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Why back in my day...

Turin Turambar

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lol´d at this thread. Really want us to feel old? I´m not old but yet me and my daughter live in two seperate worlds. She playes games on the internet, googles things she want to know about, listens to music on YouTube. There weren´t even computers when I was in her age. I remember going to the library when I was maybe 16 to search for X-files on the internet and it could take like 20 minutes for it to load one picture. lol


Some things are still the same though - reading, playing games, playing with lego and Barbie.

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My first computer was a vic20. It had 20k of memory if you bought the extension pack. Games were loaded up via a cassette and took ages, and if the colours stopped moving it meant it had crashed and you had to start all over again.


Back in my day, I remember typing out basic code from books to make games.

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in my day phones were phones. you rented them from ma bell, and they were solid enough to bash someone's brains in. they could be taken apart by any child, and their mysteries easily discovered, and put back together.


we had no MTV. we had the midnight special and dick Clark. we dreamed of being able to watch shows at will, never thinking we'd be free of the network schedule, or be able to record or play back anything... though the eternal search for the life rewind button began long before my day... we used to take snapshots... these are photographs taken with cameras that used film... of someone on tv to capture the moment, with a black horizontal line through it, some artifact of the media...


tv was black and white. ppl who had color before I was thirteen were rich and didn't speak to us. remote control was for toy airplanes, not tv.


we did laundry at the laundry, and used a wringer machine to squeeze the extra water out between washing and drying. when we couldn't afford the laundry we used a washboard in the tub and used a grater to make soap flakes from a bar of soap. and I hung the laundry to dry and brought it back in. in the winter, we could dry things on the radiator.


we had bomb threats every day in kindergarten through grade two, and sometimes the bombs would be real, so we had a walk to the armory every day and then we snuck home.


we wandered the streets, went to parks on our own, the slower among us getting smacked in the head with a good old fashioned metal swing now and then... the daredevils going so high they swing all the way over... we took buses all over the city with no adults attached. we went to coney island in packs and the grown ups were more scared of us there than we wre of them.


but in our homes... in my home, mom ruled, and I knew if I stepped wrong, or brought home a c instead of forging her signature, she would kill me. not figuratively, she would have killed me. or taken away my music for a week, and my tv, which seemed worse.


we had real riots with real killing, and the police either hiding until daylight or killing back. no occupying wall street. running crazy through the blacked out streets smashing into stores and homes stealing and raping and beating and killing. and no convenient cameras to capture anyone in the act, only the very cheap bounty of stolen goods to buy the next week... it's how most of us got color tvs and remote controls.


we saved up for weeks to buy a record we wanted in my day, and we played that record over and over until it was burned into our brains. we washed these records periodically to make them live a little longer, but the diamond needle killed hem a little more every time we played them


and now I shop. good day.


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back in my day, there weren't any fancy iphone/itouch that you could play games on, we had to use flip phones.


(By day I mean day of birth, I am 14 right now. :)


Ya we had it really hard back then. I mean FLIPPHONES only like 100 channels, those were the dark ages. 13

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Back in my day, you either did the chores for the farm, read books, or went outside to find something to make a game out of - no telly, no video games, nothing to listen to music with, no phone, no computer, none of that. Going on a trip to visit relatives, whether just the ones several farms away, or my mother's relatives farther north, and going to festivals was the most exciting thing in the world :laugh:. My childhood was not typical, though, so who knows what most of everyone else was doing as children back in my day :tongue:?

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back in my day, there weren't any fancy iphone/itouch that you could play games on, we had to use flip phones.


(By day I mean day of birth, I am 14 right now. :)


Ya we had it really hard back then. I mean FLIPPHONES only like 100 channels, those were the dark ages. 13


You're younger than me!!!!!!! YES!! I am not the youngest active person on DM!!!!!!!!!!!!

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Back in my day, people settled disputes by beating the hell out of each other :tongue:. Now you have to be careful because of guards and sissies :dry:...

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