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Welcome to the Band Sid!!!

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Hiya Sid! (you don't mind if I call you that do you?)  I'm Brid, the Executive Officer (XO) of the Band.  That means I get to be in charge of you during your Raw Recruit time!!  *grins evilly and rubs hands together*  Until we have the usergroup sorted out, feel free to jump into any thread you can see and get to know the crazy, wonderful people who make up the Band of the Red Hand.  Once you are added to the usergroup, you'll be able to see the private boards of the group and start your Raw Recruit time.  If you have any questions, just PM me, or start a new post and you'll get plenty of replies!


So glad you decided to join the best social group on DM!!!

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*pushes her way to the front*


Welcome to the Band Sid! Have a flaming shot, or two, or three.  Make sure you come and check out the Archers, the best Regiment in the Band. 

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Welcome to the Band!!! I'm Katiora, or Kat, and I'm the second in command at this here crazy place! I hope you have an AWESOME time here. I promise we don't bite much :biggrin: well... not unless you ask us to >.> 

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Welcome Sid!


I'm Andrej, or more simply AJ, and the Lieutenant General of the Archers. (LG for short :wink:)


*discreetly hands over a few Flaming Shots he carries at all times*


There's more of us those at the Flamin' Shot Pub in the Range. Come pay us a visit :biggrin:

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Hello, thanks for all the greetings, i am in the process of getting to know DM, and TBoTRH


So far it has been good, i am still on Knife of dreams (though i am advancing at a rapid pace, reading in all the breaks at work) just so you know. 

You all seems like friendly bunch of people, so i am looking forward to getting to know you.

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You don't need to worry too much about spoilers here.  Jea and a couple of others are still working through the books as well. 


If you head over to the Book Discussion boards, then you may get some spoilers for tGS and ToM in the General Discussion board, but nothing from aMoL.  But if you have questions and start a thread and mention that you're still on KoD then most posters will try not to spoil you for the rest of the story.


Aaannndd, back to the Band.


Have another flaming shot, as AJ said come check out the Flaming Shot Pub, it's the only Bar where some of the drinks have to be served in cuendillar glasses :)

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C'mon Dav, you've got to represent the Infantry. We're being vastly outnumbered!

Hiya Sid, how ya doing?

*hands over Guinney, or twelve*

Best drink here, and there are plenty more in the infantry when you get access. What do you do?

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C'mon Dav, you've got to represent the Infantry. We're being vastly outnumbered!

Hiya Sid, how ya doing?

*hands over Guinney, or twelve*

Best drink here, and there are plenty more in the infantry when you get access. What do you do?

What i do for a living here in this mortal realm?


Well i am found at daytimes, slaving away under the fluorescent lights in the kitchen at the local hospital, serving food for the sick and elderly, i am a cook (or should i say chef?)

Last year i started working at the hospital, and before that i was working in restaurants. So i look forward to reading reviews from eating out :)


Other than that i have an addiction to rolling carefree through the streets of my town with a skateboard under my two feet, or drinking coffee and reading, and of course, the occasional drinking binge :p

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Hiya Sid!!  Glad you found your way to the Band!


We already met in your intro thread, but hi again anyway! I'm the LG of the Cavalry and a Sarmation Knight in training, the Cavalry of course being the best regiment. Well, we have the best drink anyway. *tosses the newbie a barrel of Bandy*


You're a cooky chef person?!


I'm ashamed to say the extent of my cooking abilities is two minute noodles and re-heating leftovers...

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Welcome to the Band Sid! *slides a Flamin' Shot*


I'm Matrim, Captain-General (Boss) of the Archers... but everyone just calls me Matty :wink:


Yup, you should definetly scoot round to the FS pub in your spare time. You'll have a great time here, the Band's getting it's old swing back! :biggrin:

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Hiya Sid!!  Glad you found your way to the Band!


We already met in your intro thread, but hi again anyway! I'm the LG of the Cavalry and a Sarmation Knight in training, the Cavalry of course being the best regiment. Well, we have the best drink anyway. *tosses the newbie a barrel of Bandy*


You're a cooky chef person?!


I'm ashamed to say the extent of my cooking abilities is two minute noodles and re-heating leftovers...

You're just going to ignore the whole dirty sock thing aren't you?



C'mon Dav, you've got to represent the Infantry. We're being vastly outnumbered!

Hiya Sid, how ya doing?

*hands over Guinney, or twelve*

Best drink here, and there are plenty more in the infantry when you get access. What do you do?

What i do for a living here in this mortal realm?


Well i am found at daytimes, slaving away under the fluorescent lights in the kitchen at the local hospital, serving food for the sick and elderly, i am a cook (or should i say chef?)

Last year i started working at the hospital, and before that i was working in restaurants. So i look forward to reading reviews from eating out :)


Other than that i have an addiction to rolling carefree through the streets of my town with a skateboard under my two feet, or drinking coffee and reading, and of course, the occasional drinking binge :p

That's pretty awesome! Do you like you current job? What type of books do you read? (Apart from WoT, of course)

I can't say that I can skateboard, that requires more coordination than I possess. But I can agree to the carefree wandering part!

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*Sid knuckles forehead*


Oh i am here, but currently riddled with illness, i will do my best here, but i am becoming wrapped up in work and volunteer work (for my Union, and for the local skateboard club) So my free time for the moment is a little limited, but i think things are cooling down soon :)

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Ah finally some grub, i was starting to feel woozy after all the drink they gave me earlier in the thread :p


I am going through the site, getting to know the place and it is quite huge, also in new developments i am now on book 12, i see the difference in writing styles, but it still feels the same (thank the creator for that)  

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Ah finally some grub, i was starting to feel woozy after all the drink they gave me earlier in the thread :p


I am going through the site, getting to know the place and it is quite huge, also in new developments i am now on book 12, i see the difference in writing styles, but it still feels the same (thank the creator for that)  












On a side note, I really like tGS as well!

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