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Windows 8


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I remember buying books that gave you the basic code to type in and make games ...



I remember text only adventure games.


*Pick up knife


*Turn left




#I'm sorry - your action is not recognised









#You have been eaten by zombies


To specify my downgrade I made a duel boot for windows 8 and windows 7 for my laptop. Just to make sure that it didnt blow up at me and refuse the downgrade (thank god I had an old Windows 7 installation disk and key laying around at home ^_^)


You guys are old.. >.>



I've spoken to a friend at length about Windows 8 and he showed me some things on it.


It's perfect for Tablets and Smartphones.


On PCs... I click Desktop and forget the rest existed. Boot-up and shutdown times are nice. Otherwise yea, painful...


I agree with you.



Like.. Ancient.



yes, youth is a permanent condition....


i remember that thought well :myrddraal:


We just got Windows 7 at my work, my upgrade was last week. I'm liking it. My desktop at home (which is currently dead) has WinXP, and my laptop came with Vista.


Thinking I'll buy Win7 for home use when I get a working desktop computer again.


I think my first computer memory was playing Civilization and Mechwarrior 2 at my mum's work, when I was a wee lad.



And to this day my favorite types of game are strategy and deep future simulations. Go figure. (Then X3 came along and combined them both... Lost me for months on that one)



First pc was a windows 95 booting Pentium 120. I remember savaging the windows install files later in life to free up space on the 2gig hdd for moar mp3s!



The first thing I do when presented with a tablet/laptop with Windows 8 is go to desktop. And a tablet with proper windows is something I've wanted ever since the first iPad came out, if not earlier.


MechWarrior. I used to play that. And the BattleTech games too. Read the books too. Michael Stackpole was the author for most of the main storylines. I thought his writing was pretty good. He has done some other stuff including some Star Wars stuff I think. 


Stackpole I'm pretty sure did some of the Xwing books, dealing with Iceheart I think.


A credible writer from memory, but I was but young when reading them.


I remember the mechwarrior 2 game cd also worked in cdplayers and would just play the game tracks. Had some really great music which to this day I can still remember note for note. Very dramatic.



I can do everything on a windows pc from Start->Run. Taking away my ability to do that is just ridiculous.

That's still there. It's just right click instead of left click now. 


I'm fairly surprised that people don't like Windows 8. I had low expectations, given the general reception, however I've had it for a month now, and I've been loving every minute. 


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