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The Ultimate Showdown: PART DEUX - GAME OVER, Town Wins


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When I said that you two might be on different teams you hadn't claimed yet

I've only been reading about your claim in the last 30min

Eitherway I don't think I can shoot anymore


Turin I still want an answer when you appear

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Dap go ahead and vote Turin and I'll devote him that way either way I'll hammer him. C/p my vote to make sure formatting is right.



  On 3/17/2014 at 8:29 PM, Ithillian said:

Does Dap know he's alive again?

If we Lynched CSarmi would it matter? He says he comes back as Mod Confirmed Town - and in a game with no Coroners that might actually be a good thing.

I do

I thought I posted here on sat morning (might of been my other game thread). I had a super busy weekend

Like awfully busy


Also I don't believe Turin is town. If he answers my question specifically I might change my mind though


Cloud was first onto the train

Mish was second naturally

Tina was fourth but now is third

TG next, quite casually

Wombat derped and now is fifth

Turin voted hisself sixth

Despo followed on his riff

  On 3/18/2014 at 12:57 AM, Despothera said:

And fwiw Ithi, I can understand Mish's snippiness. You have asked like a bajillion redundant questions this game and your instincts have been so far off its crazy. You're pretty much just casting out paranoid FOS's at anyone and everyone this game, thinking you've caught them them when really youre just going all stretch armstrong on em.


Hmmmmmmm ... Agrees with me a lot until I ask Mish some questions ... AND say he's Mafia - but doesn't quote the bit where I say he's Mafia because he wants you to forget that.


Also now shares ssame slot again. I wish you'd make up your mind.


You should have no idea if I'm reaching or not - because the only person I've advocated lynching that's had a Coroner is RTE and he was NOT TOWN - although 3rd party. To say it's all reaching? Do you know who is Town for sure cos you are Mafia? I don't know who is who - hence QUESTIONS.


You very snippy too. I shouldn't be awake.


Oh Despo hammered. Actually he say he hammered but on same post says he think not hammer. Lmao. Why vote and say hammer if thinks this is not hammer for sure, especiall if you say you can only vote to hammer.


I wonder if it's real.


Or juSt a spongebob rAinboW cloud.


Wombat got votes right. If your hammer not work is cos is fib.


I think I been hammered and as such should not be talking game anymore. But I guess there is a question mark if Despo's vote actually counts.


Mod type person's could provide guidance here I suppose. Well not Darthe cause he would just do the VC and then it would be decided.


Boy... 30 pages or so to catch up on. Sorry that I have been absent. I had two different families staying with me over the weekend and Mafia was the last thing on my mind. I think I'm dead in my other two games actually  :sad:

I can confirm what Lenlo has said. He jailed me last Night and we had a nice little chat. I wouldn't have even known if it weren't for receiving an email notification along with a QT link.

It's good to know we have a coroner finally. I agree with what Despo said in that we should start to coordinate our NAs a bit. Tina needs to stay alive at least until we figure out if the scum team has a sort of perma-janitor. I could see how her role would fit if a game mechanic like that was in play. Lenlo you should pick one of Tina/Dom to jail each Night so the other can still try to investigate while keeping the one you protect under wraps.

@Des - I'm gonna need you to clarify a bit on how your role works. I revealed to Len who and what I am while we were in jail together so your result is a bit weird. You mentioned something extra, I'd like to know what.

Dap is likely the SK IMO. Not sure how he was resurrected but if he is compulsive then his slot had to kill N0. When Pralaya was killed. Who most agree was mafia therefore not a scum team NK. Sort of surprised and disappointed no one has thought of this yet. Who did you target last Night Dap? From the scene it sounds like Amega had some sort of vengeful role if they both died. Or perhaps Dap killed Amega and the scum team killed Dap.


Okay so from what I gather our role situation looks like this:


Tina - Coroner/Cop

Wombat - No claim

TG - Shady with it

Cloud&Mish - Mason/Twins with a linkage ability

CS - Phoenix/IC

Turin - BG

Ithi - Double voter/Tree stump

Dom - Some sort of investigative role

Dap - Compulsive Vig

Lenlo - JK


Did I miss anyone? Having multiple resurrecting roles (treestump/phoenix) that come back as more-or-less confirmed townies sounds like a pretty legit way to counter the perma-janitor mechanic we seem to be dealing with and the high number of killing roles (Night Kills/SK/Vig).


Turin > Wombat > TG > Dap > Cloud/Mish


That's my short list. I know Wombat has been 'cleared' but I'm choosing not to trust it. The post-restriction Des talked about could be legit, but it also easily is a way for him to hide and not really have to post much except for verse.


