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Elayne, Egwene, and Nynaeve seem to be really disliked among many WOT fans. Personally I love the girls. They are among some of my favorites. Also it seems that you cannot be in between on this... you either love them or hate them... so which is it for you?



Even though it seems the majority either love or hate the girls I will make a third option....

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I am indifferent on the subject of Elayne and Nynaeve. They don't ruin the story for me, neither do they inspire any "AWWWW YEAH!!!" moments from me.


Egwene though...That chick roxx0rs my soxx0rs.


I think Elayne is much to snooty and emotional, but her emotional immaturity reminds me of a lot of women I know. I think Nynaeve is much too mean, angry, and aggravated all the time to be very effective or efficient a lot of times. Hopefully as these two characters age and gain more responsibility (*cough* Elayne is running a country for goodness sake!), they will grow up and become more emotionally mature.


Egwene, however, is one of my favorite characters now that she's stuck in the Tower. I love the interplay between her and the others in the Tower, including the novice class she is forced into, her dealing with Elaida, her strength of will, and her passion for Aes Sedai and being the best Amyrlin she can. She grew up a lot when they handed her that 7-striped stole. I really don't like all the parts before with her and Rand/Mat/Perrin where she thinks they are bungling idiots where she behaves as a tantrum-throwing child, but she has really changed since going to the Aiel Waste and then becoming Amyrlin, in my opinion.


I hate Elayne but love the others. Elayne is stupid and has got a lot of people needlessly killed (read the siege she could have prevented by supporting Dyelin [who doesn't seem very intelligent either] and the big fight against those badass BA sisters that kidnapped her) she's just totally irresponsible and she thinks she's doing a good job! That's the worst of it, she thinks she's right.


Stupid woman, mutter mutter...


Don't Forget, Free Tibet


I think it's more complicated than love or hate. Nyneave is my least favorite mostly cuz she is the oldest of the three and should therefore know how to be diplomatic but it seems with her it's her way or no way. However, she does get points for healing severing and using the female Cheodan Kal. Captures Mogedien twice.

Egwene is next cuz she's a little more likeable than Nyneave. First, she loses major points for detaining Mat with the power, or allowing it to happen, when he rished the black ajah and Be'lal to rescue them from the stone. Also for thinking Mat a dunce and still immature even though he was leading an army. Her liking Balthamel more than Rand, her lying to the wise ones when it was unnecessary, her having the two rivers girls switched and finally her unwillingness to assault the tower. She gains points for her discoveries and her undermining of Eliada from within.

Elayne, her I like the most, loses points for the Mat thing which is same as Egwene. when Mat comes to salidar Elayme thinks he is a dunce too, and getting men killed getting her back after she needlessly goes into danger and gets herself kidnapped. Gains points for her description, good mental picture, gives Rand good advice in Tear, helps spoil BA plan in Tanchico, at the prodding of Aviendha comes to understand that mat is still mat but he is more than he was and sort of apologizes for Tear, bonds Birgitte, probably saving her life and f@%*$ng rands brains out, again good mental picture. I would give her a little bit of a pass on the end of KOD cuz she is very pregnant at the time and probably the hormones have something to do with it. However, someone should have tied her to the Lion Throne

Elayne and Egwene have a further excuse in that they are only 19 or 20.


Well out of the three Egwene would be my favorite.


1) Nynaeve I don't particularly like/dislike, however I view her as a weak personality. She is the oldest of the group but in many ways also the least mature. She still suffers from the fact that her father always wanted a son and saw her as "never good enough" for being female. And this feeling of weakness and insecurity in regard to her sexuality bring the rather continuous dialogues of her misandrist comments and sayings. Also she is very prone to petty physical aggression in case someone gives her a feeling of weakness or questions her authority, i.e thumping Mat, etc.. For being the oldest she should be the most diplomatic and understanding of the group, which she is clearly not.


2) Elayne, as I mentioned in a previous thread is unripe, snobbish, haughty and rather arrogant in her demeanor. At the moment I see her as rather unfit to be the sovereign of a nation as big and important as Andor, let alone Cairhien as well. She is overtaken with her feelings of self-importance, and as with many young foolish leaders needs to be humbled and chastened first to learn a valuable lesson in life.

She should look more on the example of her brother Galad on how to lead people and be a ruler. Although Galad has his vice, his impedent sense of justice he nonetheless inspires people to follow him.

