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Welcome to the band Thytaark!


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Hiya Thytaark and welcome to the Band. Someone will have you added to our userfroups shortly so you can see more of this crazy place soon. In the meantime, post wherever you want and get to know us.

*hands Thytaark a Guinny*. Official deliciousness of the Infantry. Everyone will try and convince you that their regimental drink is better, but don't you believe them! Cheers and have a great time!

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Welcome to the band!


I would love to drag you to the archers right away (bodily if I must),


but I think Horn and some of the others might not be too happy and cut my rum rations (again.)


Hope you enjoy your stay! And I hope RR training goes well for yee..!

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Welcome Thytaark.


Will you give me Tom Hiddleston? 







Brid you have an addiction.  I think you need to go to rehab.


And you're feeding it!!  ha haha!!


Don't worry Thy, you'll get used to us. 

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Hiya and welcome Thy!!!


No, I don't think I can call you Thy, it'll have to be Taark...Taarky...he he he, something like that. Anyway, ignore all those archers and infants, take the Cavalry drinks, those Bandys that DJ gave you. Look, I'll even help you get started on them


*tosses Taarky some Bandy* be sure you don't spill it!! That can have dire consequences XD

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Welcome to the Band Thytaark, if you have a preference for a shortened name I'd give it soon *nods*


Anyway, here are some flaming shots to get rid of that nasty sock taste in your mouth, it's what comes from accepting drinks from just anybody :biggrin:


Why don't you tell us a bit about yourself while you're waiting for access to the main boards?

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Welcome Thytaark.


Will you give me Tom Hiddleston? 







Brid you have an addiction.  I think you need to go to rehab.


And you're feeding it!!  ha haha!!


Don't worry Thy, you'll get used to us. 


I think that makes him your enabler...off to meetings both of you. *ggls* remember the first step is admitting you have a problem. *G*

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Welcome Thytaark! I'm Andrej, or more simply AJ, and I'm in charge of the Archers regiment :smile: Swing by the Range sometime once you have access and we'll hook you up nicely with some... stuff. Drinks and fun... and yeah... :ph34r:


So you're from San Antonio? That's my hometown! I haven't been there in years but I was born there and lived there until I was about 15 before moving away. My mom still lives there actually.

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