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Mistborn Mafia: The Hemalurgic Spike


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The sun drifted closer to the horizon as the last of the representatives crossed the open doorway. They all gathered in a central, expansive room. Thirty-three chairs were positioned in a circle, one slightly taller than the rest. In it sat an elderly man with a staff. Soon he was joined by the travelers, who took up the remaining thirty-two chairs. As the noise died down, the old man stood to speak, and all eyes shifted to him.


"As you know, this summit has been organized in order to optimize the utilization of Allomancy and Feruchemy in bettering society. Each of you is a distinguished Misting or Ferring in one of the sixteen metals and have been selected to represent your ability. I myself am not an Allomancer or Feruchemist, however I will serve as society's representative and facilitator in the discussion. Our goal shall be to find a way for every power to serve in reasonable ways. But all this for tomorrow. It is late now. I have assigned a servant to each of you. They will show you to your rooms where you can rest from your journey. If you need anything, they shall be at your service. We will reconvene tomorrow at 9:00."




The next day, when the Mistings and Ferrings regathered, several chairs were noticeably empty. After several minutes and still no sign up the missing people, the facilitator told the servants to go check their rooms. They returned with dead bodies. Chaos exploded. A din of uproar, some angered, some shocked, some afraid, arose. All looked at each other in suspicion. The old man banged his staff on the floor. The noise slowly faded into dead silence.


"Clearly we cannot continue until this....atrocity...is cleared up. It seems that someone does not want us to go through with this, for whatever reason. However, they will not-"


"Steal the dead people's powers," someone shouted. "We may need their abilities."


"What! How?" someone else shouted.







1)All votes must be in bold and red. To change a vote, one must first unvote

2)Do not quote Mod PMs.

3)Do not communicate outside this thread unless otherwise indicated.

4)Do not edit posts.

5)Post at least once per Day phase unless an excusable LoA has been announced ahead of time. (Note: This is at Mod's discretion and not a concrete rule. Basically, be active. Riding the one post per day minimum won't fly)

6)One "blah" post after death. Note the adjectives describing "post" in the previous sentence. One. Blah.

7)Do not post in blue.


General Gameplay:

1)This is a Deadline game, not a hammer.

2)With the exception of Day One, Days will last approximately 72 hours and Nights approximately 48 hours.

3)Weekends count as half days (12 hours for Saturday and 12 hours for Sunday)

4)If a consensus lynch is not reached by Deadline, there will be a random modkill.

5)All times and deadlines will be in U.S. Central Time (GMT-6)

6)Confirm that you have Read and Understood your Role PM. (in the PM obviously)



Specific Gameplay:


Alright, here's how the Hemalurgy in this game works (The role stealing). Every Day phase, each person has the ability to Observe one other player, and every Night phase, each person has the ability to Spike (Steal from) one other player . The Observe role has a 50% chance of being successful.


-If the Observe role SUCCEEDS, then the user will learn the Allomantic or Feruchemic ability of his/her target. (If the target has more than one ability, any ability being used takes precedence. Otherwise, the result will be random). Then, during the Night phase, if the user decides to Spike (Steal from) the person he/she Observed during the Day, then the chance of stealing the role is 100% AND the user gets to decide whether he/she wants the Allomantic or Feruchemic version of the power.


-If the Observe role FAILS, then the user's Spike (Steal) during the Night has a 50% chance of succeeding and if it does succeed, the Allomantic or Feruchemic version will be chosen at random. (If the target has more than one power, then one of those powers is chosen at random)


Additionally, a person may Gift their own power to someone else at any point, however they will then not be able to use their Observe or Spike, depending on whether it is Day or Night.


All Observes, Spikes, and Gifts are processed at the end of the Day/Night. Also, usage of Feruchemic storage must be sent in within the first 12 hours of a Cycle.


