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[Mafia Game Over] Indiana Jones and the Raiders of the Lost Ark - Mafia Wins!

Ithillian Turambar

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Talya doesn't like Daniel anymore? :sad:


Of course I do, I ran out of time before I had to take my daughter to school and then off to work. Sorry I didn't reply and left you hanging!


^One of those not making sense would be a Town Godfather.


As said this role is called Miller - he/she is viewed as Mafia when town!


*Considers Modkilling everyone who likes Salted Popcorn*


Lucky me then, I don't like salted nor butter - give me normal sweet popcorn any time!


As for the kills. I'm making an assumption here, but I would say that Song was the mafia kill, (she didn't participate and seems like a logical choice). And Kae was by an assassin/serial killer! now to start another day. 

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Official Current Vote Count


Darthe - 1 (Eddie)


Not Voting - 20 (Lenlo, Talya, Dice, Chuckles, RTE, Cyan, Roo, Hallia, Leyrann, Player, Basel, Cloud, WBK, Ishy, Darthe, Peace, Arez, Maw, Mish, Rand)


With 21 alive it takes 11 to Lynch


The Deadline for Day 2 is currently 9pm GMT Saturday 9th March


Current Day 2 Deadline

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^One of those not making sense would be a Town Godfather.


As said this role is called Miller - he/she is viewed as Mafia when town!


With "godfather" I think of someone who is viewed town. So Town Godfather would be a Town viewed as Town.

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Well, at least it looks like he IS town. It'd be a bit weird to claim vig otherwise. Even if he is in fact a serial killer, as that would only mean that we knew where to search. Plus Kae was a likely target for a vig.

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Why Kae though peace? She made the slip yes but why her over the others that did that?

Janitors suck, usually limited shots thougg so thats good


im happy to get behind this Darthe train but Talya still stands out at me

bloody toss up but her bloody post seemed more bloody scumtastic. The other's bloody posts didn't seem as bloody clear.
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Official Current Vote Count


Darthe - 3 (Eddie, Ishy, WBK)


Not Voting - 18 (Lenlo, Talya, Dice, Chuckles, RTE, Cyan, Roo, Hallia, Leyrann, Player, Basel, Cloud, Darthe, Peace, Arez, Maw, Mish, Rand)





With 21 alive it takes 11 to Lynch


The Deadline for Day 2 is currently 9pm GMT Saturday 9th March


Current Day 2 Deadline

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^One of those not making sense would be a Town Godfather.


As said this role is called Miller - he/she is viewed as Mafia when town!


With "godfather" I think of someone who is viewed town. So Town Godfather would be a Town viewed as Town.

how could you have a town Godfather - Godfather is name for the head of the mafia who doesn't usually get his hands dirty, hence the view of town, if a town views town...they are usually just town! :rolleyes:


God, I must be lucky.  Three strapping gentlemen all want to put their votes on me?  And within minutes as well!  


Lucky for you that was all it was. 


so it wasn't just me that thought Peace was Vig. he did after her during the night. I personally think that Len might well be town, that business during the night would have been really stupid comments if they were mafia! If Kae had been mafia, she would have known what the set up was so also wouldn't have made that mistake. 


I need to go back and look at the few hours before lynch yesterday, unfortunately it won't be until late tomorrow I have a very early start tomorrow and will be back late. *sighs*

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