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Foods you Love and Foods you Hate


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What is your favourite your food which you can't live without?

Is there any food you hate?




I love something that is spicy or a little sour. And especially Indian street food.


I hate non- veg like eggs, meat, bacon.

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GARLIC GARLIC GARLIC GARLIC GARLIC. Oh. and some garlic too. If it has garlic in it, i'm all over it. My favorite stand-alone dish is a hamburger. And now i'm really hungry thinking about this, thanks.


The only thing that i dislike eating is mayonnaise. I just dislike the taste.


I do not think I have a favourite food that I can't live without; most of my favourite foods I do not have but I live without them so :tongue:. I have a lot of favourites for different tastes and textures, but some of my most favourite of all foods are berries (any kind for the most part) for fruit, rotisserie pig for meat, mushrooms (prepared ANY way) for vegetable, and smoked fish, particularly salmon :wub:, for fish. Not too big on sweets because I am not used to them and they can be sickening, but I can appreciate some cookies and such now and awhile (so long as it has no chocolate), but my favourite sweet is ice cream (LOVE mint but any ice cream really).


And of yes, I have a lot of things I hate :angry: !!! Chocolate for one - disgusting :angry: !!!!!!!!!!!!! Eggs, all by themselves and not incorporated into something like cake or meatballs, are also horrible!!!! Buttered bread, that is also really nasty!!!! Stinky cheese, no way - I do not like eating stuff that smells like me after I work all day!!! Cheese on potatoes, any kind - that is also revolting!!!! And...uh, I am drawing a blank on what else I hate, but I am sure there is more that I am not thinking of. I will let you know if I remember :biggrin:!


Well, I guess I love gulabjamun (a kind of indian sweet), i ate 24 in one meal when usually people think you have eaten too much when you eat 5.


I like wontons, hamburgers stacked with fries, and I LOVE peach betty.


I'm with Maw on mayonaisse, and I don't actually dislike but could not possibly survive any kind of very spicy food. I don't dislike that many food items though.


I like many kind of sea foods - scrimps, lobster, crayfish, clams etc. I love sushi if it´s well made. I like Mexican food, Indian food and Greek food. Mostly I like home made food since I´m such a bad cook myself. :laugh:


Food that I refuse to eat is liver, black pudding, peas and fish with a lot of bones in it.


I like many kind of sea foods - scrimps, lobster, crayfish, clams etc. I love sushi if it´s well made. I like Mexican food, Indian food and Greek food. Mostly I like home made food since I´m such a bad cook myself. :laugh:


Food that I refuse to eat is liver, black pudding, peas and fish with a lot of bones in it.


What????!!!! Seriously?!?!?!?!?!?! WHHHAAAAAAAAAAAT????!!!!!!!!! Who does not like liver???!!!! Who does not like black pudding??!!??!! I....I....cannot fathom it!!!!!! I-I can't save you - you are lost...you are lost :sleep:. Hahahahahahaha!


Oh yeah, I am a vegetarian, so I hate all meat.

Is there a religious reason for that or something philosophical or you just do not like how it tastes (like my youngest brother, the weirdo :dry: )?


I like many kind of sea foods - scrimps, lobster, crayfish, clams etc. I love sushi if it´s well made. I like Mexican food, Indian food and Greek food. Mostly I like home made food since I´m such a bad cook myself. :laugh:


Food that I refuse to eat is liver, black pudding, peas and fish with a lot of bones in it.


What????!!!! Seriously?!?!?!?!?!?! WHHHAAAAAAAAAAAT????!!!!!!!!! Who does not like liver???!!!! Who does not like black pudding??!!??!! I....I....cannot fathom it!!!!!! I-I can't save you - you are lost...you are lost :sleep:. Hahahahahahaha!


Oh yeah, I am a vegetarian, so I hate all meat.

Is there a religious reason for that or something philosophical or you just do not like how it tastes (like my youngest brother, the weirdo :dry: )?


No it is more religious, but i also have my own reasons, on the philosophical side, since I have never even tasted meat.