Also I'll wait until the morning to hammer Turin if he isn't confirmed dead by then.


I'm pretty burnt out after reading through all that and my homework from before.


Time to snuggle with the lady and watch some TV.




Final Vote Count:


Tess (1/7): Salami

Cloud (1/7): Len

Turin (7/7): Cloud, Mish, Tina, TG, Wombat, Turin, Dom


Not voting (3/12):

 Dap, AJ, Rag


Shuffleball. I was just about to say we should think about this some more and was hoping TG's vote wouldn't count.


Sacrificial "Alter" apparently is significant in some way. Altho this day has dragged on, the Turin lynch also happened a bit too easy. I have the strong suspicion that something nefarious is afoot. As in the mafia are sacrificing one of their own in order to alter something, and that this will be bad for town in some way. Ithi assumed alter meant alter someone's alignment, I don't think that's the case. Darthe was too coy about it, and Turin accepted his lynch too easy.


Guess we'll see with the scene tho. Wouldn't be surprised at all with a Yakuza conversion here, Vengeance Kill, to find out Turin has a scum role that's boosted somehow by being lynched... anything like that. Oh well.


Anyways, other stuff while I wait (and cause I'm worried Turin could be a bomb and me and Tommy are about to die)


  On 3/17/2014 at 2:18 PM, Misheru said:

I've not been doing good this weekend at all, that's why I've been quiet. And this game moving so fast added to my recent concentration problems = I really struggle to keep up.



No, I don't think Cloud has been converted by anyone. We have another ability; we can link two people each night, wich makes any actions taken on one, happen on both. He hasn't shown any interest in controlling that action at all, wich I'd expect him to do if he'd been converted somehow.


N2 we linked Turin and Wombat

N1 Csarmi and Turin

N0 TG and Amega


N0: toss of a dice really.

N1 and N2 I was thinking of who I saw as likely candidates for being viewed by investigate abilites.


Thank you for this Mish. Doesn't necessarily give concrete proof for Cloud not being recruited/scum, but it does give some insight into your thinking so townie points for you for this post.


  On 3/17/2014 at 2:49 PM, TGlems said:

Despo and Tommy - I don't believe you for a second.  If you were going to be discussing a philosophy and end up missing your NA that made it all pointless, then you must have been discussing nihilism, not existentialism. 


And no, I'm not a dreamer, but this is now the 2nd time I've been claimed for in thread.  Perhaps if I keep giving hints to my role it'll be a third?


You continuously being vague about your role is just like a 5 alarm fire at this point. There is NOTHING beneficial about acting coy like this about your role right now- your play this game has been sloppy and you haven't been NEARLY helpful enough to justify this annoying behavior. Hard claim or accept your lynch tomorrow.


  On 3/17/2014 at 3:17 PM, TGlems said:

Very cute Cloud.  Very cute.  No, it starts with an S.  I think?  Either way it is incredibly unimportant at this point in the game. 


ANY kind of investigative results are important at this stage of the game. It can either help POE a bit, give town a good lead after this day ends, or can make your role look more believable. You're basically scum claiming in my eyes at this point.








You owe me a lot of moolah


  On 3/17/2014 at 8:52 PM, Darthe said:

Right, but to alter is to change. 




  On 3/17/2014 at 8:55 PM, Darthe said:

So then, if you reshaped todays title what do you think it implies is about to happen? 


This is what is making me think we might have gone for the too-obvious route today.


  On 3/18/2014 at 2:16 AM, Ithillian said:


  On 3/18/2014 at 12:57 AM, Despothera said:

And fwiw Ithi, I can understand Mish's snippiness. You have asked like a bajillion redundant questions this game and your instincts have been so far off its crazy. You're pretty much just casting out paranoid FOS's at anyone and everyone this game, thinking you've caught them them when really youre just going all stretch armstrong on em.

Hmmmmmmm ... Agrees with me a lot until I ask Mish some questions ... AND say he's Mafia - but doesn't quote the bit where I say he's Mafia because he wants you to forget that.

Also now shares ssame slot again. I wish you'd make up your mind.

You should have no idea if I'm reaching or not - because the only person I've advocated lynching that's had a Coroner is RTE and he was NOT TOWN - although 3rd party. To say it's all reaching? Do you know who is Town for sure cos you are Mafia? I don't know who is who - hence QUESTIONS.

You very snippy too. I shouldn't be awake.



If I'm still alive I'll respond to this in a sec


If not, our role isn't just investigative... me and Tommy just want to pump (CLAP) you up!




