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The Ultimate Showdown: PART DEUX - GAME OVER, Town Wins


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I'm cool with that.


I need to find two more apples for my eldest on Minion Rush anyways


I agree with this:


BEST SCENARIO:  Coroner on Cloud, learn about Mish, Lynch AJ, get info about Dap by AJ's lynch.



  On 3/24/2014 at 8:38 PM, TGlems said:



Suggestion Time.  I know you love teh posting.  We love your teh posting.  However, let's all slow our rolls and let Hallia, X, Pral, Amega, Mish, and AJ catch up and actually post.  Thoughts?



And make sure to NOT hammer before we discussed enough and figure out whom to revive and all.


I'll be silent cause night time coming for me. I'll be doing a big readthrough tomorrow.

  On 3/24/2014 at 9:19 PM, Hallia said:

I'm on lunch, I am a reviver, used my shot on Amega

Amega was Jesus?


He came back on the 3rd day.


Are you sure you brought him back?


Seems like it might have been pre-ordained ... unless you just happen to have excellent timing.


And you didn't think to bring me back? I HAD TWO VOTES!


ah well. Them's the breaks I guess.


I used my ability on him, I suppose it coildve been that, I just chose him because he died the same time I did, figured he was safe.


I was scare to do you Ithi, figured you like being able to talk lol

  On 3/24/2014 at 9:19 PM, Hallia said:

I'm on lunch, I am a reviver, used my shot on Amega


Do you have limited shots?  Rags (modkilled) was a reviver and had 2x shots.  CS, Ithi, what do we make of the claim given there is already a reviver outed?


I think Amega came back anyways.


Also there was no real indication that Amega had any useful ability. Unless he is still a Bomb.


Having more than one reviver kind of makes sense ... incase one died.


I think Hally was killed by AJ the Serial Killer - so her getting Deaded doesn't really prove Town-ness.


Plus, being totally biased, I'd have brought back the Ultra Town Double Voter








Don't make me dig the crown out again.


I <3 Rumple :laugh:  But seriously, I got dead early on what, night 1 or two?  And didn't follow the game afterwards, so 100+ pages is daunting to read.



I think a coroner on Cloud would be good, isn't he claiming a twinship with Mish?


From the way Ithi feels about AJ, I'm tempted to go ahead and Baaaa along with her


Ithi is babbling at this point.


Just grabbed a few MQs to respond to, so gimme a sec.


##vote Dap's coroner


Simplest way to do things. I'm more than happy to get Dap's coroner revealed so I can finally vet myself, this is getting old.


I never babble



He would very much like you to NOT agree with me. The best thing he can say is that I'm babbling.


I'll have you know that I've spotted and Lynched every 3rd party bad guy this game.


And I've actively done so rather than just following along, agreeing with, and hiding in the crowd.


You must be bricking yourself if you have to stoop so low.


You really need to be dead already.


permission to sheep granted. VOTE AJ



Dap's Coroner will show us his role and then we will know that he was the Vig and you are an EVIL SK KILLER.



Hally he killed you ... you should vote him.


oh hang on a minute ... hally said something weird.

  On 3/24/2014 at 9:31 PM, Hallia said:

I used my ability on him, I suppose it coildve been that, I just chose him because he died the same time I did, figured he was safe.


I was scare to do you Ithi, figured you like being able to talk lol

Ameg did NOT die the same night you did? He died the night after after being deaded by Dap.


Please explain yourself.


Did you bring back X @ Hallia?


You might want to check.


He got killed at the same time as you.


I'm pretty sure you were both killed by AJ. You should get your revenge and lynch him. Pral should lynch him too as I think he killed him also.


Where is Pral?

  On 3/24/2014 at 7:29 PM, Darthe said:

As the ocean encroached on the land everyone rushed back.  It would be terrible to be swept away and yet so much was lost in the move.  You couldn't take time for that.  You ran, sharp grass slapping against your legs, until you found safety beyond the embankments.  Who else had made it?  Others began to pour in from the area.  In the night it was hard to see, hard to tell one face from another.  After a fair bit of chaos though you counted eight. The rest were gone.


 Hallia, TG, Laya, Mish, Amega, AJ, Salami and X.


But one more stood off in the corner.  It was the old man.  He had made it.  He walked into the light.


