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The Smell Of Lanfear

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So the smell that rand comes across in the great hunt when he is around Selene, pheromone weave... or just some fancy ass perfume?


ive always wondered

She's definitely using some sort of magic on him, and pretty much everybody else. But, unless RJ has mentioned it, we're all just guessing.


Doesn't seem that it would be too hard for the forsaken to change their scent, they can change how they look. It's illusion but that makes no difference.


Pheromone weave, I wonder how this would work on Perrin? Could you modify your scent enough to cause him to be confused at what emotions you are feeling?


I hardly think she'd needed to resort to such methods. Considering Rand was still very much the inexperienced teenage boy, how much effort do you believe it would take for her to produce the results she has? Because, my take is that it would require very little effort on her part (the only reason she'd needed to assume Selene's appearance is that Rand had to think of her as roughly his own age; if you'll recall, she's no less stunning without the MoM).


I hardly think she'd needed to resort to such methods. Considering Rand was still very much the inexperienced teenage boy, how much effort do you believe it would take for her to produce the results she has? Because, my take is that it would require very little effort on her part (the only reason she'd needed to assume Selene's appearance is that Rand had to think of her as roughly his own age; if you'll recall, she's no less stunning without the MoM).



That is true, but why would he be so highly aware of her at that time. Reading back through those passages last night, it seems to me that the scent of her perfume really gets to rand. The a chapter or so later when he is looking at his invites to Barthanes and Galladrin, he pulls out Selenes 2 different letters and the smell of her still seems to bother him a little bit. Seems to be like a small for of compulsion(scent wise) that is.


Or a bookism.



could be could be


Or it might of been the first time that lanfear tried to subject rand into the shadows dominance, with going to the shadow world and the grolm and all her babble about power and glory. Trying to get him thinking one way than the other way that he should of been.


but why would he be so highly aware of her at that time

Wasn't I clear before? Think of your own experiences. When in a new relationship, don't you have a reaction to the scent of a woman/man lingering behind when s/he's gone? Like, if you're doing the laundry, and one of your shirts smells like her/him? Perhaps it's just me, but I doubt it.


but why would he be so highly aware of her at that time

Wasn't I clear before? Think of your own experiences. When in a new relationship, don't you have a reaction to the scent of a woman/man lingering behind when s/he's gone? Like, if you're doing the laundry, and one of your shirts smells like her/him? Perhaps it's just me, but I doubt it.



Yah that is true certain smells do have a way with me. I just am probally reading into it way to much, having read them so many times im pretty looking at everything and every sentence for something new that i had never thought about before.



Edit to add: I going to look at when she is with matt in the tower the first time, and see if there is an off chance of matt noticing the smell or her aswell.


She probably wore an expensive perfume, unless you can fake a smell with the Power. But it probably doesn't take more than a very small amount of Compulsion to make someone think that she smells like the best thing ever, which I suspect she did too.


Also, it doesn't harm people's perception of her that she is (was?) the most beautiful woman in the Universe without resorting to any kind of cheating. That much is made clear several times in the books.


Maybe if was an early instance of Rand having access to LTT's memories. Lanfear's scent could've been attractive for its familiarity even if Rand wasn't aware of it being familiar.


I don't think she used compulsion on him. It's possible, but she was so adamant about not sinking to that level in later books and quite cocky, I would think not.


but why would he be so highly aware of her at that time

Wasn't I clear before? Think of your own experiences. When in a new relationship, don't you have a reaction to the scent of a woman/man lingering behind when s/he's gone? Like, if you're doing the laundry, and one of your shirts smells like her/him? Perhaps it's just me, but I doubt it.

I'm hitting 40 and I still know what you're describing, man. :D


I still wouldn't be surprised if she used some magic mojo to cement his.... teenage yang to her ancient, yet highly desirable yin.


Maybe if was an early instance of Rand having access to LTT's memories. Lanfear's scent could've been attractive for its familiarity even if Rand wasn't aware of it being familiar.


