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March Sign In


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Happy Green, White and Orange Month, everyone! :) 


Let's see how many quotes about this season/month we can find for our sign in this month! 



Or... you know, just say hi! ;)






PLEASE REMEMBER: Only post once in this thread! This thread is used to prove how many people we have hanging out with us these days, so I need it to be accurate and double posting inflates the numbers! 


Go raibh maith agat!



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Well that's what I get for getting on late. The first quote in my head is already taken. (Shakespeare, of course.) 


So we shall go with Dickens!

"It was one of those March days when the sun shines hot and the wind blows cold: when it is summer in the light, and winter in the shade." 


This describes the weather here quite a lot of late!

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ths is frm a poem I wrote about th spring equinox, the 20th of ths month, which my religon calls Éirineane, which is dedicatd to the goddess Ériu and th primal powrs of earth and storm. Its a fertility festival.


Éirineane, Éirineane,

Sweet the day of heightening sun!

Sweet the goddess' blushing cheek

As Spring's blessed sexuality quickens her!


Raise thy hands to the returning Sun,

And kiss the goddess as her flesh flowers -

Make love in the woods and the blossoming glens

On the equinox of Spring, Éirineane!

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“Let a thing be but a sort of punctual surprise, like the first cache of violets in March, let it be delicate, painted and gratuitous, hinting that the Creator is solely occupied with aesthetic considerations, and combines disparate objects simply because they look so well together, and that thing will admirably fill the role of a flower.”


- Hope Mirrlees

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