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DM Ads


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I've seen some awesome ads on here, and some that make me giggle, and then there's some that make me go WTF??

I know we don't all get the same ads, because some are very local area specific (I doubt you all will get ads for Cape Town, South Africa). So what interesting/funny/WTF ads have you spotted?


Here's one I can't quite decide about ... lol




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I don't often see them cos we have graphics shut off mostly - but ince we're here in Chile they've all turned Spanish! >.>


:biggrin: it's mostly food, and offers for trips to Machu Pichu - there was even a llama on one once! XD


But I don't pay attention to the adds anyway, and when I do see the ones for dating websites/prostitution/other such 'offers' ...I just shake my head. Is that really necessary on a site where the PG13 rule is enforced so well??

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At home I get a green box saying that the site might not be safe so I actually can't even see the ads unless I click a box allowing "potentially unsafe content" (which I never do).


At work, I get the following statement in a white area where the ads would typically be:


The page cannot be found

The page you are looking for might have been removed, had its name changed, or is temporarily unavailable.


(I think I get the above at work because the firewall(s) at work block the ads.)

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I also get TONS for dating sites, and it really bugs me. Especially lots of asian/muslim/russian... I think it must be something in DM's deal with google ads. I know I have unhooked everything to do with dating from my google ads prefrences, so it does bother me that it still shows up here.

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I've had some really hilarious run ins with the site ads. From the site giving me tips on how to get a flat stomach... hint hint much? :P... and up to asking me if I want to find good arab guys to date.


I don't know, I think the site is being a bit pushy in regards to my personal life.





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Ads are targetted based on the sites you go to, and therefore what sites the ads think you will be interested in. Dragonmount has no control over the ads beyond the basic "no porn" etc. And even then I don't know how much control we do have. As such, if you've getting a lot of gay dating sites, you've probably clicked on a link somewhere in your recent past (on or off DM, it doesn't matter) that made the ad servers think you are interested in gay dating.

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How does that help you? You don't have the equipment they are looking for...silly ads.


But equipment easily, safely and anonymously purchased online in varying diameters, lengths, colors and textures. Hypoallergenic and conveniently dishwasher safe!

Hahahah Well played sir.

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I must live a very boring life... my ads are all:


"Advance your career!"


"Get cash back with Bank of America."


"Aspire for more with a new degree."






Makes me wonder what sorts of websites the rest of you lot have been snooping around. :curious:

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Ads are targetted based on the sites you go to, and therefore what sites the ads think you will be interested in. Dragonmount has no control over the ads beyond the basic "no porn" etc. And even then I don't know how much control we do have. As such, if you've getting a lot of gay dating sites, you've probably clicked on a link somewhere in your recent past (on or off DM, it doesn't matter) that made the ad servers think you are interested in gay dating.



That really isn't my experience. I used to run a forum, and we could give pereferences to Google Ads as to what kind of adverts we thought our members would be most interessted in. That would then get combined with the users individual settings. Now, since I have actually gone into Google Ads and turned OFF ads for dating sites and etc. it should be impossible for me to keep getting those ads. DM is the only place I get them. And no, I haven't been to dating sites to look for neither muslim women, thai women or russian women.

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From the site giving me tips on how to get a flat stomach... hint hint much?


I get that one all the time too! It traumatises me so much I have to go eat chocolate.


... and up to asking me if I want to find good arab guys to date.


There should be a Blooper List for Advert Targeting. This should be at the top. *snorts with laughter*




Ads are targetted based on the sites you go to, and therefore what sites the ads think you will be interested in. Dragonmount has no control over the ads beyond the basic "no porn" etc. And even then I don't know how much control we do have. As such, if you've getting a lot of gay dating sites, you've probably clicked on a link somewhere in your recent past (on or off DM, it doesn't matter) that made the ad servers think you are interested in gay dating.


Must be that search for "blue suede shoes for men" I did for Boopsie's last birthday.

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