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Despothera's House of the Undead Mafia! Game over! Town wins!!!!!


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Let me 'splain. No, it is too much. Let me sum up...


The villagers all wanted to lynch Maw cause he was looking for 3rd party instead of mafia. There was much voting of Maw. Then there were some 'Whoa Whoa Whoa" and I think maybe a "not so fast my friend". Yates agrees to unvote and hammer later. Eventually Maw claims Fezzik Frankenstein (1x unlychable Miller) and there is not much belief as it seems an awfully weird thing. The only one that unvotes after the claim is Darthe. Eddie says he wants to get his Monkey Kong on, Wombat thinks he should hit Darthe also to knock some sense into him. Finally Tiink, Yates and Darthe revote and Mish jumps in and Hammers before Eddie can. Then Berf says he better not be on any lynches. Finally there is much quoting of Princess Bride (total win there)


But as of right now we don't know if Maw is deaded or not...


Someone go kick Despo's coffin please. Or Ed can use his hammer on it too.

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Darthe, Yates, Mish, and all of the other townies crept towards him from behind. He was leaning against Wombat, who himself was being held by Crush.You couldn't decide if they were trying to eat one another or.. Well nevermind.


Steeling yourself, the three of you passed around a bottle of Cabo Wabo, took a big swig and set to what had to be done.


A lot of blood was spilled that night, but when the sun rose it all burned away.


Maw, mafia goofball has been lynched


Darthe Wins

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Sorry bout the wait yall, I had been missing out on sleep for 4-5 days and it finally caught up with me, my coffin was nice and cozy today



Official Vote Count:



With 17 alive, it takes 9 to lynch.


Maw: Hallia, Cloud, BG, Wombat, Turin, Tiinker, Dice, Yates, Mish (9)

Wombat: Darthe (1)

Dice: Basel (1)

Not voting: Peace, Berf, Rorschach (Pralaya), Maw, Ed, RTE, (6)

Day 2 deadline here


That's a lynch! Scene incoming (be forewarned, I'm on a date night with the missus, so the scene might be a bit lazy)

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After the villagers had seen the meager evidence of one of their brave heroes' remains, there had been a somber mood indeed. Perceval had been one of the Knights of the Round table, and had vanquished many a terrible and powerful foe. That he had met his end so early in this... game... had certainly left many feeling very disconcerted. A quick furor had led many to agree almost simultaneously on one individual.


"Nobody understands me. I just want to be loved!" the individual tried pleading out for the other villagers to slow down, to reconsider their actions.


The arguing subsided then for a short bit, but soon enough the waiting led to a an anxious feeling that something would have to be done one way or the other. There was no telling what other tricks Despothera had in store for them if they stalled too long. While they argued over who would be the one to deliver the killing blow, one amongst the crowd slipped away.


She had initially been wary of the rush to gang up on the one individual, but she now saw that there was no other way. While everyone else continued arguing, Misheru Sedai looked among the decorations for a sturdy enough weapon to do the job with. Seeing an axe carried by a statue of a knight, she grabbed it and tested the weight a bit before setting it down.


Feeling the axe would do nicely, she first took her towel (she always knew where it was), and wrapped it around herself. Weaving the One Power, she put together an interesting weave indeed and placed it on the towel. She now had a Somebody Else's Problem field wrapped around her, and she knew that no one would notice her as she walked up to commit the deed everyone seemed to be putting off.


With a grunt of determined effort, she hefted the axe and began to walk forward towards Mawthtex. She started building more and more momentum with every step as her steps grew faster and faster. Everything around her seemed to slow down, and she bumped past the few individuals in her way as she grew closer to her target.


Finally heaving the axe behind her head, she jumped up into the air and yelled out one last war cry:


"This is for Slartibartfast!!!"


The axe fell forward with all the momentum she had built up, and came down with a tremendously quiet roar. A blinding light filled the chamber, and Misheru was knocked backwards with a great invisible force. Everyone else was knocked back a bit too, and raised their hands to cover their faces from the light. When the light finally died down somewhat, everyone looked towards Mawthtex to see what had become of him. He stood there still, looking very sullen indeed.


The axe lay on the ground, shattered into so many pieces like the hopes of those who had gone into the castle. Darkness enveloped them all once again.



It is now night. Get in your Night Actions as soon as possible, but being the weekend I will grant a slightly larger deadline.


Night 2 deadline here

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Little stuff I couldn't catch up on before (sad I missed out on the Princess Bride spam :sad:) :


Also, venting time. Oden signed with the Heat. Absolutely awful decision for him. At San Antonio he would have had an amazing medical staff, amazing coaching staff to help develop his game, and could have been mentored by one of the best NBA big men ever. Instead, he goes to Miami, where the limelight and club atmosphere will likely create a dangerous situation for him considering his struggles with alcoholism and depression.

What a maroon.

Oden is done anyways imo. Blazers love to draft big men with terrible knees instead of guys like Michael Jordan or Kevin Durant. Hell even Brandon Roy got in on the bad knee craze.

Also, the Spurs really don't need a guy whose body is already broken to add to their aging core.



He would've been the perfect 15th roster spot guy tho. Project with tremendous upside, defensive big for the future...


I'm more upset that it used to be the Lakers that got EVERY free agent, now it's the Heat :mad:


When is it going to be the Spurs turn?


(edited out Darthe trying to act like the mod)


I'd be careful if I was you Darthe. Considering your earlier pertness, your leash aint exactly that long when it comes to the modkill button...




Hey Mod, change thread title? :tongue:


Oh yeah, NP. My bad.

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