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White Tower and Warders Secret Santa extravaganza!


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HO HO HO, WHITE TOWER. IT'S ME, SANTA CLAUS! AND I'M- ah, who am I kidding.

A'ight? It's just Tyler here, and to get you all in the Christmas mood, I'm doing this little Secret Satan Santa for you posters on the White tower, because I like you.

'Ere's a pretty little picture I made in a few minutes to celebrate this celebration of a celebration.

Okay, so for those of you who are unfamiliar with how a secret Santa works, or what they are, Just look it up on Wikipedia. I'm too lazy to post a long explanation. You know what I'm like.

So, here is how it will all play out;

1.- Make a little present up. This could be in the form of a little image of said item you are pretending to give away. Or, it could be a little song or something. Anything that can be easily sent digitally (that's relevant) (And free. We aren't dealing with real presents) Also, be sure to write a little Anonymous Christmas message if you want to. Or your present could be just that.

2.- Send what you want to give via PM to me. Remember to title it "Secret Santa" or something.

3.- Post in this thread. This is kind of important. I will use this as a way to keep track of who's participating. (And just in case you are a bit slow-witted, remember NOT to post what you are giving out on this thread for everyone to see. This is supposed to be anonymous.)

4.- Wait until the 25th of December. Meanwhile, I will spend exactly 6729 hours and 8 minutes working on a Bill Gates-Tier machine capable of randomizing the presents.

5.- Receive an anonymous Present from someone else who participated. (Pm'd by me)

6.- ????

7.- Profit!

And remember it will be completely randomized. The person your present went off to won't necessarily be the person you get your gift from, in case you are clever enough to work out who the person you got your present from was.

And please don't post what present you gave for anyone except me to see. It does kind of ruin things.

Have fun.

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Yeah. A lot of people have said they are in, but thus far only around a quarter of you have actually sent me your contribution.


You still have two or three days, bear in mind, so I'm not really complaining. But if you end up not sending me anything by the deadline (The 24th), could you please edit your post to say you are no longer participating?



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Alright, listen up. Since it's the 23rd now (In my timezone), tomorrow is the deadline. However, some of you still haven't sent in what you wish to give. So here is a list of the people who have said in this thread that they are contributing, and whether or not they actually have.


SENT = You've sent me what your Secret Santa, and there are no problems.

WAITING= I'm still waiting on you.


Nyanna al'Meara- SENT
Ryrin- SENT
kari al'Thor- WAITING
Dors Maherally- SENT
blank- SENT
Misheru Sedai- SENT
Rhea- SENT
Wildfire Sedai- WAITING
Gudrean- WAITING
Shauna- SENT
RandA lThor- WAITING
Crimson_Ayla- SENT


If I missed anyone out, or marked someone incorrectly, just tell me.


If you are marked as "Waiting", could you please send your Secret Santa to me as soon as possible. If you changed your mind about it, though, and do not wish to send anything anymore, just say.



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