I don't think she used compulsion on him. It's possible, but she was so adamant about not sinking to that level in later books and quite cocky, I would think not.

That's a great point - the first one.


I don't think making yourself smell super desirable is compulsion, though. Just super sexy.


Maybe if was an early instance of Rand having access to LTT's memories. Lanfear's scent could've been attractive for its familiarity even if Rand wasn't aware of it being familiar.


I don't think she used compulsion on him. It's possible, but she was so adamant about not sinking to that level in later books and quite cocky, I would think not.

That's a great point - the first one.


I don't think making yourself smell super desirable is compulsion, though. Just super sexy.



well not along the lines of compulsion really... i would say its more like a overload of his sense of smell, that he has trouble concentrating when she is around, he basically forgets what is at hand and starts thinking crazy shit like running away and all that jazz. So maybee its a type of weave that effects one of the five senses more than others, in the brain receptors the , overwhelming scent of her could confuse him enough to be compelled. The strugle of him overcoming it is a little thing, but it is kinda like over comming being compelled


he has trouble concentrating when she is around, he basically forgets what is at hand and starts thinking crazy shit like running away and all that jazz.

Seriously, was my teenage experience that unique? Because if having trouble concentrating and thinking odd thoughts at odd times is a foolproof indication, then apparently I was a victim of Compulsion multiple times...


he has trouble concentrating when she is around, he basically forgets what is at hand and starts thinking crazy shit like running away and all that jazz.

Seriously, was my teenage experience that unique? Because if having trouble concentrating and thinking odd thoughts at odd times is a foolproof indication, then apparently I was a victim of Compulsion multiple times...


well you do have me there. im trying to think now that did he act that way towards elayne or egewene at all, or min for that fact. I dont think he does to that extent. All base nature aside i still think something was a lil bit extra with the way she smelled.


he has trouble concentrating when she is around, he basically forgets what is at hand and starts thinking crazy shit like running away and all that jazz.

Seriously, was my teenage experience that unique? Because if having trouble concentrating and thinking odd thoughts at odd times is a foolproof indication, then apparently I was a victim of Compulsion multiple times...


I'm pushing 40 and it still happens to me. Just thinking about being around a woman who smells good is getting me excited. Hahaha


The point about her not liking Compulsion is a good one. So I think it can be explained be 1) hormones 2) she is the most beautiful woman ever according to the books 3) LTT did have an affair with her so something goes on subconsciously in Rand's head.


The point about her not liking Compulsion is a good one. So I think it can be explained be 1) hormones 2) she is the most beautiful woman ever according to the books 3) LTT did have an affair with her so something goes on subconsciously in Rand's head.

I thought LTT was with her before he met Ilyena?


The point about her not liking Compulsion is a good one. So I think it can be explained be 1) hormones 2) she is the most beautiful woman ever according to the books 3) LTT did have an affair with her so something goes on subconsciously in Rand's head.

I thought LTT was with her before he met Ilyena?


Yeah there was a brief relationship with her before Ilyena...



It is certain that Lews Therin and Mierin were involved with one another for a short time, and that Lews Therin broke off the relationship some years before the drilling of the Bore, partly because she loved her association with the great Lews Therin more than she loved the man, and partly because she saw him as a path to power for herself. When Lews Therin, after rejecting Mierin, married Ilyena Moerelle Dalisar, about fifty years before the beginning of the War of the Shadow...

he has trouble concentrating when she is around, he basically forgets what is at hand and starts thinking crazy shit like running away and all that jazz.

Seriously, was my teenage experience that unique? Because if having trouble concentrating and thinking odd thoughts at odd times is a foolproof indication, then apparently I was a victim of Compulsion multiple times...


Nah, I agree with your assessment. The smell is just another symptom of Rand's over concentration on the woman. He does the same thing with Aviendha. Every time he goes to bed, he drives himself crazy listening to her undress, imagining he can hear her heart beat.


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