehand as to why)


That's a pretty good point, Turin, though it does seem strange to not get a safe claim in a game where claiming is allowed


well done people. Going through the thread nearly made me think there wasn't going to be a lynch. 


I see BFG is STILL going after me. Still think that she and TG are both scum. If there's a 4th one, he/she will be harder to find. We'll have to verify the claims.


Furthermore, @AJ and everybody else questioning my allignment.... Thane is Vanilla Town. Verify that, cop view me, for real. I'm town.


@AJ, i have said BFG and TG were both scum for me for quite some time. That's why i would be happy to see either lynched too.


Nice misrep. I said I was still deciding if I thought you were mafia or not, so hardly going at you.


I also said I was still waiting for an actual case other than 'trol lol lol'.


Why do the 2 most inactive players seem the most scummy to you? You repeatedly say it but I'm not sure what your logic behind it is.


Dawn sees it.



dawnflower8: claimed town??, LD tested true - NOT MAFIA

2. Nikon: Rumple..., MAFIA Silvertongue lynched D3

3. dicetosser1 Grumpy, town vanilla killed Night 1

4. Chae Prince Charming, town vanilla killed Night 1

5. Tina Ithillian Thane 2 Blue Fairy, town roleblocker killed Night 2

6. Thane Granny, town vanilla lynched Day 2

7. RTE: claimed Henry, Cop

8. TGlems: absent

9. IceTurin: Claimed Emma Swan, LD

10. AJ: Claimed Jiminy Cricket, Doc, LD tested true- TOWN

11. Basel Cinderella, town vanilla lynched Day 1

12. edThane3: Claimed Red riding Hood, VT

13. Hallia: Claimed Snow White, VT??? cop viewed Town

14. Talmanes: Claimed Pinochio, Town Miller/Rubbertongue

15. BFG: ???

16. Tsukibana: Claimed Huntsman, Odd night Vig


Dawn, look at this little list. For one, the only two not having claimed at all are TG and BFG. I doubt they will do so now that there is a change for Lie Detection on them. RTE claimed cop, is clearing people as town, works for me.Turin works as LD, also clearing townies, works for me too. I see two more suspects as for now being a 3rd mafia left, being Talmanes and Tsuki. I am town, and would love if someone would verify that. Tsuki's gameplay gives me a good solid townread.


So, as i said before, scum is TG, BFG and possible Talmanes, if there are 4 scum


Already claimed town. Nice to get confirmation that you're not reading my posts though :dry:


Left in the list because there's an interesting omission there...




ok my tablet just crashed and took my first response to Thane with it, which is probably just as well.


Tldr Thane I have an hour or two online each night. So yes I have a low postcount. Knowing this I make an effort that my thoughts, questions and cases are on thread. For you to apparently look at the postcount and evidently dismiss the actual content of my posts frankly upsets me. I'm having to assume that this is what you're doing because when I ask you for a case all you've come back with is 'lurking trol lol lol'.


As I said this is what you were saying as town in your previous lives, so I'm unsure as to what this means for your current alignment, whether you're still Town and believe this is a valid method of mafia hunting or mafia trying to use your previous credit to try to pass as town this time by doggedly following your previous statements.


This ^ is apparently me 'getting at' Thane


BFG is Town.


This is Thane not reading my posts :dry: 


Guys just had a thought and will get it out now in case I don't make it tomorrow.


We saw a "counter" to the LD on the mafia team. I think they also have a godfather. We will need people double cleared. One person is lying and I won't be able to tell but I suspect Turin will. Bear this in mind.


Uh-huh, only just thinking there might be a GF? Also believing there's a LD in the game??????




I stayed up late all night for this, got sidetracked, now here we are quite late and finally get to post.


Let's try to get a scum today.


I'm the Cop. Hallia is town. I can't wait to see AJ's reaction now. Wish I could see a video of him eating his hat, or all the other things he said he would do if he's wrong.


I got my time messed up while on vacation and missed my view first night. Sorry. Was going to lie about that but what's the point? Hence my night being short post. Time zones and long days. Sorry.


Now, that list.


Dawn - Scum

TG - Scum

Nikon - Scum

Talmanes - Scum

BFG - Scum

Turin - Town

Hallia - Town

RTE - Town

AJ - Town

Tsuki - Town

Ed - Town


Bit of a random order. Other than Dawn and TG not sure for scum reads. The Hallia town view surprised me. She could be GF but.. Meh.  We can figure that out I guess. Right now...