Foods I love - I really like Chinese, Thai, and Indian food. I can sometimes handle spicy too, it all depends on how hungry I am and how I'm feeling in general. I'm also a big fan of cheeseburgers and traditional American fare as well. Seeing as I have a really big sweet tooth, chocolate, cake, brownies, anything with frosting, cupcakes, cookies and anything else vaguely pastry-like and sweet that I may be forgetting.


One food I cannot stand - grape juice. It's not a food, but whatever the case, I cannot stand the taste of it. Or anything grape flavored for that matter - even grape flavored candy (like Skittles or Jolly Ranchers - I love every other kind except grape). I blame it on the fact that all the medicine that I had to take in my childhood when I got sick was the nasty chewable grape flavor. But I'll eat raisins, which is odd, considering that they are dried grapes.


Foods I cannot live without: Cheese. Mashed potatoes. Dark chocolate. There are a lot of other things I love, but those are the ones I miss the most if I can't have them.


Foods I cannot stand: Celery (yes, even with peanut butter... it's a waste of good peanut butter if you ask me). Raw onions (texture only - I like the flavor of onions just fine). Mushrooms (texture again - unless they're well cooked). Raw fish (texture again... mostly, depending on the fish). Squid and octopus :shudder:.


I just love cherries. And pineapple. I avoid mushrooms... ick.


Oh. Pineapple I love the flavor, but that's another texture thing for me. I'm quite picky about texture. :tongue:


Spicey food of any kind. Jalapeno's, hot sauce, cayenne pepper, it's all good.


Chinese, Mexican, Greek and regular American foods. Love gyros and sushi as long as there's no creme cheese in it.


Any vegetable except an onion. I will run like a girl from an onion.


Shepard's Pie. Yum.


Not a huge fan of Italian.


Any vegetable except an onion. I will run like a girl from an onion.


*gets a great mental image from that*


*giggles madly*


I will hide from octopus, squid, any kind of mussel/shellfish, crayfish, etc...*gag* i dont like the taste, and am also horribly disgusted by how these living beings are gutted/cooked alive :sad:

I cant stand pumpkin. Just something about the texture... pureed is tolerable, and the taste is ok in bakery. Zucchini is the same, i only like teh soup.


Also, put seaweed on my food and Ill start shaking. I was forced to eat powdered kelp for two years on every hot meal, for homeopathic purposes (adapt my thyroid to iodine), and Id always steered clear of seaweed before that too. >.< one of my greatest acts of bravery is to eat a couple of pieces of sushi if Im visiting people who lovingly prepared it...


I LOVE button mushrooms and champignons in any way of preparation (OMG fried with parsley and egg on toast OMG) but thats teh onlymushroom I like :)


Mmm...brussel sprouts, anything tomato, leeks, asparagus, cucumber, green salad, olives, carrots, etc...Im a veggi lover.


Lus a juicy well done scottish highland steak :happy: *spoilt* :P


Anyone who does not like mushrooms by themselves is nuttier than a pit of walnuts :dry: !


Thought of some other things I absolutely cannot stand - omelets (because it is eggs, and eggs by themselves taste like mashed chicken without most of the flavour, ergh!), pancakes, and potato chips of any kind. Way to take a perfectly good potato and make it horrifically greasy :mad: !!!


Another food I cannot stand - the evillest of condiments, ketchup.


i agree wholeheartedly.


Anyone who does not like mushrooms by themselves is nuttier than a pit of walnuts :dry: !


Thought of some other things I absolutely cannot stand - omelets (because it is eggs, and eggs by themselves taste like mashed chicken without most of the flavour, ergh!), pancakes, and potato chips of any kind. Way to take a perfectly good potato and make it horrifically greasy :mad: !!!


I agree with everything here except the pancakes. How do you not like pancakes with some perfectly good syrup?


Pancakes are icky, I also hate mushrooms, black olives. dark chocolate, brownies or cookie or fudge with nuts, Anything banana or lemon flavored. and pork.


I love cheese love love love it!


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