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[Advanced] Once Upon a Time Mafia- Game Over, Town Wins!!!


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unvote RTE vote Dawn


i was jokevoting, what were you doing?

I was jokevoting XD


And besides, everyone - I'm not the only newbie here. Pretty sure I've played more games than Thane has. 





Vote Thane. Dawn isn't in her first game, but she is still new enough that his vote smells like a pounce on the newbie for a mistake that experienced players would know to avoid.


Morning Nikon. This is my thid game, so i guess we'll both learn a lot during this one :biggrin:

Interesting... Points against BG for skimming?

Newer players can be opportunistic too. They just don't keep from seeming that way as easily.


Unvote. Vote Basel for pointlessly defending me from Thane...even though we both are new players and both were jokevoting. 


Day one of Day one so not a lot to go on yet (And day one play votes throw me off anyways) but so far gut instincts and reads...

First vote on RTE, no feeling either way (just a play vote)

oh wait vote RTE


First vote on Chael, no feeling either way (just a play vote + retaliation for voting him)

Hai Ladies!


Vote Chae


Pink is the color of SCUM


First vote on Basel, no feeling either way (just a play vote)

##vote Basel


Call me Jack, lol


First vote on Thane, no feeling either way (just a play vote)

RTE has four votes already? 


Vote Thane


Why are your bandwagoning already? 



Second vote for RTE, no feeling either way (second play vote for RTE is more suspicious than first but still could go either way)



vote RTE


Second vote for Chael, no feeling either way (second play vote for Chael is more suspicious than first but still could go either way)

vote Chael



Third vote for RTE, no feeling either way (third play vote on RTE is suspicious but no real evidence that it's not play vote either)



Vote RTE


Yet another RTE Vote, this one was AFTER RTE pointed out he had a lot of votes and though it tries to add humor (have another) seems the most scummy so far.



here, have another one to add to the prize :tongue:


After I point out that we shouldn't add any more RTE votes without cause, or at least discussion, Thane seems to double guess his vote... more scum vibes.

trains.... yeah, those tend to derail too... need to be careful with that.... :ph34r:


A few more posts (and right after the first headcount) thane switches to someone with no votes on a jokevote claim then gets defensive.

unvote RTE vote Dawn


i was jokevoting, what were you doing?


Second vote for Thane, no feeling either way (second vote for Thane)

Vote Thane. Dawn isn't in her first game, but she is still new enough that his vote smells like a pounce on the newbie for a mistake that experienced players would know to avoid.


Switching play vote for someone who seems to have been backing you up and then backing Thane's second vote (not his play vote) up as a joke?





Vote Thane. Dawn isn't in her first game, but she is still new enough that his vote smells like a pounce on the newbie for a mistake that experienced players would know to avoid.

Morning Nikon. This is my thid game, so i guess we'll both learn a lot during this one :biggrin:

Interesting... Points against BG for skimming?

Newer players can be opportunistic too. They just don't keep from seeming that way as easily.


Unvote. Vote Basel for pointlessly defending me from Thane...even though we both are new players and both were jokevoting. 



Nothing. That is simply the reason Hallia aboandoned her awesome Avatar. Go play FF VIII.


Hey Hallia, ever see the theory that states the whole rest of the game, after Squall eats an ice spike, is simply a "3 seconds till I die" delusion?


*eyeballs Dawn and BG*


BG, you CAN'T seriously be telling Dawn to Point Fingers back at you so quickly...  Naahh. Bad play, Dawn.


Who else to look at?


Well, Now that I've seen what was posted while I was typing...

awful long 'Day one of Day One" WoT, Nikon, and still didn't really say anything. Just sayin'... :P


Tsuki looks okay to me so far. Probing in all directions but isn't pushing anything too hard, not a bad start.


Nikon pings a little. Not sure if due to newness or actual scum role. :huh:


Hmm, his name does contain Evil but is that really enough to vote on?

Or is this some kind of mafia train to kill one of us off quickly?




Not a big fan of this post. RTE bandwagon was pretty obviously baseless and likely was headed no where, not liking the mention of it being mafia led.


Vote Thane. Dawn isn't in her first game, but she is still new enough that his vote smells like a pounce on the newbie for a mistake that experienced players would know to avoid.


You are assuming that Thane is experienced enough to know what to look for in weak townies and 'pounce' on them as you say. Quick defense of Dawn noted.


Hello :smile:


Hi :smile:


Tell me you're Town.




Day one of Day one so not a lot to go on yet (And day one play votes throw me off anyways) but so far gut instincts and reads...

First vote on RTE, no feeling either way (just a play vote)

oh wait vote RTE


First vote on Chael, no feeling either way (just a play vote + retaliation for voting him)

Hai Ladies!


Vote Chae


Pink is the color of SCUM


First vote on Basel, no feeling either way (just a play vote)

##vote Basel


Call me Jack, lol


First vote on Thane, no feeling either way (just a play vote)

RTE has four votes already? 


Vote Thane


Why are your bandwagoning already? 



