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The Ultimate Showdown: PART DEUX - GAME OVER, Town Wins


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  On 3/13/2014 at 8:34 PM, dapianoplay3r said:

The only directly started hidden mechanic is this one

Hidden Mechanic: Phase length is related to the number of posts given the previous day.


Therefore it is likely that we can altar the game in other ways too


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  On 3/13/2014 at 8:41 PM, Darthe said:


  On 3/13/2014 at 8:34 PM, dapianoplay3r said:

The only directly started hidden mechanic is this one

Hidden Mechanic: Phase length is related to the number of posts given the previous day.

Therefore it is likely that we can altar the game in other ways too


I'm the first to get it?

Do I have to post less ... Or more?


If this is maths then I won't ever get it.





... Or forward planning. I'm terrible at chess. Better at scrabble. Unless some spawny git manages to make a word with Z and X on a triple word score.




Here's another thought. If Dap (possibly via Random Org) killed me, then the Mafia didn't.



They killed two mostly absent people.


Which means they don't want anyone asking too many questions.


And they didn't kill me ... So I was probably not after them and they thought I was gonna keep pounding after my previous targets.


So the mafia team are probably actually people I've not considered.




Despo (although I was wondering about him)



Ameg ... Wombat would offer him up as sacrifice because he always posts weird stuff.


Just something to think about.


Do you get to vig every night @ Dap?


Killing CSarmi might be a good idea - he did say you could and he also said he'd definitely have a coroner report.


Or Wombat. If I had my baseball bat right now I'd kill Wombat.


How did you see that? *impressed*


@ Amega - I will post more about you once I have read the whole thread. I´m currently on page 36 and on my way to go to bed. #645 is one reason and calling me brain dead is another. Will get back to you.


To whoever said it, you´re right about AJ. There were a lot of discussion that he didn´t partake in while talking about the hydra. Trying to look active while not contributing. 

  On 3/13/2014 at 9:06 PM, Ithillian said:

Do you get to vig every night @ Dap?

Killing CSarmi might be a good idea - he did say you could and he also said he'd definitely have a coroner report.

Or Wombat. If I had my baseball bat right now I'd kill Wombat.

Just for the first couple of nights

So I have one tonight


I'm pretty sure I liked wombat this game


The last post was @ Dap. All those ninjas....


How come you have a scum read on Wombat, Ithi? I have a town read on him. 


At this point if you aren't voting RTE you are either blind or just not reading the thread well enough.


What discussion did I miss Tina? If you are going to accuse me of being scum at least bring something of substance.


This is how I see it currently (which hasn't changed much): If Dice was 3rd party then I think Wombat is mafia. If Dice was mafia then I would say one of Turin/Tess is mafia as well. We NEED some coroner results to really start figuring this game out.


@Dap - You're right that I wanted to see Dice's flip. As I pointed out at the start of this Day I was curious as to how we would continue getting death scenes since the one from N0 hadn't revealed anything concrete. Also with his claim and the interaction surrounding him I felt like there was a good chance to analyze and weed out some other scum once we had his alignment.

  On 3/13/2014 at 9:09 PM, TinaHel said:

The last post was @ Dap. All those ninjas....


How come you have a scum read on Wombat, Ithi? I have a town read on him.

You need to skip to the end.


I think he's trying to discredit my posts. And in a subtle way - so as not to be all arjybarjy - but his recent posts have all seemed to counter mine and defend others.



Plus the other post I made about the Mafia team people being the ones I least suspected on Day 1. They thought I'd still be alive and merrily NOT getting them Lynched.


They could just tag along with my thoughts and stay hidden.


But now I've had the thought it won't go away.

  On 3/13/2014 at 9:09 PM, dapianoplay3r said:


  On 3/13/2014 at 9:06 PM, Ithillian said:

Do you get to vig every night @ Dap?

Killing CSarmi might be a good idea - he did say you could and he also said he'd definitely have a coroner report.

Or Wombat. If I had my baseball bat right now I'd kill Wombat.

Just for the first couple of nights

So I have one tonight


I'm pretty sure I liked wombat this game

How can you be a part time compulsive vig? You replaced into your Role - so Leyrann I think didn't send his kill in night zero and that's how Pral died?


Or something else.

  On 3/13/2014 at 9:19 PM, Ithillian said:


  On 3/13/2014 at 9:09 PM, dapianoplay3r said:


  On 3/13/2014 at 9:06 PM, Ithillian said:

Do you get to vig every night @ Dap?

Killing CSarmi might be a good idea - he did say you could and he also said he'd definitely have a coroner report.

Or Wombat. If I had my baseball bat right now I'd kill Wombat.

Just for the first couple of nights

So I have one tonight

I'm pretty sure I liked wombat this game

How can you be a part time compulsive vig? You replaced into your Role - so Leyrann I think didn't send his kill in night zero and that's how Pral died?

Or something else.

There was no N0 action

I think that was Darthe being nice

So the Pral kill wasnt from my end at all


I think your theory is a very valid one, Ithi. You are known to tunnel so mafia might have sat back and hoped you'd do the job for them. Wombat is the one that immediatly came to my mind too.



Dap is giving me serious town vibes, add on the vig claim and I'm liking him very very much indeed. I have a severly hard time reading AJ recently, but right now I'm leaning town there too.


And how come you are only a part time compulsive vig?


A limited shot vig would normally be able to wait and choose. Compulsive is generally every night.


And yours is just for two nights?


What happens after that?

  On 3/13/2014 at 9:33 PM, Ithillian said:

And how come you are only a part Time compulsive vig?

A limited sHot vig would normally be able to wait and choose. Compulsive is geneRally EvEry night.

And yours is just for two nights?

What happens after that?

I have a limited number of shots

I'm full time just limited shots

I don't know why I didn't have one N0

After that I think I'm just nilla


I don't tunnel. Tunnellers usually have no reasoning but still won't let go.


I let go often - if I see a better target.


I'm a terrier. I have and give full reasons why I'm doing what I'm doing. I'm often right too.


See what I got @ Dap



  Reveal hidden contents


  On 3/13/2014 at 9:38 PM, dapianoplay3r said:


  On 3/13/2014 at 9:33 PM, Ithillian said:

And how come you are only a part Time compulsive vig?

A limited sHot vig would normally be able to wait and choose. Compulsive is geneRally EvEry night.

And yours is just for two nights?

What happens after that?

I have a limited number of shots

I'm full time just limited shots

I don't know why I didn't have one N0

After that I think I'm just nilla

Maybe you can share Turin's cone. He's pretending to be vanilla too.


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