Still alive for now. (grrrrr @ not knowing what's about to happen)


Ithi, I don't have to know the alignments of anyone you're tinfoiling on to know you're reaching.


If someone says they think someone is scum because that person had too many spaces after a comma in one of their posts, they're obviously reaching. It matters not if their target is actually scum or not.


So your whole point about me possibly having TMI is FAIL, and another example of you reaching.


You reach in every game, and in fact it's often beneficial to town because you also catch stuff that others don't.


But when you over-reach, all you're really doing is just spewing distracting wifom all over the place.


But eh, I'll forgive you for your reaches tonight, I think some of them came up cause you were tired, PLUS you caught the sacrificial alter thing when no one else had. So okay.


The sun was falling fast.  They needed to make a decision, any decision.  With some sense of confidence the crowd chose him and he was quickly eliminated.


Turin is dead.


Initiating cutscene...


They looked up, a sense of expectation written on some faces, anxiety on others.  The moon should be up any moment now.  They had made the sacrifice, had fulfilled their obligation.  This was the game and always had been.


The sun went down.


The moon did not rise.


Suddenly, you felt a stirring.  The ground beneath your feet shook, a distant rumble that seemed to emanate from far away.  It was growing.  The ground split, cracked beneath your feet, consuming the bodies strewn about on the ground.  Light shot forth from these cracks, a blinding whiteness that consumed all.  None could stand before it and you averted your eyes.  Something hit you in the head, hard.  The world went black.






You came to slowly.  It felt like you lost a fight with a bag of bricks.  You tasted copper, it would definitely be a while before you were okay.  What the hell was going on?  With a slow motion you rose only to see that others were already up and looking at something strange.  It was an altar.  No, a ring of altars.  Five exactly, and what looked like a vortex in the middle of them, carved of stone.  This was going to be bad.



Scene ended.


There are ten people alive.  Select five of them.  Each of you put them in order and submit them privately to me.  You may discuss your choices on thread.  Do not submit night actions tonight.  You have 24 hours to submit names or forfeit your opportunity.  


Okay so obviously we HAVE to discuss this some more on thread to coordinate this since any scum left will likely coordinate their targets,


The obvious expectation is that those 5 selected will be SACRIFICED and will die... but to what end?


And, knowing Darthe, the obvious expectation might be the least likely to occur.


Hrmmmm. Read over the scene a couple of times btw, didn't get anything.

  On 3/18/2014 at 4:55 AM, WWWwombat said:

Twelve alive before

Ten remain at this moment

We did not lynch two


Well the likelihood that this is an actual PR has now dwindled down somewhat considering day phase ended. So meh.


But good catch potentially. Lemme check to confirm.

  On 3/16/2014 at 3:29 AM, Darthe said:

With 12 alive it takes 7 to lynch


Not voting (12/12):

Tess, TG, Cloud, Turin, Mish, Len, Tina, Dap, AJ, Salami, Rag, Womby


71 Hours til Night.



  On 3/18/2014 at 4:49 AM, Darthe said:

The sun was falling fast.  They needed to make a decision, any decision.  With some sense of confidence the crowd chose him and he was quickly eliminated.


Turin is dead.


Initiating cutscene...


They looked up, a sense of expectation written on some faces, anxiety on others.  The moon should be up any moment now.  They had made the sacrifice, had fulfilled their obligation.  This was the game and always had been.


The sun went down.


The moon did not rise.


Suddenly, you felt a stirring.  The ground beneath your feet shook, a distant rumble that seemed to emanate from far away.  It was growing.  The ground split, cracked beneath your feet, consuming the bodies strewn about on the ground.  Light shot forth from these cracks, a blinding whiteness that consumed all.  None could stand before it and you averted your eyes.  Something hit you in the head, hard.  The world went black.






You came to slowly.  It felt like you lost a fight with a bag of bricks.  You tasted copper, it would definitely be a while before you were okay.  What the hell was going on?  With a slow motion you rose only to see that others were already up and looking at something strange.  It was an altar.  No, a ring of altars.  Five exactly, and what looked like a vortex in the middle of them, carved of stone.  This was going to be bad.



Scene ended.


There are ten people alive.  Select five of them.  Each of you put them in order and submit them privately to me.  You may discuss your choices on thread.  Do not submit night actions tonight.  You have 24 hours to submit names or forfeit your opportunity.  


Wombat's right. I thought he might have been counting me and Tom as two mebbe, but nope.


So there is a hidden kill or dead person.


I can confirm that as of now I haven't received notification of me being dead or dying or any of that shibazz. Need everyone else to come forward and confirm this as well.


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