Elayne is reduced to paying mercenaries, getting child nobles to follow her and using channelers to defend her realm, whereas Galad managed to rise to the top ranks of the whitecloaks in a short time.

One of the reasons I believe Galad would be fitter for ruling Andor and by default Cairhien. Also note the jealousy and scorn Elayne has always directed at Galad whenever he was praised or she saw him being mooned over. I believe in her current state of unripeness she is still intimidated by him and seeks to distance herself from him.

I personally believe that unless Elayne comes more to touch with the ground and abstains seperating herself from normal Andoran nobility and soceity by surrounding herself with an amazon guard, Kinswomen, Aes Sedai she will be ousted in a coup. There is already a civil war now in Andor, but I believe unless Elayne becomes more fit and mature in rulership there will be continuous new eruptions of rebellion and overthrow attempts.


3) Egwene seems to have evolved fine. Sometimes she is a tad bit too concerned with the notions of Aes Sedai superiority, i.e that Aes Sedai being bonded is repulsive however if an Aes Sedai bonds an Ashaman that is somehow natural in a way, the Tower stands above the Dragon Reborn despite being weaker in almost all aspects (militarily, less channelers then the Dragon Reborn, and less people and control), all female channelers have to be bound to the tower (she has thoughts, wishes and plans for the Aeil wise women and seawomen to somehow succumb to the tower, rather unrealistic though), the black tower needs to be incorporated into the white tower (all ashaman bonded to Aes Sedai, not talks of tit for tat, i.e one Ashaman bonding an Aes Sedai for every Aes Sedai bonding an Ashaman) and that the Dragon need to kneel to her, not she to him..

Other then that, her personal character, her overall behavior and appearance in the novel cannot be degraded or complained about. She acts how presumably any girl her age would act at that age with the powers she is given, although perhaps with a bit more ambition then usual.


Truthfully, I don't hate Elayne. I actually think she balances out the stupidity of Nynaeve, and the wisdom of Egwene.

She is rather too snooty, but at least she's done a better job at some things than Morgase has - bringing Caemlyn's dissension to a head, for instance. (Which has been there since the first book, as I recall.) She has a good idea of things, and knows what she has to do. She could do a better job of it, though.


At the beginning of the series, I kind of wanted to bash Nynaeve's head in, but I think she's improved a lot since then. I love it when she suddenly becomes unsure of herself - when Egwene tells her off. I think it's when she really realizes that she's been acting like an idiot. Also - when she decides to start caring more about the situation around her, rather than herself (ie. - the rallying of Malkier)

I've known people like Nynaeve - and for her to come this far is a miracle.

I think she will turn out okay.


Egwene is pretty much the best character, as everyone seems to agree.

After her stay with the Aiel, she became much more intuitive. In The Shadow Rising, I remember Moiraine was worrying over whether Egwene would start using her head, instead of starting a fuss. (and when she thought that Egwene didn't know about the whole Elayne/Rand situation :D )

I think becoming Amyrlin was even better - I don't think she would have been as interesting with just an over-proud Aiel, Wise One view of things.

In a way, I think Egwene's even tougher than Siuan was. With the Aiel, she's learned to take life as it comes, accept hardships, and to listen. Being Amyrlin has taught her to be more observant - considering many points of view - and to be patient. I think she's also learned that denial of a situation will get you nowhere - so she just faces it. Egwene totally kicks @$$!

Guest Wynne Jessal

Hm, those options don't really seem to cover my opinion on them...


Egwene is definitely the best-written and evolved of the three. Her time with the Aiel was interesting and emotionally investing, and made the sudden sharp turn to Amyrlin at least somewhat believable. I just wish she hadn't adopted the WO/AS attitude that Rand needs to have his hand held every step of the way and that they should only feed him tiny table scraps of info.


Elayne's snobbery is irritating, and so is the frequent musings of assorted nobles that Elayne would make a good queen of Andor and Cairhien (this was from midway through the series or so) with no supporting evidence. How could these nobles from sometimes far-flung countries (Mayene) even know her well-enough to have an opinion? I digress. She does seem pretty one-dimensional. Her past is uninteresting, she seems to be petty and spiteful for no reasons sometimes. At least she can admit when she's wrong.


