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The Ultimate Showdown: PART DEUX - GAME OVER, Town Wins


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  On 3/9/2014 at 9:44 PM, Andrej said:

That's all good and fun RTE.

I prefer dead players and coroner reports over rheotoric. Especially of those who have claimed 'not town'

Still can't believe that happened btw lol

There wasn't much president for no coroners at this point, but in hindsight it does feel like you rushed this to prevent dice speaking


  On 3/10/2014 at 2:34 AM, Andrej said:

Just. Want. Flip.

Once again pushing the flip and not the info

It feels really weird as this is not a coroner game


  On 3/10/2014 at 8:09 AM, Andrej said:

I wanna see how Dice flips first. He could be 3rd party.

And again


  On 3/10/2014 at 9:27 AM, csarmi said:

Killing off third party as town is more often wrong and right and it has been proven over and over again... but people just never gonna learn that. Mostly because it's so much easier to just do a sheeplynch and yield a day.

3rd party count to the fastest win. That means they count towards the mafias numbers until there are no mafia left


  On 3/10/2014 at 5:02 PM, Andrej said:

I'm starting to think someone has a role where they either block the flips of players or receive them directly.

Only now does it occur to him


  On 3/12/2014 at 1:36 AM, Lenlo said:


  On 3/11/2014 at 9:14 PM, Ithillian said:

And can everyone else who is Not Town please raise their hands.


*raises hand*

I'm driving back tomorrow so I will be more active once I'm back from Colorado.

I noticed we still don't have any coroners. I'm thinkin some bum made an ability that no coroners show up. >.> bum.

Once again Len is admitting to not being town




  On 3/12/2014 at 6:02 AM, Ithillian said:

I am/was Town.

I think Cloud seems to be an easy target. Ameg votes him without giving any real reasoning and Wombat's cool with that.

In fact Ameg nudges at Tommy and Despo and then Votes Cloud.

And he had that awful entry post.

That being said ... Cloud did go super quiet once the attention moved to Dice.

I'm really sorry,I think it was my fault

I had a compulsive Vig and missed the deadline. Atleast you are still around though


And before it comes up, I didn't have the N0 kill. It was just this one.


  On 3/12/2014 at 2:25 PM, Ithillian said:

This is all very interesting - but rather than the how, shouldn't you be looking for who?

Also Darthe mentions that those taken by evil can't be respawned. That's at least two - possibly all three.

And maybe the no coroner is to make it more tricky for whoever can respawn.

He keeps mentioning we are missing a secret

I think it's how to respawn people. We must have the way to respawn on thread and not in a role


  On 3/12/2014 at 2:55 PM, csarmi said:


  On 3/12/2014 at 2:52 PM, WWWwombat said:


2nd in post count.

Hasn't read thread.



This should be memified.

Or you could spend that time reading the thread

You know.

2 kinds of people


Sorry this may be rambled

It was done over 3 days between classes


##vote AJ.

Seems a good place to start. He's been irking me a lot on my read and seems to be deliberately obtuse (word of the game it seems)

Len has claimed not town like twice now

Amega is pretty dam scummy as well IMO


Des I read as town, but like I said, his role makes me think tom is mafia though post wise I read him as null pretty much (maybe town if I had to choose)


I shot ithi (random.org did actually) last night

Hypothesising seems to be doing more harm than good hence reveal


Turin I feel is town actually.

Cloud if mafia IMO. At first I thought it was cloud being cloud but the more I read the more I thought it had mafia motives


Um, what else

Csarmi is annoying. He's been sitting on the verge all game with me. One minute I think He's town, the next mafia.

The way he handled dice votes has him as a mafia lean ATM


Yea ok I'm off to bed. I stayed up far too late doing this

Night all. I'll be more active now that I've caught up fully

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Dap killed me – lol. I did ask Darthe when I died – because we’d been having discussions about other things previously – and he said it was right at the last minute. That kind of bears out what Dap said about it being random.


I’m ok with being dead ... but if you’d like my double vote back in the game then being back alive would be ok I guess.


also ... Darthe said in his scene that those killed by the evil ones can't be respawned. I think those were the first two kills that were together in the scene.


If I come back it means that Dap isn't evil :)

  On 3/13/2014 at 1:35 PM, Ithillian said:

CSarmi doesn't want me to possibly come back to life.



How did you get to that conclusion?

  On 3/13/2014 at 12:24 PM, dapianoplay3r said:

##vote AJ


Incase it got lost



##revive ithi

Incase that's the secret


You always answer with more questions. This was on the same page as we are currently posting on.


It makes you look really bad.




You look bad for saying you don't know what I meant.


