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[Non Spoilers]Game of Thrones Season Three

John E. Kelley

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Dragon's are cool. *nods*


I've always been a fan of Arya, since the books. I actually think that she is the one character who's fate takes a truly unexpected turn.


You mean you didn't expect her to turn into an assassin? I couldn't have imagined her story going any other way.


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Some one said that Sansa is doing the best of everyone. She goes to king's landing with no political clout, a father who is a rube when it comes

to politics, and somehow, she is still alive. How many others could do that? People drop like flies around her, and she still goes wiht the flow.

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, a father who is a rube when it comes

to politics


Eddard wasn't a "rube" when it comes to politics. He knew how everything works, and even how to play the game in a lot of cases. Eddard's problem wasn't that he was ignorant to how things work; but that he refused to be a part of it, or play the game, for the sake of his honor.


He did, however, find out that this was a terrible mistake, in the hard way, but that's not the point.

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Ned found out that it is really difficult to be an honorable man in a dishonorable world. With Ned's death, GRRM told his fans that "if any character is gonna stick around, they are going to be various shades of gray rather than white vs. black."

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I hate Sansa, she's my least favourite character of all. I dislike her more than Joff and Cersei even. She's just so bloody stupid! And her constant whining about men and their looks; she'd take any man as long as he was pretty, no matter how crazy, just look at her and Joffrey, but give her a good man, who doesn't look pretty, and I'm sure her whole world would collapse!  :dry: I know, she did grow to dislike Joffrey, but she was still gonna go through with the marriage and give him "beautiful golden children" even after she'd seen glimpses of his dark side. 

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She's just so bloody stupid! And her constant whining about men and their looks; she'd take any man as long as he was pretty, no matter how crazy, just look at her and Joffrey, but give her a good man, who doesn't look pretty, and I'm sure her whole world would collapse!  





That's just what Sansa would have you believe! She is a cold heart SOB who will slit you from ear to ear and smile while doing it.  :angry: In my opinion...

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I know! How dare a thirteen year old be naive about the world? And eleven (how old she is in the books) isn't a big difference either! How dare she be upset about a forced marriage to a man who she barely knows, or dream of marrying the equivalent of a rockstar? And I can't understand why a thirteen year old in a super conservative culture doesn't have good gaydar? I mean, come on, REALLY? And that man she barely knows, he EVEN isn't cruel to her and doesn't beat her regularly! What more could a young girl ask for in a man? GEEZ. How dare  she can't help but note that he IS a Lannister, and the Lannisters as a family have been incredibly cruel to her? I MEAN WHY CAN'T SHE JUST LOOK PAST THAT AND ALL OF THE TRAUMA AND ABUSE SHE'S SUFFERED AND MARRY SOMEONE SHE DOESN'T KNOW AND HAS NO ATTRACTION TO?! WHY CAN'T SHE JUST SEE HOW MUCH OF A GOOD DEAL THIS IS? ARRGHGGHAGHGHGHG




I get that people may have reasons to dislike her character, but honestly . . .

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I know! How dare a thirteen year old be naive about the world? And eleven (how old she is in the books) isn't a big difference either! How dare she be upset about a forced marriage to a man who she barely knows, or dream of marrying the equivalent of a rockstar? And I can't understand why a thirteen year old in a super conservative culture doesn't have good gaydar? I mean, come on, REALLY? And that man she barely knows, he EVEN isn't cruel to her and doesn't beat her regularly! What more could a young girl ask for in a man? GEEZ. How dare  she can't help but note that he IS a Lannister, and the Lannisters as a family have been incredibly cruel to her? I MEAN WHY CAN'T SHE JUST LOOK PAST THAT AND ALL OF THE TRAUMA AND ABUSE SHE'S SUFFERED AND MARRY SOMEONE SHE DOESN'T KNOW AND HAS NO ATTRACTION TO?! WHY CAN'T SHE JUST SEE HOW MUCH OF A GOOD DEAL THIS IS? ARRGHGGHAGHGHGHG




I get that people may have reasons to dislike her character, but honestly . . .

You don't follow the characters for the sake of it. You follow for the entertainment or to witness a development. She doesn't really do well in either category so while I get that you think people should put themselves in her shoes and get a bit of perspective (i.e not hate the character so much) it's not really what we're reading for.


Same as in the WoT. Perrins wife was kidnapped and shit if it was my wife that just got taken by a band of bloodthirsty hooligans then you can bet I'd spend a few years of my life doing whatever I could to get her back and doing the whole torture thing. But as a reader looking to find development in a story? I would've happily skipped all those chapters.

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@ Agitel - none of what you ranted about is why people dislike her character.  tbh, i find her character annoying, more than disliking her, but it all goes back to season 1



we dislike her because she sides with "her prince" over family when she knows he's lieing.  the act which causes her to lose Lady because the Queen demands the direwolf that bite him be put down.  we dislike her, because even after this and knowing he was a lieing litte arse who caused the death of an innocent boy because he coudln't stnd to be shown up as the poor swordsman he was by a girl; that she still wanted to be with him.  we dislike her because even after having him lie to her about giving her father mercy he forced her to watch him be exicuted, she still loved him and wanted to give him "golden haired little babies"  that even after all the humiliation and degridation he put her through, she still lived in a niave little world believing hat the songs Barids told about princes were true.


she's a niave little girl who refuses to learn from the tribulations life has thrown her way and instead of learnign and growing from them.  and instead of being proactive about her situation, she sits and whines about it and waits to be rescued.



this, is why people dislike her character.  she refuses to grow up.

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I love me the GoT-ladies.


I'm actually pleasantly suprised with the actor who plays MArgarey, I was very sceptica at first, having seen her in The Tudors. She does a GREAT role there, don't get me wrong, but I was afraid the role of Margaery would be too similar and it would feel like Anne Boleyn had landed in westeros (she'd fit right in though). But she's managed to avoid that, and I think her potrayal of Margaery is amazing

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