Vote Dawn


This is your claim, you include the possibility of Hallia being a GF in it.


Turin's also pointed it out on thread, along with the possibility of a ST.


Seeing as how Nikon was the Silvertongue but never claimed a character I am wondering if the mafia did not get safe claims. That makes TG and BFG being reticent as to their names more suspicious to me. I would think that Nikon would have used the best one available to keep himself hidden since it would ring true when tested. 


So starting with those two when day starts. I don't think I have gotten lists from either and they have both been missing for some time. (although explained beforehand as to why)


Actually Nikon did claim a character, and he claimed it pretty early. I tend to side with Des about character claims. If it means anything I'm Dr Frankenstein, but if a game can be broken by character claims then it's a poor game and I don't think Time would design a game that could be broken so easily *shrug*



As posted by Time, TG will not be active untill later. The fact that he was absent before that announcement doesn't become him. Usually he's more active. TG and BFG hiding as scum, that's what i think.


We still have some time, so i'm waiting for Nikon and his explanation.

I'm more than happy to explain, I analysed each player's statements and formed an opinion of their allignment based off of the results. With the exception of day one I've voted for my most scummy views and, though I've been wrong so far, remain confidant that we can find the scum and win this. As for your questions on my activity levels I would have loved to posted more but I've been sidetracked with RL and a number of issues coming up at work which most of my time was devoted to.  I also have other responcibilities here on DM which I place above those of a game.  I have thought of asking to be subbed out but I did sign up knowing this game would take time to play and seeing how many others have taken that path I remain here until the end of the game or my death.


Since so many of you are revealing yourselves I might as well join the party by letting you know that I'm Baelfire, Vanilla Town.

If you believe me we can move on and continue hunting scum, if not hope you find the scum and can turn things around once I flip.



And remember what I said earlier about Thane's claims list?


He's aware of who Nikon claimed, but conveniently left it off his list.


Thank you, Nikon. Now, if the others would believe you too, then we'd nearly have scum nailed down.


Who are you voting for?

RTE is mafia

Thane is mafia

TG is mafia


BFG is Town

Talmanes is Town

AJ is Town

Turin is Town

Dawn is Town

Tsuki is Town

Hallia is Town


Turin was saying that as Nikon hadn't claimed that mafia weren't given fake claims. Nikon claimed relatively early, so they probably have.


Thane not including it as a fake claim seems like an omission to me, as is his leaving out my town claim (which would make me look bad if true).


I'm probably biased in this now though.


ISO on Thane 3.





So, i've had a little bit of time to think, and am becoming more and more suspicious of the not-so-active players in the field. I find their lack of input disturbing.


For now, i'm curious what will happen this nights, and we'll see from there on.


@ dawn: Ithi has her style and way to play, and unfortunately she's not around anymore seeing i replaced her. So, you'd have to go with me from now on. When i had my original part to play, Ithi didn't feel like discussing anything with me either.... I however, shall explain to my best extent what my thoughts are (like i usually do)


I grabbed this for later use. This is one of 2 posts that Thane 2 made on going after inactive.


Seeing there are no backups in the game, i kindly get asked to fill for those who asked to be replaced. So, i guess i'll play as long as people need to be replaced :tongue:


on a more serious note:


vote TG


him and BFG i see as scum, i still have to make up mu mind about the others.


So this is his first instance of calling me and TG mafia. No reason given as Thane 3.


Well, a good option would be to go after TG today, and have the vig go after BFG during the night.


I understand that Ithi/Thane2 went after Ed/Thane3 before, due to lurking in the shadows. Turns out Ed asked to be replaced, which explains his inactivity. Rest assured, Thane3 is still Thane2 is still Thane1, which is town.


Associating himself with his previous flips. So despite 'finding out' that Ed was inactive and 'town', still thinks inactive are mafia.


I think that Ithi/secondThane was going somewhere with the suspicions about the less active. Seeing she/i were going to go after scum, we got NK'ed. That's my theory. And that's why i'll be going for TG, BFG as suspects, and primary lynch candidates.


