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Predictions from left field


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Does anyone harbor some predictions that are not so obvious? I was reading COT at work today and thought up some things that are from left field, but i wouldnt be surprised if i saw them happen!


1) Dragonmount is a volcano. A volcano that has never erupted. Tar Valon sits in the shadow of Dragonmount. I wouldnt be surprised to see the white tower destroyed by Dragonmount erupting in the last book forcing the Aes Sedai to start over somewhere. Presumably with the Ash'aman, although i kinda doubt at the Black Tower location.


2) We'll find out which of Rands three girls is Ilyena


3) Rand will get a face-to-face with the Creator and ask him questions we didnt see coming and then we'll wonder how we didnt see them coming


4) Tuon will be a 21st level channeller. I think she might be the Seanchan that saves Egwene's life.


More coming as they cross my mind. If anyone else has some, they'd be interesting to read.

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As for number two, I always assumed that it would be Min. Dunno why, I just like that idea.



BTW, Egeanin is the Seanchan you're looking for. She's been trained with the sword, and is already heading for Tar Valon.

Does anyone harbor some predictions that are not so obvious? I was reading COT at work today and thought up some things that are from left field, but i wouldnt be surprised if i saw them happen!


Haha, then perhaps I'm far right field, because I hope none of those happen. :laugh: (Except 1; Dragonmount is in fact a volcano, but I'm not sure its eruption will destroy the White Tower)


As for number two, I always assumed that it would be Min. Dunno why, I just like that idea.



BTW, Egeanin is the Seanchan you're looking for. She's been trained with the sword, and is already heading for Tar Valon.



Yep, Egeanin is the one to save Egwene's life.


I've always believed Elayne is the more likely candidate for Ilyena Sunhair(blonde, sits on the Sun Throne, etc)

Min is more likely a new Mierin(dark hair, met her before Elayne, etc). She knows they are destined to be together. Well, Min is actually right about that, unlike Lanfear.

Aviendha is...the icing on the cake. The dragon has to have a vast intercultural exchange with all the people of different lands. He just needs a Sea Folk girl and a damane(Alivia seems to have a liking for him) and he'll have the whole set.



About Tuon, I have an idea I hope will never ever ever happen.

She's a der'sul'dam, and maybe she'll have on of her crazy idea and take a damane and lead the attack on the WT herself. She'll be captured and Egwene will use a a'dam on her for a while. That will be very bad for the Seachan this side of the ocean, because they'll not follow her anymore. Of course, it will never happen. Please Creator, no.


Rand talking to the Creator? Nope, I don't think he'll start talking to himself again.


I REALLY don't hope Rand gets a face-to-face with the Creator. That would feel like Harry Potter or something!


You guys are talking complete rubbish. Egeanin will not be the Seanhcan to save Egwene. Leilwin Shipless will. As for which of Rand's girls is Ilyena, the correct answer is absolutely none of them. The idea of Rand getting a chance for a face to face chat with the Creator is too ghastly for words.


You guys are talking complete rubbish. Egeanin will not be the Seanhcan to save Egwene. Leilwin Shipless will. As for which of Rand's girls is Ilyena, the correct answer is absolutely none of them. The idea of Rand getting a chance for a face to face chat with the Creator is too ghastly for words.



Or maybe we also believe in another prediction about the Emperor(that guy with one eye and a big hat) changing back her name to Egeanin. I don't like the other name. And it's partly his fault. From all the gifts he could chose, it had to be that one designed specifically for a belly dancer.


Does anyone harbor some predictions that are not so obvious? I was reading COT at work today and thought up some things that are from left field, but i wouldnt be surprised if i saw them happen!


1) Dragonmount is a volcano. A volcano that has never erupted. Tar Valon sits in the shadow of Dragonmount. I wouldnt be surprised to see the white tower destroyed by Dragonmount erupting in the last book forcing the Aes Sedai to start over somewhere. Presumably with the Ash'aman, although i kinda doubt at the Black Tower location.