Nynaeve started strong and has regressed in maturity. Mid-way through the series she almost seems like she's going to have a mental breakdown. Her POVs are always the same tired self-delusion that I suppose RJ thinks we will all find amusing. Well, she at least TRIES to do better with the girls. But with the menfolk she has not improved much. I place her above Elayne though, and just kind of roll my eyes at her scenes like "Oh... Nynaeve."


RJ writes male characters much better than female. IMHO.

Guest Wynne Jessal
I just like the way my name "Wonder Girls" is sticking.


For some reason I picture a Charlie's Angels-esque pose. Elayne with an a'dam dangling staring down her nose' date=' Egwene twisting her stole into a garote, and Nynaeve tugging her braid.[/color']


I for one love the Wonder Girls, particularly Nyneave. Nyneave reminds me of alot of people I known in that she can be immature and stuborn at times yet she always comes through when it really counts. Besides she has proven time and again that underneath it all she really does care about the others and has their best interests at heart. The key to understanding Nyneave's attitudes is realizing that she was the big cheese in Emond's Feild but now must deal with a larger world in which she is quite average is many ways(she reminds me of alot of the high school valadictorians I met in college). Plus she must deal with the fact that her one time student has now become her superior. So it is only natural that she would be somewhat defensive.


Plus, I am willing to forgive alot of her tantrums because I think she is meant to be a somewhat comical character. I also think Elayne is meant to somewhat comical, and the purpose of pairing up Elayne and Nyneave for so long was to provide some good comic relief


I can't stand Nynaeve. From the start I thought she was too big for her boots and needed a severe wake up call (Yeah I understand that she would be so after having been put in such a powerful position at such a young age.)Having said that I agree with what many of the others have written in that she shows far less maturity than Egwene and Elayne. She is unable to control her emotions and seems to think she is the be all and end all.


Elayne I am rather indifferent to. She has her moments like with Mat towards the end of Ebou Dar (her snobbishness hasn't annoyed me...yet!), otherwise she's just sort of there.


I didn't like Egwene at the start- the way she carried on when leaving Emonds field and immediately after becoming accepted etc- but since she met the Wise Ones I have truly come to appreciate her as a strong and able character.


Overall though, I probably don't pay much attention to them.


You should probably have included a 'like some hate others' option!


Well I am actually glad to see that it isn't so black and white as you either love them or hate them. It is just when I hear people talk about the girls they seem to either really like them or really dislike them... I never saw an inbetween and that is where I got my impression. This is awesome.

  • Moderator
I just like the way my name "Wonder Girls" is sticking.


I'm pretty sure the term "Wonder Girls" in reference to those three characters has been floating around on the 'net for at least ten years. Not to say you didn't come up with it independantly, but its not original.


It's good to see that others don't feel the need to fall into one of the three original categories. I sure don't; what would the story be like without these characters?


It is also rather interesting to note guys' reactions to the different characters' personalities. I doubt too many of the guys are going to relate to Elayne or Nynaeve. I bet that if Aviendha had been included she would be at the top of their list; she really tends to think more like a man.


Nynaeve's insecurities are probably uncomfortable for some women because they hit too close to home. Elayne is that girl in High School that all of the guys thought was hot, but never asked her out because she was too much of a b*tch. And all of the other girls hung around with her because she was popular, but, deep down, they kinda didn't really like her that much.


Wynne Jessal hit the nail on the head:

"RJ writes male characters much better than female."

"Egwene is definitely the best-written and evolved of the three."

Guest Wynne Jessal
It's good to see that others don't feel the need to fall into one of the three original categories. I sure don't; what would the story be like without these characters?


It is also rather interesting to note guys' reactions to the different characters' personalities. I doubt too many of the guys are going to relate to Elayne or Nynaeve. I bet that if Aviendha had been included she would be at the top of their list; she really tends to think more like a man.


Nynaeve's insecurities are probably uncomfortable for some women because they hit too close to home. Elayne is that girl in High School that all of the guys thought was hot' date=' but never asked her out because she was too much of a b*tch. And all of the other girls hung around with her because she was popular, but, deep down, they kinda didn't really like her that much.


Wynne Jessal hit the nail on the head:

"RJ writes male characters much better than female."

"Egwene is definitely the best-written and evolved of the three."[/quote']


You know... I don't think I have a problem so much with the characters being "be-otches" so much, if that's what people want to call them. Some women are. It makes the story more colorful. What furstrates me is the opposite of what you speak of. Nynaeve doesn't frustrate me because of her emotional instability because it reminds me of me. It's more furstrating because it's like no woman I've ever known. I have a hard time reading characters who don't have solid motivations or explanations for why they think and act the way they do.