Associates Ithi (and thus her clout) with the inactive theory. Ithi never mentioned inactives, it was just Thane 2. Also interesting that they flip with a town PR yet he argues the reason he was killed was for 'going after the inactive'.


so... guys. Although i really dig what you both are doing here, i read two townies giving eachother hell.


Shouldn't we focus on the obvious scum and clean out the harder to find after?

AJ already pointed out the change in read, not explained by anything he's said on thread.



AJ, i've been following your little interaction a bit. Tsuki feels a bit better from my point of view, and you both seem in quite a discussion. Now, if you're trying to convince eachother, good. But why not go after the most likely scumreads, and fight it out later. We need to get scum lynched, asap, if town wants to have a chance.


Tries to explain it here. Given I think Tsuki likely Town, I suspect budding, if AJ's right and they have a role cop could be they viewed Tsuki and want to avoid a vig shot.


Not sure on this.


and, well... those two need to be lynched.

Still pushing us, without an actual case.



1. dawnflower8


2. Nikon SCUM

3. dicetosser1 Grumpy, town vanilla killed Night 1

4. Chae Prince Charming, town vanilla killed Night 1

5. Tina Ithillian Thane 2 Blue Fairy, town roleblocker killed Night 2

6. Thane Granny, town vanilla lynched Day 2

7. RTE- Claimed Henry and town cop

8. TGlems SCUM

9. IceTurin Town

10. AJ Town

11. Basel Cinderella, town vanilla lynched Day 1

12. edThane3.0 Town

13. Hallia- Claimed Snow White no role???- claimed viewed by RTE N2 (result Town)

14. Talmanes SCUM


16. Tsukibana TOWN


This is how i see the current lineup. I've been giving it lots of thoughts, and i'm certainly convinced that there's 4 scum in here. There are 2 scum hiding, being TG and BFG (ok, TG was busy, but still was not that active before) and Talmanes and Nikon come in occasionally to post and distract town.


Want to point this out. Thane doesn't actually have a valid reads list that Turin can check. This isn't formatted correctly and his previous reads list belongs to a different slot in the game and can't be used for this Thane. He later fixes his own claim, but the other reads can't be used.




ED/Thane3: i will go ahead and claim Little Red Riding Hood, town We have to get going to lynch scum people. If we mislynch again, scum will be happy.



RTE- Claimed Henry and town cop,  AJ Claimed Jiminy Cricket, Town ,  Hallia-

Claimed Snow White no role???- claimed viewed by RTE N2 (result Town)

at this point, i will go with the claims.  


dawnflower8 Town: the feeling i get from her posts are sometimes mixed, but more leaning town than scum. I am not convinced she should be lynched.

AJ Town + Tsukibana TOWN: they both give me the impression that they are fighting hard for town, even when they go after eachother. Most contructive players in the field.

IceTurin Leaning Town: Hesitating a bit due to his 'care to give me a list'. It could be town trying to see who we should go after, or scum seeing who should get nk'ed. Leaning more towards the first option due to his general posting.


Nikon SCUM Hammered Thane. Posts every now and then, not really constructive. Hides most of the time. I doubt it has to do with the fact that this is his third game.

TGlems SCUM 'hammered' after Nikons vote to make sure Thane was no more, in case selfvote didn't count. General absense not in his favor

Talmanes SCUM Occasional posting makes a lurker and by D3, lurkers will probably be scum.

BFG SCUM shows up a bit after she notices that she's firmly on my scumlist, while being absent most of the time. This alone is suspicious enough for a scumread.


I hope that this is enough explanation of my reads, and if it's not, then read the game.. it's out there


Already explained this at length, (would also point out that I think Thursday is the only, game Day, evening BST that I didn't post. so hardly absent and hardly only popping in when my name is mentioned.








Ithi replaced Tina (then i replaced Ithi after i got lynched)

Turin replaced Ice a bit later

Ithi/me died.

Ed needed replacement, got replaced by me.


Lucky for me, it's all town, so i can continue playing (untill i die a third time)


Associating himself again with his previous lives.


....and if you die a 3rd time, you can replace someone else.



nope, i highly doubt that there's anybody else needing replacement. 3rd times is a charm, they say, but coming in the game 4 times would be ridiculous

Interesting exchange and catch made by Turin.



As posted by Time, TG will not be active untill later. The fact that he was absent before that announcement doesn't become him. Usually he's more active. TG and BFG hiding as scum, that's what i think.