"I've seen you all go through rough times.  The struggle is too great for you to accomplish on your own.  It sets my blood to boiling to see you all fight this futile fight.  Luckily, a wise old man knows all things.  I.. have a power of sorts, but it will tire me.  Choose one dead each day and I will reveal their true identity if it is within my power.  This I promise you.  Let the majority rule."


4 deaths and two resurrections. I'm beginning to think that each odd Night has some kind of weird mechanic, or perhaps the opposing faction has a NK that they can only use odd Nights.


N0: 1 death

N1: 3 deaths

N2: 2 deaths (Dap was vengeful killed though)

N3: Sacrifice Eve (5 deaths/5 resurrections)

N4: All NAs blocked

N5: 4 deaths


  On 3/24/2014 at 7:47 PM, TGlems said:

Well, I just asked the stupid question of whether you could get a coroner's for any death, including for revived players since we got a coroner's for you.  The answer was no.


AJ is SK/Compulsive Vig?  And yet last night was another flippy floppy revival time so it seems his kill didn't go through?  AJ, care to elaborate?

X and Hallia were killed N1 and both revived D3.  X is utr and hally is only popping up when mentioned.

Amega was killed N2 in the exact same way as Dap, so likely town right now since the scene didn't seem to indicate multiple killers.

Mish has been Cloud's claimed mason partner.

Pral I just have notes about begin scumtastic overall and to me it looks like he would have been a good recruit candidate based on info from his N0 death and subsequent revival.


As for you, anything you can share about your revival?


FTR, I am not a Compulsive Vig. I can shoot or holster as I please, but only have a limited number of shots.


Last Night I shot Dice so if Cloud was telling the truth then I killed Wombat through extension. No idea how both Tina and Cloud got offed as well though.


  On 3/24/2014 at 7:52 PM, csarmi said:

Do we have a compilatin of claims and actions?


Also Amega claimed Jesus at game start. He got revived after three days. I wonder what the connection might be.


Can't see Jesus with a vengeful condition lol. Killing his killer? Doesn't sound right to me. I think he was joking, but now that he's alive I'd like him to elaborate.


  On 3/24/2014 at 7:58 PM, csarmi said:

Seriously I've been skimming badly. I know AJ claimed Vig but made some stupid statememnts about his kills... and also some stuff don't add up.


But I also know Dap's thing don't add up either. Cause what sort of compulsive vigilante would NOT kill N0.


Speaking of which. Did everyone get an action N0?


*looks at people who have active roles*




  On 3/24/2014 at 7:59 PM, TGlems said:

Hey AJ, Did you kill Wombat last night?


I shot Dice. If Cloud linked us like he said he was going to, then by extension: yes.


  On 3/24/2014 at 8:09 PM, csarmi said:


  On 3/24/2014 at 8:06 PM, Ithillian said:


  On 3/24/2014 at 8:02 PM, csarmi said:

Alright. Wombat was scum.

I think he was Town. I don't know why he didn't vote AJ though. His last posts seemed to imply he had some great trick up his sleeve that would solve the AJ problem - but then he died.


People should just do the things that need to be done in the most simple way instead of trying to be clever about things. Totally does my head in.


AJ doesn't add up. He's backtracked and misrepped all over the place trying to keep his story together.


Dap's role was not active N0 cos Leyrann never read the PM.


So? Darthe could easily roll the dice and kill someone randomly without Ley reading anything.


I'll be sure to look into AJ. No, I don't think he's town... at all.




Everyone seems to keep neglecting the fact that Dap claimed he was compulsive and immediately tried to distance himself from Pral's death on N0. Later he was tripping up with how he only had 3 shots and yaddy yadda.


If his role was made compulsive there was a reason for it set-up wise. Regardless if he or Ley were around to submit, it was an important function to how the game was balanced. Pral could've been as random as his Ithi kill.


That said, I'm noticing a trend of heavier death on odd Nights.


You're quite right Ithi, just went back and checked.  I also tried to revive Rags initially but I can't bring anyone back with a coroner's report.  

  On 3/25/2014 at 1:00 AM, Hallia said:

You're quite right Ithi, just went back and checked.  I also tried to revive Rags initially but I can't bring anyone back with a coroner's report.  


Wait what?  You tried to bring back somebody who was modkilled for inactivity?


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