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The Ultimate Showdown: PART DEUX - GAME OVER, Town Wins


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  On 3/21/2014 at 2:02 PM, _CLOUD said:


  On 3/21/2014 at 1:52 PM, Pralaya said:


  On 3/21/2014 at 1:44 PM, _CLOUD said:

If Mish and I were mafia then why would I have tried to work together with Tina who had an investigative role? If Tina received two investigative results and claimed so on thread then it would have cleared us because there is no way that clearing two people as town for the moment would be a good move from the cult.


To misdirect her away from investigating the actual scum/3rd party and attempting to gain town cred. Clearing two people as town is fine but catching scum > clearing town. 



There aren't that many players alive right now and if I was cult and let her view two townies it would automatically lead to the narrowing of the suspect pool and thus my own death. I would have avoided working together with her or lied about who I Linked and claim that I was roleblocked or whatever. Her refusal to coorperate with me and test my claim is scummy.



At the time this was posted we dont KNOW you submitted an action.


  On 3/21/2014 at 6:40 PM, Andrej said:

Because of reactions like this Ithi :)


I have not killed anyone thus far. I have taken 2 shots, and both have failed in a way.


My first attempt was to kill Wombat the Night I was jailed by Lenlo. He can confirm this when/if he ever comes back. I divulged my role to him fully during our little chat.


My second was last Night when I was trying to pick off Dice. The whole "if I die and come back, I'll be Town" story is just way too convenient considering HE HAS COME BACK and so did another person that was opposing Town.


How many of you have heard of Compulsive Vigs, btw?


Compulsive in the sense of Vigilante powers means that each Night the power-holder must submit an action, no matter what. In N0 we had a death, just one, and a very creepy creepy death scene. Getting the picture now? I have kind of bread-crumbed from the get-go on Dap after he claimed Vig that I knew he was lying. I am a Vig and he was a SK I'm guessing.


Compulsive vig. really. How many shots have you taken? cause according to the highlighted you have taken 4 not 2. 



  On 3/21/2014 at 6:51 PM, _CLOUD said:


  On 3/21/2014 at 6:04 PM, TinaHel said:

Why do you think he has been scummy? He voted Turin right away. We know that Turin was cult. 



I viewed Mish because I didn´t like how you refused to listen to me yesterday. You forced me to view who you wanted, not who I wanted.  I thought that if one of you had some kind of protection that would be you so I viewed Mish instead. 


It was clear that Turin was going to get speedlynched. Dice could have easily bussed him.



No that isn't what I meant. You said in your previous post that someone who didn't want you to view TG or Pral blocked you but if you wanted to view them then why did you go for Mish instead? It doesn't add up.



Bussed him?  take a look at all those lynches AJ posted   I was the ONLY one on turin for the first one and i IMMEADIATELY pushed him when i came back to life. 



  On 3/21/2014 at 7:08 PM, Andrej said:

I think Ithi is just suffering from horrible confirmation bias. I had my reasons to keep my ability quiet. Townies are usually unsettled by those with a gun.


I pushed Turin early game and helped lynch him. Twice. He was scum.


I helped to lynch RTE. He was scum.


I helped to lynch Dice. He CLAIMED scum.


I'm John Marston from Red Dead Redemption.


FAIL   i claimed 3rd party who could, and has, come back as Town.


  On 3/21/2014 at 7:16 PM, Pralaya said:

Then why is it 3rd party. If town and "3rd party" are the only ones in game, shouldn't it be just 2nd party? 


Town is party 1 Cult would be party 2 then 3rd party

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  On 3/21/2014 at 6:40 PM, Andrej said:

Because of reactions like this Ithi :)


I have not killed anyone thus far. I have taken 2 shots, and both have failed in a way.


My first attempt was to kill Wombat the Night I was jailed by Lenlo. He can confirm this when/if he ever comes back. I divulged my role to him fully during our little chat.


My second was last Night when I was trying to pick off Dice. The whole "if I die and come back, I'll be Town" story is just way too convenient considering HE HAS COME BACK and so did another person that was opposing Town.


How many of you have heard of Compulsive Vigs, btw?


Compulsive in the sense of Vigilante powers means that each Night the power-holder must submit an action, no matter what. In N0 we had a death, just one, and a very creepy creepy death scene. Getting the picture now? I have kind of bread-crumbed from the get-go on Dap after he claimed Vig that I knew he was lying. I am a Vig and he was a SK I'm guessing.