We still have some time, so i'm waiting for Nikon and his explanation.


Already mentioned this, but how come it's scummy for TG to be late in explain his absence, but not Ed. If it's scummy of Ed to not explain his absence, but you've since 'found out he's Town' then why hasn't your opinion on lurking being scummy changed?


So, here, i find BFG's defense a bit insufficient. I think i made myself clear enough why i see BFG as scum. It's too much of a coincidence to me that there are posts coming now, accusing someone who claimed town, while DL draws closer.


Finds my defence insufficient, I'm still waiting for an actual case to defend from.


i will not be happy if scum actually manages a third kill on me (either by starting a train or NK), which will prove to you all that i AM town....


Given the number of claimed PR and 'cleared' townies why would you be a night kill target? Unless you think Tsuki would vig you, but since you think she's town now..? This reads as an ATE.


Thane 3 IS Little red riding hood, vanilla town


for the fourth time.... and now i will be really angry if i get lynched. Or Nk'd.




seriously.... i don't know how to convince you people. Maybe by a meme?




Interesting, those were the droids they were looking for :wink:







Tldr Thane 3 hasn't built cases or questioned people. He's repeatedly called people scummy, but failed to provide sufficient reasoning on any of them. He's repeatedly drawn attention to his previous alignments and is ATEing the possibility of being NK. He's shown himself to not be reading my posts and instead seems to be stating his read based on the postcount.


Also think of the difference between Day 1 prodding and poking and stirring Thane and this one.



I will accept that my case may be slightly prejudiced


Also meant to point this possible slip out earlier.


RTE suggests that mafia is inactive and that's why Nights are so long, yet forgets that according to his claim, Night 1 was long because Time was waiting for his submission.


I had one of my most productive days of my PhD ever, maybe of my whole time as a student. So so sorry you had to wait Turin. But definitely going to stick to avoiding distractions while at work.


For your enjoyment:


Dawn is Scum

TG is Scum

Nikon is Scum

BFG is Scum

Turin is Town

Hallia is Town

RTE is Town

AJ is Town

Tsuki is Town

Ed is Town

Talmanes is Town


Yes my reads changed today and I changed them again (gave it more thought, think BFG more likely to be scum than Talmanes) and as should all of yours. My scum reads have been dead wrong so far and why I looked at Hallia last night should be a no-brainer. AJ was ready to hang her and I had her a scum read, as did many, so finding out to me had a lot to offer in figuring out if we were wrong or right. Evidently looks like almost all of us were wrong. Pretty sure everyone in this game has had at least one wrong view this game and some of you still do if you think I'm not town.


We need to really take a good look around because we are messing up. Bad. I didn't look at Dawn because I feel confidently she is scum. If you like, we can wait a night and I can view her tonight if that makes you happier, but brings us no closer to a successful scum lynch today. AND WE NEED ONE GUYS.


No idea also how anyone could ask why I claimed when I did. Also Turin, this list is great, but your attitude this game is less than desirable and you're painting a target on your back for the scum team. But play as you wish. We. Need. To. Get. Scum. Today.


Very possible that the town is inactives with only 1 person submitting the night kill (hence waiting all night for teammates to appear when none do).


Possible team of Dawn Ed TG + 1 where Dawn has been leading the team so far which would explain some things. Not sure how many more mislynches we can afford here but I feel Dawn is scum. No one has been right thus far that we know of though so we have to really try to make this one count people.



I meant mafia instead of town is inactives in that line.



I stayed up late all night for this, got sidetracked, now here we are quite late and finally get to post.


Let's try to get a scum today.


I'm the Cop. Hallia is town. I can't wait to see AJ's reaction now. Wish I could see a video of him eating his hat, or all the other things he said he would do if he's wrong.


I got my time messed up while on vacation and missed my view first night. Sorry. Was going to lie about that but what's the point? Hence my night being short post. Time zones and long days. Sorry.


Now, that list.


Dawn - Scum

TG - Scum

Nikon - Scum

Talmanes - Scum

BFG - Scum

Turin - Town

Hallia - Town

RTE - Town

AJ - Town

Tsuki - Town

Ed - Town


Bit of a random order. Other than Dawn and TG not sure for scum reads. The Hallia town view surprised me. She could be GF but.. Meh.  We can figure that out I guess. Right now...