Second vote for RTE, no feeling either way (second play vote for RTE is more suspicious than first but still could go either way)



vote RTE


Second vote for Chael, no feeling either way (second play vote for Chael is more suspicious than first but still could go either way)

vote Chael



Third vote for RTE, no feeling either way (third play vote on RTE is suspicious but no real evidence that it's not play vote either)



Vote RTE


Yet another RTE Vote, this one was AFTER RTE pointed out he had a lot of votes and though it tries to add humor (have another) seems the most scummy so far.



here, have another one to add to the prize :tongue:


After I point out that we shouldn't add any more RTE votes without cause, or at least discussion, Thane seems to double guess his vote... more scum vibes.

trains.... yeah, those tend to derail too... need to be careful with that.... :ph34r:


A few more posts (and right after the first headcount) thane switches to someone with no votes on a jokevote claim then gets defensive.

unvote RTE vote Dawn


i was jokevoting, what were you doing?


Second vote for Thane, no feeling either way (second vote for Thane)

Vote Thane. Dawn isn't in her first game, but she is still new enough that his vote smells like a pounce on the newbie for a mistake that experienced players would know to avoid.


Switching play vote for someone who seems to have been backing you up and then backing Thane's second vote (not his play vote) up as a joke?





Vote Thane. Dawn isn't in her first game, but she is still new enough that his vote smells like a pounce on the newbie for a mistake that experienced players would know to avoid.

Morning Nikon. This is my thid game, so i guess we'll both learn a lot during this one :biggrin:

Interesting... Points against BG for skimming?

Newer players can be opportunistic too. They just don't keep from seeming that way as easily.


Unvote. Vote Basel for pointlessly defending me from Thane...even though we both are new players and both were jokevoting. 





Many MQs, no real conclusions.


unvote; vote Nikon


Well, Now that I've seen what was posted while I was typing...

awful long 'Day one of Day One" WoT, Nikon, and still didn't really say anything. Just sayin'... :P

Are you saying my post wasn't saying anything?

Why is stating my opinions and backing them up "Not really saying anything"? I stated my gut feelings and backed them up with the quotes...

True it isn't much to go on but better than nothing and gives me a few people to watch closely. (One or two possible scum is better than a thread where anyone could be).

Many MQs, no real conclusions.


unvote; vote Nikon

Sorry that I am trying to talk things out with the group while others are either not saying anything or just joking around.

This is why I don't like day one... too much joking around and not enough questions being asked.


And, by the way, there were two conclusions I came to and stated.

1) So far Thane is on my radar for the actions I stated

2) I'm going to keep an eye on Dawn in order to form a better opinion.


I still have to watch everyone else and my opinions may change later but for now at least I have something to watch for.

Speaking of the others I agree that BFG only popped in and said one or two things not really helpful to the game which may be cause for an eye that way as well...


No need to rile so easily Nikon.


The game is early yet, most haven't checked in.


Okay, valid conclusions that I can see.

Your suspicion of Thane is made more genuine when you follow it with a vote, however. General advice.


I think BFG looks fine so far. She'll be pretty clearly town if that is what she was rolled with.



Hey Hallia, ever see the theory that states the whole rest of the game, after Squall eats an ice spike, is simply a "3 seconds till I die" delusion?



Who else to look at?

O.o my mind has been blown.


Official Vote Count


RTE (1/9): Chae

Chae (2/9): RTE, Hallia

Basel (1/9): TG, dawn

ed (1/9): Nikon

Thane (1/9): Tina, Basel

dawn (1/9): Thane

Nikon (1/9): AJ


no deadline yet...


And, by the way, there were two conclusions I came to and stated.

1) So far Thane is on my radar for the actions I stated

2) I'm going to keep an eye on Dawn in order to form a better opinion.


I still have to watch everyone else and my opinions may change later but for now at least I have something to watch for.

Speaking of the others I agree that BFG only popped in and said one or two things not really helpful to the game which may be cause for an eye that way as well...



Better. This should have been at the end of your TL;DR post, instead of being a defensive response.


So far a few people have been a bit too candid for my taste but it is day one so eh.

Wall of text posts do annoy the crap out of me, so I'm tempted to vote Nikon just for that.

Plus I just realized Ed is in this game and so I'm really tempted to vote for him (can't trust someone with that many clones) I figure I'll at least let him check in though first.


There's a few little things that stick out to me here and there, but there is no way I'm going to try to do quotes and such on my phone, so later tonight when I can get to a computer I'll post a bit more.


But afterall it is Day One, and we don't have a deadline, and hell we haven't even had everyone check in yet, so I'm not ready to get all lynch happy anyway. First I want to see how everything plays out.


@Andrej A long time ago, I haven't been active for quite a while.


Nevertheless, I may be a bit rusty, but I'm sure I'll get back into the swing of things pretty well.


You can call me AJ if you'd like, that's what most know me by.


Looking forward to mixing it up with you then. I'm thinking you'll find the newer Mafia crowd to be quite enjoyable.


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