When a person dies, their abilities die with them. (contrary to intro flavour)


*Note: These roles are independent of a person's specific Roles. (More on the actual Allomantic and Feruchemic abilities below)



1)Maw: Solo Win Mistborn (Lynched Day 3)

2)Ishmael (Killed Night 3)

3)Songstress (Killed Night 2)

4)Amegakure Lenlo Mason (Killed Night 4)

5)Razen (Killed Day 3)


7)Aiel Heart (Lynched Day 5)

8)Ironeyes (Killed Night 2)

9)Player Mason (Killed Night 4)

10)Blackhoof Mason (Randomly Lynched Day 4)

11)Tina (Killed Night 3)

12)Pale Meesh 2.0


14)Song Blackhoof 2.0

15)Meesh (Killed Night 1)

16)Smiley (lynched Day 2)

17)Despothera(Lynched Day 4)

18)Graendals favourite

19)Christine Mynd 2.0

20)MCS Myndrunner(Killed Night 4)


22)Eternal Phoenix (Lynched Day 2)

23)Key (Killed Night 1)



Day 1 Vote Count:


Smiley (12) - Song; Maw; Wombat; Sakaea; Meesh; Key; Tina; Pale; Razen; Des; Eternal Phoenix; Graendal

Blackhoof (2) - Smiley; Songstress

Eternal Phoenix(1) - Turin

Christine (1) - Player

Wombat (1) - Blackhoof



Not Voting: Amegakure; Ishmael; Christine; MCS; Aiel Heart; Ironeyes



Key killed Night 1

Meesh killed Night 1


Day 2 Vote Count:


Eternal Phoenix (11): Tina; Mynd; Wombat; Lenlo; Sakaea; Blackhoof; Des Wombat; Player; Graendal; Songstress; Song; Razen

Blackhoof (4): Razen; Eternal Phoenix; Songstress; Sakaea; Aiel Heart; Song; Ishmael; Maw; Sakaea

Songstress (1 ): Blackhoof; Player; Maw; Tina; Graendal; Mynd; Des; Ironeyes; Song

Mynd (1): Eternal Phoenix

Razen (1): Pale

Maw (0): Razen

Turin (0): Razen

Aiel Heart (0): Mynd

Mynd (0): Eternal Phoenix


Not Voting: Turin; Christine;


With 20 alive, it takes 11 to lynch.


Deadline: Thursday, 8:00 PM (GMT-5)


Ironeyes killed Night 2

Songstress killed Night 2


Day 3 Vote Count:


Maw (11): Razen; Blackhoof; Mynd; Song; Graendal; Christine; Lenlo; Meesh; Aiel Heart; Player; Sakaea; Wombat

Wombat (2): Mynd; Des; Blackhoof; Mynd; Sakaea

Razen (1): Mynd; Mynd; Maw

Aiel Heart (0): Wombat


Not Voting: Turin; Ishmael; Tina


With 17 alive, it takes 9 to lynch.


Deadline: Wednesday, 5:00 PM (GMT-6)


Tina Killed Night 3

Ishy Killed Night 3


Day 4 Vote Count:


Aiel Heart (5): Turin; Mynd; Blackhoof; Sakaea; Wombat; Graendal; Meesh; Mynd

Sakaea (4): Aiel Heart; Mynd; Graendal; Turin

Mynd (0): Graendal; Aiel Heart

Graendal (0): Mynd; Sakaea


Not Voting: Christine; Song;


With 10 alive it takes 6 to lynch.


Deadline is 5:00 PM Monday


Blackhoof randomly lynched.


Mynd killed Night 4


Day 5 Vote Count:


Aiel Heart (6): Mynd; Wombat; Meesh; Sakaea; Blackhoof


Not Voting: Graendal; Aiel Heart; Turin


With 8 alive it takes 5 to lynch.






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This is mostly for non-Mistborn readers, however fans of the series may find some useful information in here too. First, a rundown on how the magic systems work.


Allomancy: Allomancy is fairly simple. An Allomancer burns a metal and gains the ability associated with it. For example, an Allomancer burns Tin and gains heightened senses as long as he/she is burning Tin. Most Allomancers can only burn one metal and are called Mistings.


Feruchemy: Feruchemy is slightly more complicated. A Feruchemist can store certain attributes in a specific metalmind and then draw out those powers later. For example, a Feruchemist stores speed in a Steel metalmind. This makes him slow as long as he/she is storing speed, however later, the Feruchemist can draw out the speed he/she has stored, allowing him/her to move at fast speeds. Most Feruchemists can only store one attribute and are called Ferrings.