Vote Dawn


Turin was saying that as Nikon hadn't claimed that mafia weren't given fake claims. Nikon claimed relatively early, so they probably have.


Thane not including it as a fake claim seems like an omission to me, as is his leaving out my town claim (which would make me look bad if true).


I'm probably biased in this now though.

BFG, in all honesty it looks to me that Thane basically copied my list and then added his own input to it. I did forget that Nikon had claimed Baelfire, VT. On my first list I asked if there were any errors/omissions and never got any replies. That maybe where the confusion occurred. 


However the fact that he did claim a fairly major characeter and wasn't cc'ed indicates that I was wrong and mafia DID get some strong fake character claims. Who was Baelfire again? Rumple's son? was he involved with Emma in some way? 


That's a pretty good point, Turin, though it does seem strange to not get a safe claim in a game where claiming is allowed

Not liking the wording here. Feels like pushing the incorrect thoughts put out by a townie(myself). 


No worries. Thanks for pointing out my error on Nikon.


I think I made the first list before you claimed town and just forgot to update it also as everyone will pretty much claim town no matter what they are.



well done people. Going through the thread nearly made me think there wasn't going to be a lynch. 


I see BFG is STILL going after me. Still think that she and TG are both scum. If there's a 4th one, he/she will be harder to find. We'll have to verify the claims.


Furthermore, @AJ and everybody else questioning my allignment.... Thane is Vanilla Town. Verify that, cop view me, for real. I'm town.


@AJ, i have said BFG and TG were both scum for me for quite some time. That's why i would be happy to see either lynched too.


Nice misrep. I said I was still deciding if I thought you were mafia or not, so hardly going at you.


I also said I was still waiting for an actual case other than 'trol lol lol'.


Why do the 2 most inactive players seem the most scummy to you? You repeatedly say it but I'm not sure what your logic behind it is.


Dawn sees it.



dawnflower8: claimed town??, LD tested true - NOT MAFIA

2. Nikon: Rumple..., MAFIA Silvertongue lynched D3

3. dicetosser1 Grumpy, town vanilla killed Night 1

4. Chae Prince Charming, town vanilla killed Night 1

5. Tina Ithillian Thane 2 Blue Fairy, town roleblocker killed Night 2

6. Thane Granny, town vanilla lynched Day 2

7. RTE: claimed Henry, Cop

8. TGlems: absent

9. IceTurin: Claimed Emma Swan, LD

10. AJ: Claimed Jiminy Cricket, Doc, LD tested true- TOWN

11. Basel Cinderella, town vanilla lynched Day 1

12. edThane3: Claimed Red riding Hood, VT

13. Hallia: Claimed Snow White, VT??? cop viewed Town

14. Talmanes: Claimed Pinochio, Town Miller/Rubbertongue

15. BFG: ???

16. Tsukibana: Claimed Huntsman, Odd night Vig


Dawn, look at this little list. For one, the only two not having claimed at all are TG and BFG. I doubt they will do so now that there is a change for Lie Detection on them. RTE claimed cop, is clearing people as town, works for me.Turin works as LD, also clearing townies, works for me too. I see two more suspects as for now being a 3rd mafia left, being Talmanes and Tsuki. I am town, and would love if someone would verify that. Tsuki's gameplay gives me a good solid townread.


So, as i said before, scum is TG, BFG and possible Talmanes, if there are 4 scum


Already claimed town. Nice to get confirmation that you're not reading my posts though :dry:


Left in the list because there's an interesting omission there...




ok my tablet just crashed and took my first response to Thane with it, which is probably just as well.


Tldr Thane I have an hour or two online each night. So yes I have a low postcount. Knowing this I make an effort that my thoughts, questions and cases are on thread. For you to apparently look at the postcount and evidently dismiss the actual content of my posts frankly upsets me. I'm having to assume that this is what you're doing because when I ask you for a case all you've come back with is 'lurking trol lol lol'.


As I said this is what you were saying as town in your previous lives, so I'm unsure as to what this means for your current alignment, whether you're still Town and believe this is a valid method of mafia hunting or mafia trying to use your previous credit to try to pass as town this time by doggedly following your previous statements.


This ^ is apparently me 'getting at' Thane


BFG is Town.


