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Despothera's House of the Undead Mafia! Game over! Town wins!!!!!


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Dice's post was this:


less then 20 posts ago you brought it up. now you make light of it


vote ley


I'm not sure if he meant to have a reason, but this was what I got from it:


"aoifdgjklagfoiasjd;fljkasdf Vote Ley"

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Ah right ... well I don't know about that - as I do tend to float along until something incongrouos occurs and then clamp down. Perhaps until you made that statement he did think you were Town. And then you said something different to what you had previously said and that made him think you are Mafia.


Just like you did with him in regards to these two posts you mention.


Tiny things that seem inconsequential can make big differences.


Whereas Maw has twice now mentioned the thought of a 3rd party on D1 - when Town should be looking for Mafia. And then he vanished ... and then he nudged back at someone who added a vote on him.


I think that is a lot more concrete.

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Leys post   number 263




my post 264




I am responding to your response to me in the beginning of your post. Seeing as I was the next post I thought it would make sense.as that is the only part of your post that was aimed at me.  And LO AND BEHOLD!! it was in....wait for it....ENGLISH!


its pretty simple   people have been on you for backtracking all game then you say  " the last pages nearly noone is still talking about it.".  Those last pages?  They were ONE page and as i said less then 20 posts before you had to bring it up again  but you did it in a way that made light of it. Basically Ithi is right  you said something that made me change my mind.



sorry i wanted to multiquote but thats not working for me

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I don't know why Maw's "3rd party" read is an issue. If he was trying to trap Ley, he could have as well said "scum" and be done with it. Why would he have wanted to bring the topic unless he was actually airing his suspicions?

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Leys post   number 263




my post 264




I am responding to your response to me in the beginning of your post. Seeing as I was the next post I thought it would make sense.as that is the only part of your post that was aimed at me.  And LO AND BEHOLD!! it was in....wait for it....ENGLISH!


its pretty simple   people have been on you for backtracking all game then you say  " the last pages nearly noone is still talking about it.".  Those last pages?  They were ONE page and as i said less then 20 posts before you had to bring it up again  but you did it in a way that made light of it. Basically Ithi is right  you said something that made me change my mind.



sorry i wanted to multiquote but thats not working for me


It's finally clear to me now. However, is me saying "nearly noone has mentioned it recently" (notice the NEARLY), when the page before it I replied to that one person who did mention it enough to vote me? It still sounds increadibly weak to me...


Still waiting for Maw's answer. Normally he's already online at this time, I give him one hour to reply to Ithi's post on the last page. If he does not reply or his reply does not convince me, I change my vote.

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This post made some really good points imo:


Ok - here are the rest of Maw's posts.

I'm here. The party can now begin.

Vote Ley of course.

I've been wanting to see world war z, it seems pretty cool. Have you played The Last of Us? I've been hearing really really good things about it.


Okay, if everyone really thinks I should unvote after stating it's a joke vote, here you go. But don't say it's "giving in to the pressure", because you would otherwise have said that either way.


The problem arises when you state its a joke vote, but make no move to remove it as a train forms. This implies that you do in fact want him lynched and have an 'i want someone dead i don't care who' attitude.


BG, Berf, and Turin are town.

That's very interesting darthe. Why?

I feel that I should mention, since joke votes are in the spotlight, that my vote on Ley was originally a joke, but I now feel justified in leaving it there.

I'm unsure what to think about the whole Turin ithi thing. Ithi is right about Turin's behavior being a bit abnormal. It could be something, it could be nothing. However Ley is acting very third party IMO. I think we should look at him first and Turin later.

Random thought: can a jester win through being modkilled? Probly not but it would be funny.

Anyway, on third parties: I hate them. A lot. They keep surviving to endgame and then screwing everything up. When I think I see one, I want them dead. And I've seen Ley in the role often enough to start to identify when he is one.

So he starts with a joke vote on Ley. Then he tells Ley of for not removing HIS joke vote when a train starts to form ... and saying that makes him look a bit like he doesn't care as long as someone dies. Funny - 'cos that's kind of what he did with his vote on Ley lol.

He is interested in who Darthe thinks is Town and asks a nice non-commital question.

Then he remembers that he called Ley out for sitting on a Joke Vote after a Tran forms and realises that he is actually sitting at the head of the Ley Train. Does he use ALL the possibilities mentioned by other people voting for Leyrann and say - yeah, he is scrambling a bit and doesn't want to be seen as bad. It may have been a joke vote but I agree that he does look a bit Mafia. NO. He doesn't say that - he says that Leyrann looks like he is 3rd party. I believe that a Town would say someone that they suspected was Mafia - so I think Maw is Mafia because he instead brought up this weird 3rd party thing.

The he also introduces a bit more confusion and wifom with his Jester comment ... and again tries to explain that he thinks that Ley is 3rd party because he has seen him in a 3rd Party Role lots. Again ... not just suspecting someone of being Mafia at this early stage of the Game is really off.

And then he vanishes ... until Cloud also votes for him (Darthe may have tried to vote but is being difficult perhaps ... well done there - how's that working for you?) and nudge attacks Cloud and then gives an explanation why he hasn't posted.

He stayed RIGHT away from nudgingor doubting me ... probably didn't want be to go all 'Eye of Sauron' on him if he flinched.

So. Maw is Mafia. Vote him.



I probably let myself get influenced by what other people say a bit to easily, but if someone says something, and I agree with it, then yeah, I just say "good points, I agree with it".

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Crappy reasoning for a vote.

Stop skimming.


Well, I'm not skimming and I think this is crappy:

I probably let myself get influenced by what other people say a bit to easily, but if someone says something, and I agree with it, then yeah, I just say "good points, I agree with it".

And I think THIS is crappy:

Unvote vote Maw


Normally you're online like one or two hours before this.

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@Wombat: Agree might be the wrong word, but "make sense" is a good way to describe it, I'd say.


@Ithi (and Yates): I mean, that he should read better. He clearly read the post out of context, or he would not have said it was crappy reasoning (same for you, Yates). I have been saying the whole day, that I first wanted to see a reply from Maw, before actually switching my vote. However, what I wanted to say with that post, was "He's waiting too long with the reply, he is normally here already at this time, I'm going to switch now".

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Are you ever going to take an unequivocal stance on anything this game?


Ithi makes good points and they "make sense" but you don't exactly agree with them? What is that supposed to mean? You obviously agree with them enough to vote Maw.

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However, what I wanted to say with that post, was "He's waiting too long with the reply, he is normally here already at this time, I'm going to switch now".

Yeah. This isn't a complicated statement. I get it. Deciding to switch to someone for "taking too long" because you think they "should have been on already" is really crappy reasoning. Unless you think maybe only Town are on all the time?
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