You don't have to try Dap's thing - but acting like it was a total mystery what I was talking about was bad.

  On 3/13/2014 at 2:06 PM, Ithillian said:



You look bad for saying you don't know what I meant.


You don't have to try Dap's thing - but acting like it was a total mystery what I was talking about was bad.

Well it was a total mystery to me, I didn't connect those two things.


Read the words. It says when they read Ithi was dead, meaning they saw someone else killed her.


Also Despo claimed mafia when he talks about a separate mafia team. Why would he think there are two? Maybe because I am not on his team?



  On 3/13/2014 at 2:43 AM, Turin Turambar said:


  On 3/12/2014 at 11:53 PM, _CLOUD said:



  On 3/12/2014 at 10:39 PM, Turin Turambar said:


Mafia reads Day scene...






Mafia sees Ithi still posting...





Btw this post reads fake as hell.

Ironic Cloud is ironical



I'm having a hard time deciding whether Turin or Salami is more annoying.  Every time one of them takes the lead, the other one does something to grab it back.

  On 3/13/2014 at 8:44 AM, Despothera said:


  On 3/13/2014 at 6:58 AM, csarmi said:

Catching up.


Despo, what do you think about Tina?


Also, have you got reads on those with very few posts? Anything stood out there?


I wanna iso Tina to give me a better picture, but I know she'll lurk as scum, so nullish leaning scum atm.


Others with low post counts-


Amega (30) - was leaning scum but recent posts seem more like genuine frustration instead of AtE so leaning town now

Tina (25) - already covered

Mish (21) - town, hasn't spoken much but when she has she seemed strongly town to me, most of what she said made sense

Lenlo (20) - has almost no gameplay posts to speak of. Without checking his iso I'd bet he has around 15-17 fluff posts, and 3-5 gameplay posts that didn't offer much. Horrendous. Would policy lynch.

Dap (16) - null, need to iso him as nothing is really coming to mind right now that he's said specifically in this game.

TG (16) - Wanna check his iso as well but from what I remember I had a town read on him

Rags (2) - sadly I have a townread on him. Two posts at this point in the game is absolutely unacceptable, but he likely wouldn't lurk this hard as scum and would have asked for a replacement by now if he was imo. More likely that he got busy and is phoning it in.


Dunno why you think something would stand out in this group tho btw. Obv those with low post count haven't given as much TO stand out with, so...


  On 3/13/2014 at 7:03 AM, WWWwombat said:

RTE seems to be faux-casual atm.  His reads did suck too.  Not sure why Cloud defended him though.  Makes me uneasy cuz Cloud is better than that imo.  Anyway, it's 3 AM, my brain is fried, and I have no idea on the VC so I'ma wait 'til tomorrow before I decide what I'm doing next.


And idk what you mean about me flying under the radar when I shouldn't be able to, Des.  I don't think I'm flying under the radar, and I have no idea why I shouldn't be able to either for that matter.


You shouldn't be able to fly under the radar anymore than anyone else- a good town will hold EVERY player accountable for their thoughts and opinions. Going utr helps keep others from being able to keep your thoughts and opinions in mind.


And you're going way under the radar compared to how you usually play. Like me, you're a very polarizing player, and other players will often mention you. Whether it's a scum read, or strong town read, or even mentioning they aren't sure on you yet, you'll still get namedropped a bunch. This game that isn't really happening. I think the reason for this is you're being much less vocal than normal. You have said multiple times that there wasn't much commenting on D1, but I think if that was the case then you would have been telling town to shut it about inconsequential matters and helped everyone focus on better stuff. Town!Wombat isn't one to let town get derailed by drivel if he can help it, and as a vocal player with a lot of clout you're able to lead pretty easily.


  On 3/13/2014 at 8:08 AM, Ithillian said:

Cloud seems annoyed that I can still post and wishes everyone would just stop listening to what I'm saying.


Coupled with his posts near the start of Day one about Pral. I'm thinking he's our solo killer of some description. He probably killed me.


He even says I'm probably Town - so why would he want people t ignore what I say. I'm quite good at spotting things after all.


Also Turin. He does buddy me a lot. It's when he doesn't that I get worried. And this game he was very buddy and then I die and he just does a funny meme. That's not normal. It was funny though. And probably quite accurate. So he buddys - stop when I die - and then when I point out I've spotted it he over compensates. You should all be wary of him.


RTE is a clear candidate for Mafia/Not Town. I've already said my piece on that and I concur with the reasoning of others.


No-one else spotted that Ameg wants to help Town win? ...