Oh I spotted another fib. He never said he didn't think that Dap was Vig ... in fact he said he thought that the kills other than me were the SK and my kill was different and Dap claimed my Kill and AJ said nothing - apart from the day 0 kill and hally/X kill were by same person.


Someone other than Dap.


Cloud - I have no idea why you would want to let a fibbing fibber who fibs live ... but I think it's a really bad idea.

  On 3/21/2014 at 10:20 PM, _CLOUD said:

Hmm yeah he could have gotten recruited I guess. I need to go through his posts tomorrow. I can't really double his shot but if we plan who to kill then it achieves the same effect.

You think he's going to listen to you?


He's just going to kill people.


Hey all.  I've been tending to Nicci all day.  So sorry I was gone, I am going to read up and do a VC now.


Ithi is growing to be bothersome. You neglect to really listen to anything because you are so wrapped up in your own world. I'm just glad you cannot vote :) Now hush my stumpy tree stump.



I can't explain any of the other kills. The fact of the matter is that Dap claimed to be compulsive. We had 1 kill N0 which sounded very much like a SK. I was not responsible because I elected to holster. Therefore Dap/Ley killed Pral. This conclusion should be evident to anyone with a brain. I am not compulsive. Dap said he was. Therefore Dap has NO CHOICE BUT TO PICK SOMEONE TO KILL AT NIGHT. Do the math people, seriously. I cannot control what or how Darthe writes his scenes. Just because the first death scene and a later one where Dap was apparently bombed for killing Amega are different doesn't absolve him by any means.



Dice you should learn to read more carefully. Dap claimed he was Compulsive. I never said I was. I have a limited amount of shots which I shall not share, but needless to say I have been saving them for people who I felt confident killing would benefit Town. It's also amusing to me that you are splitting hairs because I said you claimed scum instead of 3rd party. You claimed "not town" to quote you specifically. Just because I don't specify between Mafia and 3rd party literally means nothing. A scum is a scum is a scum. And scum equals anything other than Town. Case and point.



Like I said, I've shot twice. I shot at Wombat the Night I was jailed, which I admitted to Lenlo. Last Night I shot at Dice which was blocked because apparently Wombat can snuff all NAs.




I'm not your anything.


You talking rubbish still. And insinuating that people are stupid. In fact pretty much saying I am stupid.


I think I was quoting YOU. You said that the person who killed Pral also killed Hally and X.


Unless you think Dap had 3 kills?


I commend you for trying. But don't call me stupid.


Dap wasn't in the Game on Night Zero. How could he choose anything?


Why did you vanish? Did you really think I could wish you Dead?


Your logic is FAIL. I'm gonna sleep happy knowing that in the morning people will Lynch your head right off.


Nanight :)


Actually @Ithi - don't hush yet. Not like I think you would anyway :tongue:


From what I gather you think a lot of my speculation is outlandish, which I can understand.


But I have a few important questions for you:


1. Have you ever played in a game where it seemed the majority/entire anti-Town element was 3rd party?

2. Have you ever played in a game where you were required to sacrifice players and had others resurrect in their place?


I'm thinking the answers are probably no.


So I would appreciate it if you'd stop acting like I'm just blowing smoke and actually listen to what I have to say. I am Town. I win with Town. My interest is in killing scum (whether that be Mafia or 3rd party since some of you want to differentiate) and I have made an effort all game in ensuring those I felt were baddies died.


I really don't think it's so far of a stretch to believe that a 3rd party team was acting like Mafia in that they have a QT to scheme. It seems Dice has a role that specifically allows him to resurrect (much like Csarmi, who is confirmed Town btw) so to me it's not much of a stretch of the imagination to think his whole 'when I die, I'll come back as Town' act was really just a set up. Add to the fact that 2 other confirmed scum were on his wagon reinforces this idea to me. RTE's role (sycophant??) sounds very much like a symp and he did mention as he was getting lynched that some people were bussing him. What do symps usually have access to?? A QT.


I'm trying to put the puzzle pieces together here. You aren't helping me very much. I have seen you do this before in another game where there was a Vig involved and you pushed and pushed and pushed that he was SK. He wasn't.


The fact of the matter is this: I can holster. Dap could not. Pral was killed N0 in a scene that we can all agree seemed to hint at some deranged individual. That man is not me.


Ninja'd. And no, I didn't vanish because I thought your wish for me to die would come true :)


I have a 1 year old, you see. And Mom was working today, therefore Dad was in charge.


