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[TOWN WINS!]BG's Super Smash Bros. Mafia (now with more Ithi)!


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OK, before night starts, I would like to reveal my first actions. Night 1 I roleblocked Nol, as I was also suspicious of him. Night 2 I had no idea what to do so I used doc to protect myself. Tonight I used cop and viewed Despo, who is actually town.

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OK, before night starts, I would like to reveal my first actions. Night 1 I roleblocked Nol, as I was also suspicious of him. Night 2 I had no idea what to do so I used doc to protect myself. Tonight I used cop and viewed Despo, who is actually town.


And you don't have to send it in together with AJ? You're playing totally alone? Doesn't sound like what the rest of us are doing.

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Yeah, I don't really trust that reveal right now. First of all, you're posting results of NA's before night has officially ended, second I think you "viewing me" as town is just an attempt of yours to get me off your back.


And JOAT is a really easy false claim to make in a game like this. Plus what Tiinker said, you and AJ aren't splitting up the uses of your ability?


Doesn't add up.

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Hi folks, what an interesting night! Let's take a look at our hidden night cameras....




Ganondorf wandered the halls of the tournament dormitories looking for those who'd serve him. After Blood Falcon died, he knew he needed to expand his forces further. He had very little power left to do so however... they were onto him. As he took the last bit of dark power he had, he found his target. He moved in to do his deed, turned on his machine that sent out the dark force and it began working... but then Captain Olimar stepped into the room.


"What did you do to Captain Falcon? He was my friend! Pikmin Go! I will not let you do it to another!" and a whistle blew. Red, blue and yellow pikmin charged at Ganondorf. Ganon destroyed the little guys left and right, but there were sooo many of them. Ganon began to bleed. The little Pikmin were taking their toll as Captain Olimar commanded the little guys deftly...


Ganon fought fiercely and pulled little plant people off of himself as fast as he could, and all of a sudden the Pikmin were no more. He looked around at the hundreds of little dead bodies surrounding him, then over at Olimar. "YOU WILL PAY!" Ganon marched towards Olimar and picked him up by his glass helmet in both hands, getting ready to crush it. Olimar closed his eyes, ready to die.


Then, right as Ganondorf began to apply pressure, something struck him in the back sending searing pain through his body. An arrow. An arrow of light. Ganondorf dropped Olimar who moved away quickly. Ganon fell to his knees in pain. He looked up as he writhed in pain only to see the last thing he would ever see.... the Master Sword coming down into his head.




Alannalynn - Ganondorf - Mafia Boss & Recruiter was NK'd.


It is now Day 4.


Deadline is Monday @ 9 AM CT. (extra time for weekend).

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Official Vote Count


Rand(3): Razen, Tress, Moon


Not Voting(17): Nolder, Lenlo, Turin, Lily, Darthe, Wombat, Despo, Nyanna, Peace, David, Ironeyes,Andrew, Rand, Dice, JohnSnow, Arez, Tiinker



With 20 alive and active it takes 11 to Lynch.




Deadline Monday @ 9 AM CT.

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That was my 1-shot vig kill good for only last night.


Nice try, scumster.


If we could lynch 2 people today, you'd be the other one.


Song..why are you so sure?


Once I finish my coffee and rethink things I may not be so sure.


But my view last night was reflected back on me, which makes me think Despo is actually a mirror, and that whole bit about doubling people's abilities (and confirming with the mods that it works on mafia abilities too) was a ploy. And that makes me think that AJ actually tried to kill Despo to see if they could double their NK and it reflected back on her. And that would mean John claiming it as a vig kill is trying to cover.


Or I could be completely wrong. But there are ways to find out.


Rand, I'm sure of.

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That was my 1-shot vig kill good for only last night.


Nice try, scumster.


If we could lynch 2 people today, you'd be the other one.


Song..why are you so sure?


Once I finish my coffee and rethink things I may not be so sure.


But my view last night was reflected back on me, which makes me think Despo is actually a mirror, and that whole bit about doubling people's abilities (and confirming with the mods that it works on mafia abilities too) was a ploy. And that makes me think that AJ actually tried to kill Despo to see if they could double their NK and it reflected back on her. And that would mean John claiming it as a vig kill is trying to cover.


Or I could be completely wrong. But there are ways to find out.


Rand, I'm sure of.


You did read the scene right? Despo already said it would work on mafia abilities and Jon claimed vig before the night began. Unless you're claiming to have NK'd AJ instead of Jon then I'm doubting you..

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Like I said, I haven't finished my coffee yet.


All I know for sure is that I sent in the view on Despo, and the result we got back is that *I* am town. Which means it was either redirected, or reflected.


Either Despo is a mirror, or there's a bus driver/redirector in this game and I am so going to bite BG.

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And I actually hadn't read the scene carefully when I made my first post, I did read it before the one where I first mentioned I hadn't finished my coffee yet. And so yeah.


I also have a headache this morning, so that doesn't help. :laugh:


But Rand today for sure, and then tomorrow... we shall see.

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