This is Thane not reading my posts :dry: 


Guys just had a thought and will get it out now in case I don't make it tomorrow.


We saw a "counter" to the LD on the mafia team. I think they also have a godfather. We will need people double cleared. One person is lying and I won't be able to tell but I suspect Turin will. Bear this in mind.


Uh-huh, only just thinking there might be a GF? Also believing there's a LD in the game??????




I stayed up late all night for this, got sidetracked, now here we are quite late and finally get to post.


Let's try to get a scum today.


I'm the Cop. Hallia is town. I can't wait to see AJ's reaction now. Wish I could see a video of him eating his hat, or all the other things he said he would do if he's wrong.


I got my time messed up while on vacation and missed my view first night. Sorry. Was going to lie about that but what's the point? Hence my night being short post. Time zones and long days. Sorry.


Now, that list.


Dawn - Scum

TG - Scum

Nikon - Scum

Talmanes - Scum

BFG - Scum

Turin - Town

Hallia - Town

RTE - Town

AJ - Town

Tsuki - Town

Ed - Town


Bit of a random order. Other than Dawn and TG not sure for scum reads. The Hallia town view surprised me. She could be GF but.. Meh.  We can figure that out I guess. Right now...


Vote Dawn


This is your claim, you include the possibility of Hallia being a GF in it.


Turin's also pointed it out on thread, along with the possibility of a ST.


Seeing as how Nikon was the Silvertongue but never claimed a character I am wondering if the mafia did not get safe claims. That makes TG and BFG being reticent as to their names more suspicious to me. I would think that Nikon would have used the best one available to keep himself hidden since it would ring true when tested. 


So starting with those two when day starts. I don't think I have gotten lists from either and they have both been missing for some time. (although explained beforehand as to why)


Actually Nikon did claim a character, and he claimed it pretty early. I tend to side with Des about character claims. If it means anything I'm Dr Frankenstein, but if a game can be broken by character claims then it's a poor game and I don't think Time would design a game that could be broken so easily *shrug*



As posted by Time, TG will not be active untill later. The fact that he was absent before that announcement doesn't become him. Usually he's more active. TG and BFG hiding as scum, that's what i think.


We still have some time, so i'm waiting for Nikon and his explanation.

I'm more than happy to explain, I analysed each player's statements and formed an opinion of their allignment based off of the results. With the exception of day one I've voted for my most scummy views and, though I've been wrong so far, remain confidant that we can find the scum and win this. As for your questions on my activity levels I would have loved to posted more but I've been sidetracked with RL and a number of issues coming up at work which most of my time was devoted to.  I also have other responcibilities here on DM which I place above those of a game.  I have thought of asking to be subbed out but I did sign up knowing this game would take time to play and seeing how many others have taken that path I remain here until the end of the game or my death.


Since so many of you are revealing yourselves I might as well join the party by letting you know that I'm Baelfire, Vanilla Town.

If you believe me we can move on and continue hunting scum, if not hope you find the scum and can turn things around once I flip.



And remember what I said earlier about Thane's claims list?


He's aware of who Nikon claimed, but conveniently left it off his list.


Thank you, Nikon. Now, if the others would believe you too, then we'd nearly have scum nailed down.


Who are you voting for?

RTE is mafia

Thane is mafia

TG is mafia


BFG is Town

Talmanes is Town

AJ is Town

Turin is Town

Dawn is Town

Tsuki is Town

Hallia is Town


I do have you as town?




Emma's usefulness and skills at detecting lies had helped narrow down the suspects. Clearly, she was too dangerous to live the villains decided. Although the town tried hard to protect a powerful member of their own, it wasn't enough... the savior of Storybrooke was dead by morning.




Leaving what was left of Mr. Gold's pawn shop, Sidney Glass smirked to himself. Mr. Gold had gone down easily. and to make sure that the villains were safe, Sidney had to make sure that no evidence pointed at them. but someone had been watching the shop... and after the smirk, he felt a sharp pain in his chest... looking down, he found an arrow sticking from his chest. Another villain down...


Turin- Emma Swan, town lie detector has been Night Killed


BFG- Magic Mirror, mafia goon has been Night Killed



It is now Day 4... Deadline: Wednesday May 14, 20:00 EST http://www.timeanddate.com/countdown/generic?iso=20140514T20&p0=814&msg=OUAT+Mafia+Day+4


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