Also ugh - they are switching the Macnhester lines over today which means we go fully inbound and I will have to work :( no messing about on DM today.


Your point on Amega seemed like a reach tbh. Some will talk about "Town" in a third person sort of way even if they're town. And even if you're right, wouldn't it pretty much make no difference? 3rd party that can help town win isn't really a high priority lynch target in my book.


The point on Turin seems like a bit of a stretch too, tbh, or at least part of it. You say he stopped buddying you when you died but before you spoke again... but you were speaking pretty soon after the night scene. Plus you know if he might have been active or not leading up to your death, I know he will often go for extended periods of not posting while he's driving or w/e.


I will say (and you might dispute this but meh) that he could have NK'ed you himself. I and others noticed that he will often NK you early when he is scum and you are town.



I don't have as much time as I used to, dude.  Therefore I post less.  Therefore, I have less control over the discourse.  That's not necessarily a bad thing though.  I've played like this in the past and it works just as well as long as I read carefully.



  On 3/13/2014 at 10:28 AM, csarmi said:

So I decide to make some effort and then I get flak. Way to go.


That's mafia.  Step it up.



  On 3/13/2014 at 11:09 AM, csarmi said:

But wait Despo, surely you aren't telling me that we shouldn't try to speculate about the dead players (and use our thoughts on them) just because we don't have a coroner?


Speculate all you want, but don't assume it's going to get you anywhere.



  On 3/13/2014 at 11:52 AM, Despothera said:


  On 3/13/2014 at 11:09 AM, csarmi said:

But wait Despo, surely you aren't telling me that we shouldn't try to speculate about the dead players (and use our thoughts on them) just because we don't have a coroner?


Oh quite the contrary- it's completely necessary for us to have thoughts on the possible alignments of those that have died. The problem comes when you have reads that are dependant on the alignments of those in which we may not get any alignment info on any time soon.


In general I don't depend on links and connections nearly as much in a no coroner game. You can't help but make some, you just shouldn't rely on those to help you solve the game.


Plus, it wasn't even a strong or self-evident connection you made. And even if it was, that connection might just sit there without being resolved (as in we might not get info on either Dice or Hallia for quite a long time, if ever), for a long time, so you have made a connection on tenuous ground to say the least, and you can sit there acting confused about the situation as long as possible if you're scum.


  On 3/13/2014 at 11:10 AM, ReleaseTheEvil said:


  On 3/13/2014 at 11:03 AM, Despothera said:


Everyone thinks you're scum. You cool with that?


Everyone thinks you're doing the beast with two backs with Tommy.


You cool with that?


Where did your more entertaining head go anyway? 


I'm MOAR than cool with it. We were feeding each other grapes last night while hunting out endangered species. It was quite thrilling.


Now quit being all cutesy about this. If you don't have any plans on trying to convince others you shouldn't be lynched today, just let us know now so we can end you quickly.



This, except with less words.



  On 3/13/2014 at 12:18 PM, ReleaseTheEvil said:

Well, claim now or forever hold my peace.


I get info when a certain trigger is hit. I don't choose the info and I'm not allowed to divulge the trigger or that would break my role and I'd get mod-killed. 


I know that Dice was honest about his role. Not sure if that makes him worth reviving and we don't know info about the other people we lost but that's another debate. 


Town PR, Anti-Towns come at me bro. 





  On 3/13/2014 at 2:06 PM, Ithillian said:



You look bad for saying you don't know what I meant.


You don't have to try Dap's thing - but acting like it was a total mystery what I was talking about was bad.


FWIW, I had no idea what you were talking about either, and I still don't.  Salami completely ignored Dap's revive Ithi thing.  As did I, because it's dumb.  How you got from that that he didn't want you revived, I have no idea.  Also, I don't really think not wanting you back would be scummy anyway.  You can still talk, and if you came back, that would give your voting bloc 3 votes.  I have mixed feelings on the matter.  You are not clear by any means.

  On 3/13/2014 at 12:23 PM, dapianoplay3r said:


I have you as town, but hearing the role explained (wasn't how I thought it worked) makes me feel like one of you isn't.

That's exactly the type of role Darthe would mix a town and mafia into. It would be great fun to watch as a mod.

Gut wise I have you as town ATM (and tommy as more of a null than anything) but, apologies Darthe, knowing Darthe I think you'll be on separate teams.

If he didn't do that I claim that role for my next game with different teams. It would be grea



I've seen a role like this before btw.


@RTE - You're a PR??  NOWAI!  I'll bet you're the only person who can claim a PR in this game.


  On 3/13/2014 at 4:21 PM, WWWwombat said:



And here I thought that was just a weekend art activity.


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