Hemalurgy: Hemalurgy is the process of transferring one person's Feruchemical or Allomantical abilities to another. This is done by driving a certain spike through a person's heart and then placing the spike in a specific location in someone else. Obviously, this has been modified slightly to fit the mafia game (as described above). Hemalurgy in this game does not kill anyone.


Compounding: If someone possess both an Allomantic and Feruchemic ability of the same metal, then there Feruchemic ability of that metal is greatly enhanced. Basically, the storage aspect of Feruchemy is removed, allowing the person to draw more or less infinte amounts of their Feruchemic ability.


The following is a list of Allomantic and Feruchemic abilities, respectively, for each of the sixteen Metals:


Iron - Pull Metals; Store Weight

Steel - Push Metals; Store Speed

Tin - Increseas Senses; Stores Senses

Pewter - Increases Physical Abilities; Stores Physical Strength

Zinc - Riots Emotions; Stores Mental Speed

Brass - Soothes Emotions; Stores Warmth

Copper - Protects against Zinc, Brass, and Bronze Allomancy; Stores Memories

Bronze - Senses other Allomancy (and in this game, Feruchemy as well); Stores Wakefulness

Cadmium - Slows Time; Stores Breath

Cerrobend - Speeds Time; Stores Energy

Gold - Reveals Past Self; Stores Health

Electrum - Reveals your own Future; Stores Determination

Chromium - Depletes Allomantic Reserves of target (and in this game, Feruchemic as well); Stores Fortune

Nicrosil - Increases Allomantic Burn of target (and in this game, Feruchemic as well); Stores Investiture

Aluminum - Depletes your own Allomantic Reserves; Stores Identity

Duralamin - Increases your own Allomantic Burn; Stores Connection


Think that's most everything. Probably forgot a couple things though. If you have questions, ask them.


No official deadline yet, although it'll probably be Friday.


Role PMs going out now.


Edit: Oh yeah, also note that most days, I'm not going to be able to be on except during the afternoon. (This is US Central Time, GMT-6)


Last Mistborn game I was totally lost because I hadn´t read the books but now it looks easier with the explanation above. Thanks for that, Locke. Still haven´t read the books since my library refuses to buy the books.



Vote Song. :smile:


Last Mistborn game I was totally lost because I hadn´t read the books but now it looks easier with the explanation above. Thanks for that, Locke. Still haven´t read the books since my library refuses to buy the books.



Vote Song. :smile:


You would :tongue:


VOTE IRONEYES who the heck is ironeyes and why does he/she have my number?


You would :tongue:


VOTE IRONEYES who the heck is ironeyes and why does he/she have my number?


He is



a main character that was turned into an Inquisitor with Hemalurgic spikes and controlled by an evil god. He appears in Alloy of Law as Ironeyes, a sort of angel/representative-from-god/spectre-of-death figure



Hmm, there seems to be no Tiinker or Talya to vote....


vote MCS because he's probably gonna ask to be replaced soon or modkilled anyway. Abandoning a game he was modding like that.... :dry:


Hmm, there seems to be no Tiinker or Talya to vote....


vote MCS because he's probably gonna ask to be replaced soon or modkilled anyway. Abandoning a game he was modding like that.... :dry:


very bad form that.


I think I'll vote Blackhoof, not only for trying to get a first post, but for failing at that as well


Why don't I have your number song?


*slaps hands over mouth*


Check your Pms :wink:


You would :tongue:


VOTE IRONEYES who the heck is ironeyes and why does he/she have my number?


He is



a main character that was turned into an Inquisitor with Hemalurgic spikes and controlled by an evil god. He appears in Alloy of Law as Ironeyes, a sort of angel/representative-from-god/spectre-of-death figure



I mean in this game, who's nickname is ironeyes. He is in spot #8. I have no clue who it is...


Oh Song, already boys are trying to catch your eye ;)


I feel like I haven't been able to Vote Mawth in a while


:wink: Luckily for me, I got quick eyes. They'll have to try a lot harder than that. *giggles*


Checking in!


In case much happens today, just a warning that I'll be out most/all of the day due to birthday related activities :smile:.



I would vote Ishy or Song (:wub:), but as they have a vote I suppose I will share the love.



Vote Des.


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