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we tlkin about for woman orman/ if womn :


"Yuo hav very lovly eyes,lass."


Lol if mna:


"You haev very lvely eyes, lad."


Hahaha lernd its safest thng to focus on besid hair

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Preliminary steps: be prepared by making sure you smell nice and have fresh breath.


Before you can flirt, you need to make contact. If you're trying to attract the attention of a male, look in his direction and smile. Sometimes men are shy, and need to work up their courage to approach you. In the meantime, you can chat with someone else nearby. Laugh and look happy. Sneak a couple glances in his direction. Do not stare. Let him approach you. In my experience, men do not like to be chased. Being too aggressive in your interest may drive him away.


On the other hand, he may not notice you at first because he's reading or studying or otherwise has his attention engaged. You can make contact by: apologizing for bothering him, and asking him for directions; "accidentally" bumping into him and apologizing profusely; "accidentally" dropping a pile of books or knocking something over (and if he's nice, he'll help you). It doesn't hurt if you can manage to show a little cleavage or leg while you're doing this, if you're not obvious about it. You don't want to look like you're posing.


Once contact is made, give him your full attention. Little is more flattering than giving someone your undivided, interested attention.


Start with innocuous subjects at first, and avoid discussions on politics or religion (unless you happen to be at a political event). If nothing else, you can comment on the location, or the weather.


A SINCERE compliment is always best. If you think he has a classic profile, say that. If you like his shoes, you can say that, too. Sometimes you can get an idea of the physical attributes in which he has the most confidence, just by looking at him. For example, If he's a bodybuilder, and wearing a tight shirt, you can say, "you look so strong!" and a-waaaay we go!


If he's authoritative and obviously interested in a subject, compliment him on his knowledge. If you happen to also be interested in that subject, so much the better. If not, you can change the subject after a bit to something else.


You might hazard an occasional touch on his arm, as a reaction to what he's saying. Or to give emphasis to what YOU'RE saying.


Another way to increase affinity between you and your target is to mirror his stance or body language. Sales people do this all the time.


After you've been chatting for awhile, if you're really interested in him, moving into his "personal space" is very effective. That is to say, move to within a few inches of him. Closer than you would want to stand next to any ordinary person, but not touching him. Look into his eyes.


Gentlemen, many of these tips work on ladies as well. But be very sure before moving into her "personal space" as she may find it alarming if it is done too soon, or if you've read her wrong. If so, she will take a step back.

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shh Jani...at this point saying a goat- kissing Trolloc would not be good idea, I think?


see, why I am not good at this stuff?




Oddly enough, sometimes a mild insult (not a vicious one) will cause a man to work even harder to get your favor. I've seen this happen where the man initiates the contact without any encouragement from the woman. Such men are persistent and tenacious until they get what they want. They believe you are playing "hard to get".

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