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Vampire Diaries Mafia- Mafia Wins!!!


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Checking in real quick. Not a fan of sunday deadlines. Obviously not gonna move my vote now, although judging from Wombat's recent posts I think it is fairly obvious he'll flip town. He should learn not to follow Darthe next time.


I generally like his reads and warning against Aidanna however (obviously he's wrong in my case). Theo and Ley playing the "cautious townie" angle, and Ley and Hallia look like they might have been looking to hide their votes as consolidation votes. Darthe not voting in the guise of promoting a random is kinda Darthe being Darthe, but he does seem very scummy to me this game (as did Talya).


Gonna look everything over again once I get back to work tho, today's flip will help a bit at least.

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I think one of Ley/Arez is scum. Arez's vote on Wombat didn't look great ("oh man you ended up being scum wombat, i feel so betrayed!"). Ley asking for VC then voting Wombat anyways looks bad. Tina kinda overexplained a consolidation vote on AJ, I don't like that. Aidanna did camp an early omgus vote on Wombat then ditched the thread like she promised, REALLY don't like that. Theo asking for claim to look like she would hammer if he didn't say the obvious choice looks like fake scumhunting to me, the fact that she knows theme allows her to do this. I don't mind either Rag's or Snow's vote on Wombat. Darthe is being as unhelpful to town as normal, likely scum imo this game however. Basel also sort of disappeared after losing pressure, let's not forget about him either.

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@: I have been limited to my cellphone for posting three weekends in a row, due to staying in motels. If I stopped contributing, it's due to me either being busy with packing or not having a chance to get online for real. And since weekends are generally a time of inactivity for everyone in mafia, you calling out one specific person for a lack of posting over a weekend doesn't make you look too good.


Unvote. Vote Womby.

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lynch achieved... scene coming up...


Official Vote Count


Womby (9/9):   Aidanna, Des, Ragnarok, AJ, Arez, Hallia, John Snow, Leyrann, Basel

AJ (2/9): Goldeneyes, Tina

John Snow (1/9): Player

Despo (1/9): Darthe

Theodora (1/9): Womby




people not voting (2/16): Izabella, Theodora


WWWwombat, Matt Donovan- vanilla town has been lynched... it is now Night 1


Deadline: Monday December 9, 2013 20:00 EST http://www.timeanddate.com/countdown/to?iso=20131209T20&p0=263&msg=Vampire+Diaries+Mafia+Night+1

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[stike]Sorry it's taken me so long, 22 pages of text is a bit intimidating... I think someone asked me a question, but I am not sure where it was, if you ask again I will gladly answer.
Vote Darthe.  

I just want to kill as many people as I can.  Let us play a random game and see how it turns out, yes?

While I am hopeful this wasn't completely serious. It just feel fishy. Random is the worse thing that can happen. [/strike]


Sorry guys, It took me to darn long to read up...



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Work that day had been busy, and Matt was ready to go back to his empty home and sleep. Everybody looked at each other with suspicion and even though they'd all started taking vervain  again, if one of them had been compelled to help while not on vervain, there would be no way to tell... and as unlikely as the possibility of a traitor was, everybody knew that the Originals have ways of getting in your head and making you do things you don't want such as helping them... As Matt got to his truck and pulled out his keys, he found that he suddenly couldn't move.


"I'm sorry Matt, but we think you might be helping them." Bonnie's soft voice came from behind him and was followed by a body that he could see using his peripheral vision.


"Go ahead and get out here, witch, I'll take over from here." Damon said before Matt felt cool hands on his neck and everything went black....

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@: I have been limited to my cellphone for posting three weekends in a row, due to staying in motels. If I stopped contributing, it's due to me either being busy with packing or not having a chance to get online for real. And since weekends are generally a time of inactivity for everyone in mafia, you calling out one specific person for a lack of posting over a weekend doesn't make you look too good.



You aren't the only one that went inactive, a few others need to step it up a lot. But your sudden lack of contribution is a lot more unnerving that others considering your earlier attention.


I also don't like your "doesn't make you look too good" line. Looks like attempt to discredit to me

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I think one of Ley/Arez is scum. Arez's vote on Wombat didn't look great ("oh man you ended up being scum wombat, i feel so betrayed!"). Ley asking for VC then voting Wombat anyways looks bad. Tina kinda overexplained a consolidation vote on AJ, I don't like that. Aidanna did camp an early omgus vote on Wombat then ditched the thread like she promised, REALLY don't like that. Theo asking for claim to look like she would hammer if he didn't say the obvious choice looks like fake scumhunting to me, the fact that she knows theme allows her to do this. I don't mind either Rag's or Snow's vote on Wombat. Darthe is being as unhelpful to town as normal, likely scum imo this game however. Basel also sort of disappeared after losing pressure, let's not forget about him either.

This should be a good place to start.

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[stike]Sorry it's taken me so long, 22 pages of text is a bit intimidating... I think someone asked me a question, but I am not sure where it was, if you ask again I will gladly answer. 


