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Basel Gill

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@Darthe: I'm not distracting you at all (or distracting from what you say): I assume you're able to determine your own actions. What I'm trying to say is that I think Ithi is mafia, too. She strongly led the train on Marsh not once, not twice, but three times (two failed attempts, and it finally happened this time) Lots of bandwagon votes on him, too. This leads me to believe she's mafia, as we know how strong Ithi's voice can be in these games. If she's scum, I am sure that the others are following her lead. Plus, she was so convinced Marsh was scum... guess what? he wasn't. Je t'accuse, Ithi. 


I had laid out a few other thoughts on her drastically changed style this game, but that's strictly meta, and she's already explained she's having internet issues. Still, I think she's done enough with this lynch to warrant a long, hard look.


RTE might be a good choice, but I'm kinda surprised such an experienced player is calling their Day actions while it's still night. Puzzling.

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This is going to be a poor question but did we lose our lie detector? Because I posted I am town about 52 times and role revealed early on. They could easily check my claim.


But whatever, Darthe is killing me. I still am wary of Wombat and Ithi sounds like a very experienced player with relatively little to say. That's not good.

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But whatever, Darthe is killing me. I still am wary of Wombat and Ithi sounds like a very experienced player with relatively little to say. That's not good.


Ithi is away right now, but prior to this she was active, she said earlier that her home internet was being turned off

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Ithi is moving house today. Ithi has little to no internet access at the moment, so can't chit chat about mafia whenever she feels like it. Ithi has already given her character's name.


Good grief RTE you have had your cage well and truly rattled. I've never seen you post so much lol


And that's all from Ithi today. It is Night.

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I like it.  Both sound good to me.  Perhaps I kill RTE if he doesn't have a good enough claim.  If he does I kill Turin.

Here you're saying that lynching RTE and BB's replacement sound good to you unless RTE has a good claim. What about BB's replacement and where does Turin fit into this?

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Apart from ...


This is my new house!!!!




And now I must get back to packing up stuff before someone busts me messing about on my phone :)

nice house ithi (looks very british(ish) )


anyway guys sorry i didnt post last night (i watched the hobbit and it ended late and then dm wasnt allowing me to post and stuff)

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