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White Tower's First Ever Aes Sedai/Der'Manshima Aprreciation Week Hall of Fame Awards After Party

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Tired of sitting and clapping for other people, Sick of listening to bad banter? Hungry for some fun? Come on in and join the party. See all the famous folks that have come in from all around. From Tear to Saldea. From Cairhien to the Two Rivers. Everyone who is anyone will make an appearance. Our two intrepid red carpet reporters, Turin Seacrest and MaRhea Menounous are out there waiting for the Who's Who of the White Tower & Warder's Guild to strut their stuff of the Red Carpet. Which colours will be the most popular, Will they all dress in Ajah colors? Who will be daring and who will be conservative? Will Mother wear her stole? we are all waiting to find out too.




Inside there are some yummy nibbles and tasty drinks waiting for you inside.




I hear the band warming up and if you are encouraging enough there just might be some stylings from our own DJ Screamin' on the twin tables.




The dance floor awaits and have no fear for the Macarena disc has been destroyed.







the camera fades back to the red carpet...



Welcome to the Red Carpet outside the White Tower & Warder's Guild Hall of Fame Awards After Party. I'm your host Turin Seacrest, here to bring you all the buzz from tonight's arrivals. I will be out here interviewing the famous folks as they come down the carpet and my co-Host MaRhea Menounous will be up further along with the 360 degree fashion camera to help point out the fashion hits and misses. Up to you MaRhea...

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Thanks EP! gotta stay hydrated or I might wrinkle. With only 7 jobs I may not be able to afford Botox.



Moon! Moon! Over here! Your dress is lovely. You must have had your seamstress working overtime to get it made so quickly with the event just announced today. Who are you excited to see here at the party tonight? I mean everyone is expected to be here from the Highest to the Mother. By the way, which of those two actually bosses the other around in private? you can tell me the cameras are still off. honest.


*hides crossed fingers beind his back*


*Relaxes out on a balcony, enjoying the sunlight, idly wondering if someone will ask her to dance*




this dress will do :P


That's right Turin, I can barely contain my excitement! You know you are all just dying to see who is wearing whom on the Red Carpet tonight. Who will have the fashion faux pas, and who will bring the bling? Lets not forget last years biggest fashion statement when Mother took the night with her fabulous Oscar de la Renta gown and Yossi Harari jewels. Can she top that? We will just have to wait and see.


Inside the party is ready to go and I can hear the music already heating up. In fact the rumor is there will be some live entertainment later in the evening. I can't wait to see who shows up!


And Turin, have you seen the spread that's been planned for tonight? Here's a sneak peak...




Oh...I see our first guests are arriving! Back to you Turin...


*Key strolls in*


Beautiful dresses ladies!


Moon, I love the ruffles :smile:.

Heart - Green looks beautiful on you!

Mashi - Gorgeous! I love the influence of Indian culture :smile:.

Christine - I love the belt/sash of your dress! It complements the dress, and you, very well.



  On 4/10/2012 at 4:02 PM, Turin Turambar said:

I hear the band warming up and if you are encouraging enough there just might be some stylings from our own DJ Screamin' on the twin tables.


OH YEAH! :laugh: Thanks Tutu Seacrest ;P


*starts a welcoming but hip tune playing softly in the background so as not to draw attention away from teh awesome reporters as everyone arrives*


Everybody looks stunning! :biggrin:


*gags self and puts her hands behind her back to keep from messin' with the turntables already* :wink:


Turin Secrest missed a couple of entrances while he was having his teeth whitened looking into the tasty food inside.


Great Nya. I am sure the Aes Sedai are all looking forward to shaking it up to some awesome beats.


MaRhea, any fashion surprises so far?


Many thanks to Mashi for picking out my outfit for this formal affair. It takes a real man to wear pink! :wink:

I hope that you senior members enjoy the spotlight!




Well Turin...so far all the women look fabulous! Mashira Sedai thought she could escape the red carpet by sneaking in the back but we have managed to get a good look at her and she is stunning in red and rhinestones. The only surprise so far has been Razen in his hot pink suit! Va va voom! The matching shoes are a delight to behold.


What a turn out we are having. The DJ is rockin the house now!




That pink suit is definitely the biggest risk of the night. He has managed to pull it off tho I think. Razen will be visible wherever he is tonight. Nice jam there MaRhea.


I think I see someone else getting out of their coach. Who is it? They are heading this way but there is something in the way. Hopefully I can get a question or two in past all the bodyguards.

  On 4/10/2012 at 4:36 PM, Turin Turambar said:

Moon! Moon! Over here! Your dress is lovely. You must have had your seamstress working overtime to get it made so quickly with the event just announced today. Who are you excited to see here at the party tonight? I mean everyone is expected to be here from the Highest to the Mother. By the way, which of those two actually bosses the other around in private? you can tell me the cameras are still off. honest.


*hides crossed fingers beind his back*

Why, Thank you ! You know I can't give away all Ajah secrets.


This dress? Why, I've had it lying in wait for just an awesome occasion like this. I had it comissioned when I was raised to Aes Sedai last summer.

As the Red Heart, I know it's my job to look my very Redilicious best.


I'm excited to see all my Aes Sedai sisters and their warders here. I'm Dying to see if all the warder prettying we've done this past year has any effect.

  On 4/11/2012 at 2:31 AM, Ahmoondah Sedai said:

I'm Dying to see if all the warder prettying we've done this past year has any effect.

*Looks down at her dress*


*walks in, her shimmering gown catching everyone's eyes*




Sorry to take so long, everyone. I couldn't find a thing to wear!


Heart, by need anything I mean need anything. Drink, some food anything else? I am here to serve. But maybe not you. >.>


Turin Seacrest sees the the First Selector of the Blues appear in a lovely shimmering Blue dress...


Dar! Dar! First Selector! A quick Question. Who are you wearing tonight? You are rocking a healthy dose of Bling too. Harry Winston?


MAke sure you stop and See MaRhea before you go inside.she is running the 360 degree panoramic Camera. Have a great night.


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