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Most badass charcter in fantasy/sci-fi


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who is the most badass, cool character in fantasy


to me that is no other who is more badass then Anomandaris Purake in Malazan the Book of the Fallen, he is a really good charcater, (i have not come as far as the book 7 or 8 ) but Anomander is very important in the series



but i would love to se a sword duel between fullpowered Rand al Thor against Anomander Rake, the prince of darkness vs the dragon reborn, both are really powerfull and badass, and splittet persons, with a disturbing past,


yes Rand is also one of the most badass good characters in fantasy,


Ishmael is also sort-of,




also Anomander is also the one who is in my avatar.

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  On 1/11/2012 at 4:33 PM, ballfire23 said:

who is the most badass, cool character in fantasy


to me that is no other who is more badass then Anomandaris Purake in Malazan the Book of the Fallen, he is a really good charcater, (i have not come as far as the book 7 or 8 ) but Anomander is very important in the series



but i would love to se a sword duel between fullpowered Rand al Thor against Anomander Rake, the prince of darkness vs the dragon reborn, both are really powerfull and badass, and splittet persons, with a disturbing past,


yes Rand is also one of the most badass good characters in fantasy,


Ishmael is also sort-of,




also Anomander is also the one who is in my avatar.


Rand wouldn't stand a chance.


Also, if you like Anonmandaris Dragnipurake, Toll The Hounds is going to be a treat for you.


As for most badass fantasy character? Aside from Anomander, I'd be amiss not to mention the one and only Nefarias Bredd.

  On 1/12/2012 at 11:12 AM, redarm said:

Karsa Orlong. And he knows it. 'Witness'


"Bastard broke my sword!"


Please don't edit my direct quote :biggrin:

  On 1/12/2012 at 6:24 AM, Elusive Athena said:

Loki, the god of badassery.

I resent that.


And the correct answer is Mr Ares.

  On 1/12/2012 at 11:12 AM, redarm said:

Karsa Orlong. And he knows it. 'Witness'

oki Karsa Orlong is badass also, nearly as badass as Anomander, and don't forgett the duo Quick Ben/Kalam Mehkar,


or the badass intelect of Tehol Beddict and Kruppe, i would love to witness a conversation between Tehol and Kruppe the two most intelegent characters in the series


I just started reading the Malazan books, and before that I would have had a couple of choices. But after Malazan, and indeed this is exactly what Malazan offers that is at the very heart of it being so badass, it would be hard to say. You.could make that a top 10 list of most bad ass characters and Malazan characters could easily fill half of it IMO.

The actual writing and storytelling is actually only.decent. It's these amazing characters that he brings to life, and this vast world of badassness that he creates. But I'm rambling and off topic.

I'm going to leave all WoT chats out of my choice, sinse this is a WoT site and it would feel biased.

Badass, eh. I'd say, to try to be unique, Gerald Tarrant from The Coldfire Trilogy.


Gerald Tarrant - Coldfire Trilogy - C.S. Friedman



The bloody nine (first law trilogy)


Alice (the magicians)


Any number of Malazan characters.


The core group of the black company books.


A quick list I thought of (in no particular order):


- Anomandaris Dragnipurake (Malazan Book of the Fallen)

- Rand al'Thor (Wheel of Time)

- Greatjon Umber (A Song of Ice and Fire)

- Logen "The Bloody Nine" Ninefingers (First Law)

- Nighteyes (Farseer and Tawny Man Trilogies)

- Dassem Ultor (Malazan Book of the Fallen)

- Barristan Selmy (A Song of Ice and Fire)

- Roland Deschain (Dark Tower)

- Fingolfin (The Silmarillion)

- Fiddler (Malazan Book of the Fallen)

- Kelsier (Mistborn)

- Huan (The Silmarillion)

- Karsa Orlong (Malazan Book of the Fallen)

- Victarion Greyjoy (A Song of Ice and Fire)

- Vasher (Warbreaker)

- Hurin (The Silmarillion, Unfinished Tales, Children of Hurin)

- Cotillion (Malazan Book of the Fallen)


The problem is that I could add another 50 from MBOTF to the list, tried to limit myself and spread it out a little though.

  On 1/13/2012 at 2:59 AM, Barmacral said:

The bloody nine (first law trilogy)


Alice (the magicians)


Any number of Malazan characters.


The core group of the black company books.

I would easly add Shadowtrhone, Caladan Brood, Kallor,Trull Sengar, Tool, Adjunct Tavore etc

  On 1/14/2012 at 5:50 PM, ballfire23 said:
  On 1/13/2012 at 2:59 AM, Barmacral said:

The bloody nine (first law trilogy)


Alice (the magicians)


Any number of Malazan characters.


The core group of the black company books.

I would easly add Shadowtrhone, Caladan Brood, Kallor,Trull Sengar, Tool, Adjunct Tavore etc


I covered that in the bolded statement.


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