Like someone else said, I guess RJ means these women to be comic relief most of the time, and maybe I'm just not really getting the joke... I find the guys funny enough though.


I would be curious if the male fans find the male characters more irritating, and the female fans find the female characters more irritating. Probably.


I would be curious if the male fans find the male characters more irritating' date=' and the female fans find the female characters more irritating. Probably.[/color']


i don't find the male characters irritating. far from it. i actually like all of them tho i wouldn't say any of them reminds me of myself. of the wonder girls: nyn really irritated me in the early books. her holier than thou attitude just really grated on my nerves. after lan got hold of her, she mellowed out a lot and the last couple of books, i'm starting to enjoy her more. i actually like egwene early on, then less so when she was with the wise ones and in ebou dar. then more so when she gets to salidar. she kinda became a lot like nyn during that period. i don't have any strong feelings for elayne one way or the other. at times she comes off as arrogant, but she is a noble. sometimes she comes off as immature, but she is young. but she genuinely cares for her subjects and the people close to her and there's something to be said for that. and she's a redhead, and i've always had a thing for redheads! :P

I would be curious if the male fans find the male characters more irritating, and the female fans find the female characters more irritating. Probably


I can't stand Perrin in the later books before he gets Faile back. And he has yet to regain my liking.


Yes, Perrin has gotten quite irritating. As for the other men, I don't really find them irritating, but as I said, I'm finding the women less and less irritating too. Especially Egwene. Her campaign from within the Tower has been sheer genius and exhibited great strength of will.


But when you get down to it, ladies, isn't it natural for RJ to write male characters better than female? He is, after all, male ...


Egwene has in time turned from my fav. female character, into my fav. character period. I love her strength of will to become the best person she can possibly be and beyond, and deep down, I think if she's to choose between the Tower and Rand, it would only take a couple of seconds before her loyalty for Rand came through. Nyn would be irritating, if she wasn't so incredibly useful, which turns her from pain in the butt to a must have in any situation. Elayne has her uses, but not enough (for me personally) to put up with that attitude, Im with Mat on that one.


Obviously Eggy is my favourite *g*


... but I do like Nyn as well. Elayne is a bit bland in a way compared to the other two. My guess though is that a lot of our liking is to do with the story lines that the girls have been given. I don't know about you, but I find the whole succession issue a bit tedious.


I'm only 18 so I can relate with all of the "wonder girls." Personally I love all of them.

I like Elayne because she has had the courage to stand up to her enemies and claim the Lion Throne. She looses major points though for having Rand and feeling so jealous that Min and Aveindha because it isn't their fault that they love him too! But she has major mood swings that I enjoy cause I seem to be like that to everyone else:P

Egwene is great because she seems to be the palm tree on the top of the mountain. She bends with the storm instead of breaking and she is made stronger for it. She never looses hope: when captured by the Seachean she felt she would be escape and now when she is a prisoner in her own home(the tower) she is finding ways to bring everyone together even if she has to disband certain things.

Nynaeve I like most of all. I think that her almost forbidden love with Lan is amazingly romantic. I think that it is great that she finds her strength in him.Yes she does have a bit of a big head at time, but I think that everyone does at times. Not only that, she is Aes Sedai now and everyone of them feel that their way is the right way.

I think that how well you like the characters is how much of them you see in yourself-- and if they are the characteristics that you enjoy about yourself.


maybe im flying solo here, but i dont love them.

i cant say i hate them, but most the times i read about them i get anoyyed.


firt of all i hate Aes Sedai im generlly i dont mind woman who can use the force, i like the wise ones, the sea folk but Aes Sedai is somthing deiffrent, they dont went to rule nation, but to rule the world, that annoyes me alot, they are to arragont!


second of all there is how they treat mat and to there surnnding, naver show full gratdue, naver admit there are wrong or they need help...

every time they treat people like they arent equel to them i get annoyed...


and third and last i think comapring to other character in the searis they didnt realy had though life, i know they hunted the black aja and all but even then they didnt realy hide...

but almost alwayes they were with company, they naver felt how it is to be close to die every singale second, how it is to watch there back's.

i think there is somthing spoil in them, cant realy put my finger on it.


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