Vote Darthe.  




I just want to kill as many people as I can.  Let us play a random game and see how it turns out, yes?

While I am hopeful this wasn't completely serious. It just feel fishy. Random is the worse thing that can happen. [/strike]


Sorry guys, It took me to darn long to read up...



That makes no sense. I'm going to give you the benefit of the doubt and presume that in the 2 minutes it took you to write the post the hammer post came up. I'll also presume you have no idea what the vote count was. So explain to me how random is bad, yet you vote for someone with no votes with a deadline looming. That accomplishes nothing and would have led to a random modkill. There is no part of the reasoning in this post that makes any logical sense. I give you no points and may god have mercy on your soul.


Des is right, you need to really pick up your participation. It looks like you just checked a page at random, saw a scummy line and voted for that person while trying to claim you read the whole thread. Please pick up the pace and explain the logic behind voting for someone with no votes on them.

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Wait are we actually claiming that I am scummy?


I have done more for this town than most of you ever will.  Tomorrow listen to me and you might actually get somewhere.




Seriously though I will maybe get around to stomping the yard here in a day or two.  Weekday activity sounds classier anyhow.  What else do I have to do but work a job? pshhh

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Ok - I stepped away for a bit to calm down. I really am sorry I was overreacting and defensive. I'm going to read through the stuff I missed and get notes together to really try to learn how to scumhunt. I'll be back shortly. 

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Can someone get a vote count going? I'm going to take a shower now, after will be my last check in before the deadline.



As pretty much everything is switching to/going for Wombat now, I'll change for consolidation, seeing as we only have four and half an hour left, and I need to go to bed now.


unvote vote Wombat


This is an odd sequence btw.  Asks for a vote count but then puts me at L - 1 without a count.  Either scum trying to look cautious or lazy town.



According to what you yourself said, you should be a frequent LoL player...


8:56 PM: I about have to go to bed because I have school today (gotta leave in 10 minutes), so I ask someone if he can get a vote count ready, because I'm taking a shower and will but check in for a few seconds after that.

8:56 PM to 9:32 PM: I take a shower.

9:32 PM: No one made a vote count, so I'll just go ahead and vote the one I believe now has most votes, as it's my last check in before going to bed, and only four and half an hour until deadline. As it turned out, it was already 7 to 4 votes at that moment, and I made it 8 to 3. With this post it seems like you're saying you'd have prefered a random.



We've already established Ley is scum lol.


Idk, he's been pretty lazy this game.  Could always be lazy scum I guess.



Lazy? I've been scumhunting better than ever before... Surely you've played with me in the past too...



[stike]Sorry it's taken me so long, 22 pages of text is a bit intimidating... I think someone asked me a question, but I am not sure where it was, if you ask again I will gladly answer. 


Vote Darthe.  




I just want to kill as many people as I can.  Let us play a random game and see how it turns out, yes?

While I am hopeful this wasn't completely serious. It just feel fishy. Random is the worse thing that can happen. [/strike]


Sorry guys, It took me to darn long to read up...



That makes no sense. I'm going to give you the benefit of the doubt and presume that in the 2 minutes it took you to write the post the hammer post came up. I'll also presume you have no idea what the vote count was. So explain to me how random is bad, yet you vote for someone with no votes with a deadline looming. That accomplishes nothing and would have led to a random modkill. There is no part of the reasoning in this post that makes any logical sense. I give you no points and may god have mercy on your soul.


Des is right, you need to really pick up your participation. It looks like you just checked a page at random, saw a scummy line and voted for that person while trying to claim you read the whole thread. Please pick up the pace and explain the logic behind voting for someone with no votes on them.



This pretty much sums up what I was thinking too...

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Ok here are what I can see after reading everything through. I did have a vote placed on Wombat - but it wasn't part of the train, I misunderstood something and I should have removed it before I went MIA. Some of what I think about people's alliances are due to the town flip for Wombat. Since he is the only person I know for sure is town with me at this point. 


AJ: I'm not sure how he usually plays. I had a slight town read on him, but more willing to believe it with his character claim. No one has disproved this, and I doubt Time would make a game without that character. (I love the series btw) But I don't quite understand the Vig role yet, and his move to vote for Wombat is suspicious. He also played some silly votes, even when serious game time started. I am still leaning town, but not enough to be confident. 


John Snow: Not much for me to work with. Jumped the vote on me for my banter jokes with Rag, then some not as serious posts, then toward the end of the deadline moved his vote to Wombat. Stronger scum read here so far than town. 


Hallia: Not sure about her - she says she is gullible and seemed understanding of my ridiculous flailing. She voted AJ for a bit, then after his reveal moved to the Wombat train. Not sure about her at all yet. Need more. 


Me - Vanilla town. I can give my character if needed. 


Tayla/Darthe: I was getting a pretty strong scum read on her early on, and that really hasn't changed since Darthe took her place. When someone replaces, do they have the same character? Darthe stated he was not wanting to read through the posts so far - is someone updating him, which would make him mafia, yes? Tayla started the Wombat voting, but I think Darthe moved it to Des later - I might need to read the Tayla/Darthe posts again, but this is my strongest scum read. 


