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Halloween mafia game


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Hey guys I'm back and I have no memory of any of the games I was in

I'm gonna try to do a reread and post tomorrow but any summary anyone can give me would be awesome thanks


If you went to Las Vegas, that's a good thing. :P


And Basel's vote right there seems very opportunistic to me, FoS.

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A few notes on Basel

He was very detailed on Day 1. He was one of the last on Nol's train but he had very clear and logical posts and a few of them. He seemed very into it. All the other lynchs he has barely commented at all by comparison.

Then the Nol train collapses and he moves to Rand on a pretty weak case. Then Nol questions him and he avoids the questions pretty neatly


Jump to day 2

I got the trigger.


It is a Magic 8 ball. I get to ask a yes or no question that pertains only to the beginning of the game. It also can't be player specific. Like, I can't ask if so and so is scum. Haven't thought of a great one yet. Maybe I can get some help.


I was going to ask if there was a 3rd party but just read the OP and see that there is one. Anyone with good ideas?


2 possible questions occur to me


A. How many people did the scum team start off with?

2. Is there a godfather in the game?


It occurs to me that A is a good questions for the scum to have out. especially when we later learn that they had a recruit

Also this is pretty much his only post of substance for the whole phase. Pretty different to the previous day


I'm going to vote Barm. His claim is too easy for me to buy into. Like Verb said, it's very convenient to back up the cop on someone they've vetted town. And it just strikes me as fishy in my gut.

Lastly this post is a bits odd. It kinda sets the game up to move towards a Barm vote instead of his own. Its not at the a time where he should be defending but it does seem like a good time to get in there and steer the vote a little.

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It was a gift from Lily. And Verb, everyone knows that claiming a one time gift from Lily does nothing to make me look innocent, especially now that the information is already out there. You are grasping at straws here.


Hardly. You're riding Moon's coattails - too easy. It was a subtle placement to make you look town. I know that a gift from Lily doesn't mean you're town, but there was no good reason for you to double up on her confirmation unless you plan on breadcrumbing townie behavior.




It was a bit weird that Moon outed Verb but even more weird that Barm backed her up. What was the purpose Barm? Other than look town, of course.


My point exactly.




They could all three be scum...


Your face is scum.

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They could all three be scum...


Do you honestly think that Moon, Verb, and Barm are all scum, linked themselves together, two of them faked a cop, the real cop is staying hidden and they have bandwagoned two of their teammates. If this is true, they are either the best, worst, or luckiest scum team ever.

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They could all three be scum...


Do you honestly think that Moon, Verb, and Barm are all scum, linked themselves together, two of them faked a cop, the real cop is staying hidden and they have bandwagoned two of their teammates. If this is true, they are either the best, worst, or luckiest scum team ever.



Just to play Devil's Advocate.


We know they can recruit right? Who's to say they didn't recruit the cop?

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  • Club Leader

Player (1) – Peace

Basel (3) – Tina, Krak, Player

Barm (2) – Verb, Basel

John (1) - TG


Not voting – Kat, Nolder, John, Barm, Moon, Rand


With 13 alive it takes 7 to lynch. Deadline Tuesday 5PM MST


That's 5 1/2 hours, peeps.

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I find it a bit ego busting that I put forth what I think is a well thought out idea on how to track the last scum and not only does not one agree with it...but no one even commented on it. /head down. Man, as an idea, it must have really stunk. Anyway, moving on...although I think it is valid.


I'm going to VOTE BARM. The number of triggers doesn't seem to add up. I don't see where he would have gotten this gift.

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They could all three be scum...


Do you honestly think that Moon, Verb, and Barm are all scum, linked themselves together, two of them faked a cop, the real cop is staying hidden and they have bandwagoned two of their teammates. If this is true, they are either the best, worst, or luckiest scum team ever.



Just to play Devil's Advocate.


We know they can recruit right? Who's to say they didn't recruit the cop?


This is what I asked for earlier. I need to go back and check. If the recruit was due to one of the houses there should probably only be one recruit. Otherwise... then no one is cleared.

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I find it a bit ego busting that I put forth what I think is a well thought out idea on how to track the last scum and not only does not one agree with it...but no one even commented on it. /head down. Man, as an idea, it must have really stunk. Anyway, moving on...although I think it is valid.


I'm going to VOTE BARM. The number of triggers doesn't seem to add up. I don't see where he would have gotten this gift.


Peace, your idea is not bad. I just think there's something wrong with Barm. Well....more than the obvious, anyway. ;-)

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Okay, went back to look. I was wrong.


House 1 - Woman in black dress - Kae went home


House 2 - A man in (what we hope are a) vampire costume - Peace get to ask a question


House 3 - No event


House 4 - Moon can protect someone from a lynch


Des was a turned werewolf, not a vampire so I guess it had nothing to do with the house. That is troublesome because we don´t know how often the mafia can recruit.


I get a feeling that Basel could be the recruiter.

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So, assuming that there were 5 mafia (25% of town) to start and we know that there were more in the top 10 than the bottom 10, that means the other two should be in the 1-10 slots, right? That means we should probably ignore Moon, Rand, peace, Tina, and Krak for now.


JohnSnow and Barm seem a little suspicious to me. I can't remember much about Kathleen or Player per se, Verbals cleanliness is a thing to behold, and Nolder and BaselGill don't seem scummy either.


Thoughts on my logic?



I find it a bit ego busting that I put forth what I think is a well thought out idea on how to track the last scum and not only does not one agree with it...but no one even commented on it. /head down. Man, as an idea, it must have really stunk. Anyway, moving on...although I think it is valid.


I'm going to VOTE BARM. The number of triggers doesn't seem to add up. I don't see where he would have gotten this gift.


I like combining our ideas for scum hunting. In the meantime, with a trigger imminent, since I said I found both JS and Barm scummy:


Vote Barm

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Ok so here's another multigame message

I have a cold and it's kind of trying to murder me

I really want to pull out of all the games I'm in right now but after all the mods were cool with letting me stay in even though I was going to be gone for basically a week I'd feel so bad just leaving them hanging

So what I'm going to do is just play from here forward

My head cannot handle rereading or heavy thinking

I'm going to be watching what happens from now on and judge based on that if I can

So I'm really sorry if this effects my gameplay but it's the best I can manage right now

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It was a gift from Lily. And Verb, everyone knows that claiming a one time gift from Lily does nothing to make me look innocent, especially now that the information is already out there. You are grasping at straws here.


Hardly. You're riding Moon's coattails - too easy. It was a subtle placement to make you look town. I know that a gift from Lily doesn't mean you're town, but there was no good reason for you to double up on her confirmation unless you plan on breadcrumbing townie behavior.


Would you have preferred that I outed you as innocent as soon as I found out?

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It was a gift from Lily. And Verb, everyone knows that claiming a one time gift from Lily does nothing to make me look innocent, especially now that the information is already out there. You are grasping at straws here.


Hardly. You're riding Moon's coattails - too easy. It was a subtle placement to make you look town. I know that a gift from Lily doesn't mean you're town, but there was no good reason for you to double up on her confirmation unless you plan on breadcrumbing townie behavior.


Would you have preferred that I outed you as innocent as soon as I found out?


pretty sure there was no need to out him at all.

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