Just because Dap wasn't in the game doesn't mean his SLOT wasn't. Ley held Dap's role and alignment until he subbed in. If Dap killing you was randomized because he didn't submit then it could've easily been that Pral was as well because Ley hadn't. He never did check in after all. The point I am making is this: Dap/Ley has a role that is compulsive. Meaning they must submit their action. Dap claimed to be a killer. Do. The. Math.


And FTR, I wasn't calling you stupid. My apologies if that's how I came across.


No game is the same as any other game. Your questions are irrelivant.


We have two kills that dap did. Me and amega. Neither of them were 'deranged'


Stop making stuff up.


No, you have 2 kills that Dap 'said' he did.


The Amega one is pretty evident, I suppose, since it killed him and all but yeah.


The other one I also know Dap did - since the timing he gave was confirmed. Why on earth would he come straight out and confirm killing me? He didn't have 3 kills. YOU said quite a few times that it was the Hally/X creepy kills that were the same as the Pral kill.


You. Not me. Do you think Dap had 3 kills that night?


Do you still think Pral is Mafia/Not Town?



Dig your own grave. You should be needing it soon.


Another little backtrack is always helpful.


AJ, how about instead of telling us to read your ISO, you quote the things you are referring to.  Otherwise, shut up and take your lynch, Serial Killer.


Furthermore, Helping to lynch Turin and RTE means almost nothing.  Turin was a "Cult Jester" which probably means he was cult but had to be lynched in order to win.  RTE was a "3rd party sycophant."  I don't know what that is, but there's no evidence he had teammates.  Dice is probably telling the truth.  You and Cloud acting like he is confirmed scum makes no sense whatsoever.  There is no evidence that Dice is not exactly what he said he is.


And trying to shoot me N1 is more of an SK shot than a Vig shot imo.  You know I often scumread you, so as SK you would want me dead ASAP.  As Vig, you might wait to see if I did so this time.


I can do that Marsupial.


I'll make my case later tonight. My Lady just got home and we have a date.


The end point is this: I am Town. My name is John Marston and I used to run with a bunch of outlaws.

  On 3/22/2014 at 1:07 AM, WWWwombat said:

And trying to shoot me N1 is more of an SK shot than a Vig shot imo. You know I often scumread you, so as SK you would want me dead ASAP. As Vig, you might wait to see if I did so this time.

I tried to shoot you N3. When I was Jailed. By Lenlo.

  On 3/12/2014 at 1:39 PM, Misheru said:


  On 3/12/2014 at 7:02 AM, Andrej said:


  On 3/12/2014 at 12:29 AM, Darthe said:

The night was a massacre.  When the lights went down the terrors that had been hinted at in the day were realized.  They stayed together as a group, mostly, but the hunt had to continue for them to gain information on their opponents and so eventually it became inevitable that they would have to split up.  That had been three hours ago.  Since then you had heard four screams, four shrill breaks in the ever looming silence of this foreign world. 


When the dawn began to give the clouds and orange cast two bodies were found with knife wounds in them.


Xthrax has been killed.

Hally has been killed.  


On the other side of the region Ithillian had been searching alone through a decrepit building.  She was found with a wound in her side, clearly not the blade that had taken the other two.  WIthin moments of being found she too expired.


Ithillian has been killed.


It is now Day.  You have 72 hours.

I bolded and colored the part I'm talking about. Pralaya's scene clearly indicated a SK IMO. This scene talking about the two turning up dead with knife wounds matches the scene with Pral where he was stabbed to death. It's a typical mechanic that Vigs/scum use guns and SKs use knives for their killings. It's a way to balance against Gunsmiths.



I read the scene as Ithi being taken by the SK. The green part. I thought she'd been taken by the same person that took Pral.




  On 3/12/2014 at 2:02 PM, Andrej said:

Hmm maybe. That's not how I saw it though. It doesn't really specify for Ithi. Just says side wound not by 'the blade'. That shouldn't necessarily mean a different knife IMO.



  On 3/12/2014 at 2:04 PM, csarmi said:

Not by the same blade.




Interesting sequence here.  Someone killed Hally and Xthrax.  Dap claimed the Ithi kill.  I wonder what AJ did that night.


I really didn't follow after I'd died.  Trying to catch up on this game is a beast.  I've been watching the last few pages though, it's a lot to take in.  Today was my last day working for two days, so I should be able to get all caught up.


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