Rag: Stated a town read on Basel, mentioned Tina later. He has lots of fluff posts, then says he has a bad feeling about Goldeneyes and Wombat. He later moves his vote to Wombat. I said earlier he is being nicer than other games I have seen him play, and this hasn't changed. I put him in my probable scum group. 


Thea - stated scum reads on Tayla/Darthe - which is where I am leaning, she did some rolefishing, and in the end never voted. This is more suspicious to me. Leaning scum here too. 


Tina: Suspicious of Tayla/Darthe - I don't have much here though. I want to say town because Tayla/Darthe is my strongest read thus far, but I need more, so I could go either way here. 


Dap: Said he was leaning scum with Basel, then Votes snow for equal trains, then moves his vote to AJ. Mild scum read but need more. 


Bella: Not much being said here. Voted Darthe. I need more - I want to say town, but I am not sure about her yet. I need to read more here - did she keep her vote on Darthe, or did she go unvoted during the final count? I need to check that later. 


Wombat - Town


Ley: seemed very understanding of my flailing, but I need to try to not let that make me think town, when it could be something else. He had voted Aj, then moved to the Wombat train. I liked his reads on people, but with the vote for Wombat I am unsure. More of a scum read, but I need more. 


Despo: Voted Tayla, had a lot to say about my scummy behavior. I didn't like the post where he joked about "being harder to catch when scum" about changing meta which included a wink face. I'm leaning town here, but then he posted a big list about why womby and Darthe are scum together with Arez. I am leaning town with Despo, but need more. 


Basel: not much has changed from what I said earlier here - leaning town, but he hasn't given me nearly enough to go on. He has a few non game related posts after the whole thing with AJ, then is complaining about phone and stuff. Not sure about him yet. 


Arez: stated a scum vibe with JS, not too much informative posts for the game happening, then he jumps the wombat train. I need more from him - he feels slightly scummy but I'm just not sure and haven't read a game he has played before, so I don't know anything about how he plays. 


Golden: Not being quite as aggressive as I normally see him, which is suspicious for me, but I do know he had family stuff this weekend and that could be causing less posts. He did say he felt Wombat was town. I am leaning town with him here as well. 


So in short my list for likely scum reads: Tayla/Darthe, Ley, Thea, Rag


Not sure of anyone, but need more from JS, Hallia, Tina, Dap, Arez, Bella


I'm really not sure of anyone and totally suspicious at this point, but leaning town with AJ, Golden, Basel. 


So a couple last questions if people didn't see them in this post earlier: How exactly does the Vig role work? Does Darthe have the same character that Tayla did (because her posts were part of my scum read here). 


Ok - I have to check a few things on DM - will maybe check more later, but I'm going to also go to bed shortly. I hope this helps everyone see that I do want to learn, and do a better job scumhunting and being less defensive. Again, I apologize for leaving, but I do want to learn. 

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Darthe has the same character, role and alignment as Talya.


A vig is a townie that can kill. 




Yet, why don't you name your cliam correctly, AJ? Since you have the guts to say your role, why don't you have the guts to say which Salvatore you are? Or are you fake claiming vaguely, so noone could claim against you withthe same role?


He already claimed a brother and his role, someone else claimed Stefan. If you watch the show you know who the other brother is. What were you hoping, he'd say "I'm Murray Salvatore" and you could say "aha!"


Ok,  Wombat, would you consider revealing yourself if AJ is lynched as a townie?


Rolefishing... so slimy. Starting a new train on you would just be a waste of time right now. You will be getting my vote in the am.



I've noted AJ acting scummy several times in my posts. Town vig is an interesting choice. You'd expect the Doc to protect you tonight (if there is a Doc) and that claim should make the town back off to protect you. Yet, rather than play a less aggressive game to protect your night ability, you've been flippant with your reactions, sarcastic and aggressive even after you became the recipient of multiple votes. Your mouth says town, but your actions say scum. 



Vote AJ



To answer, (I think it was Tina's) question to me and Izabella which I missed earlier. I am currently playing my 2nd, 3rd and 4th games of mafia concurrently.



This is also pretty doo-doo. I chose to play this game specifically the way I have to garner attention so that I would be voted. Like I explained earlier, I don't mind being in the spotlight because it gives me a perspective on players as they try to join my wagon for whatever reasons they give. Just because I have a NA doesn't mean I should sit back and stay quiet. With this ability I actually have the opportunity to shoot back. Get what I'm saying? But thanks for biting :wink:



I agree with Wombat. If you play scummy on purpose both town and mafia will vote you and how can you then see the difference? 

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I am sorry but RL happened and I had important guests who came earlier. Don't forget that we live in diferent time zones. And that I suddenly disappeared from all DM - this could be checked. It would not make any difference though as I would have voted Talya/Dathe. Of course I am trying to find more information. What is the rest doing?

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