2) We'll find out which of Rands three girls is Ilyena


3) Rand will get a face-to-face with the Creator and ask him questions we didnt see coming and then we'll wonder how we didnt see them coming


4) Tuon will be a 21st level channeller. I think she might be the Seanchan that saves Egwene's life.


More coming as they cross my mind. If anyone else has some, they'd be interesting to read.


1) Channelers might make it erupt too.

2) None of them. They are Elayne, Min and Aviendha.

3) I doubt that the creator would speak.


Holy crap. I didnt say things i *want* to see happen, i said things that *might* happen. RJ was so awesome for putting tiny bits of obscure foreshadowing into his books, during my first re-read, im suspicious of every passage i read :P


Quit picking mine apart and make up some of your own :P


That Dragonmount will erupt is part of several very old theories. Including mine that this will be the cause of the second dawn of the day.


An eruption would tie nicely with the prologue. Dragonmount was created when LTT killed himself, so it should be destroyed when Rand either dies or returns from the dead.


I reckon that in the Epilogue, Dragonmount will collapse.. (no not this forum :wink: ) and so will SG: "For he shall come like the breaking dawn, and shatter the world again with his coming, and make it anew." - TGH5


Ilyena will turn out to be reborn as Moiraine.


Avi is already carrying Rand's children from their encounter in snowy Seanchan - she's simply put the fertilised eggs in internal storage until she 's ready for them.


Moridin will marry Lanfear.


Rand will go with the Ogier when they Translate out of this world.


Perrin and Faile kill all the major villains except for Moridin. Slayer has it coming for Hopper and all the other wolves. Fain killed Perrin's family (he still doesn't know this, but when his wife finds out..!) Moghedien thinks she's all that in TAR (and Egwene already got to take out Mesaana there; Perrin called dibs on next.) Graendal was Sammael's co-conspirator when they sent the Shaido who captured Faile, so I think she's owes her a Saldaean handshake for that. Perrin has to save Rand one more time, and it looks like Lanfear could use a hammer to the head sometime soon. Shaidar Haran slaps Perrin around a bit, quoting the Prophecy of the Dark about how "the Broken Wolf shall not defeat the Hand of the Dark", at which point Faile carves him those eye-sockets he's always wanted. And in the epilogue we find out that Demandred DIED THE FINAL DEATH; his on-screen identity is never revealed, just that the DO found it amusing how he had his throat ripped out by a bearded wild man after complementing a girl with dark, tilted eyes on her horsemanship.


Does anyone harbor some predictions that are not so obvious? I was reading COT at work today and thought up some things that are from left field, but i wouldnt be surprised if i saw them happen!


1) Dragonmount is a volcano. A volcano that has never erupted. Tar Valon sits in the shadow of Dragonmount. I wouldnt be surprised to see the white tower destroyed by Dragonmount erupting in the last book forcing the Aes Sedai to start over somewhere. Presumably with the Ash'aman, although i kinda doubt at the Black Tower location.


2) We'll find out which of Rands three girls is Ilyena


3) Rand will get a face-to-face with the Creator and ask him questions we didnt see coming and then we'll wonder how we didnt see them coming


4) Tuon will be a 21st level channeller. I think she might be the Seanchan that saves Egwene's life.


More coming as they cross my mind. If anyone else has some, they'd be interesting to read.

#s 1 and 4 are pet theories of mine. #3 ain't happening. As for #2, I had a theory for like a day that Elayne was Ilyena and that his three women were going to merge. It was a great theory, despite its brevity.


Does anyone harbor some predictions that are not so obvious? I was reading COT at work today and thought up some things that are from left field, but i wouldnt be surprised if i saw them happen!


1) Dragonmount is a volcano. A volcano that has never erupted. Tar Valon sits in the shadow of Dragonmount. I wouldnt be surprised to see the white tower destroyed by Dragonmount erupting in the last book forcing the Aes Sedai to start over somewhere. Presumably with the Ash'aman, although i kinda doubt at the Black Tower location.


2) We'll find out which of Rands three girls is Ilyena


3) Rand will get a face-to-face with the Creator and ask him questions we didnt see coming and then we'll wonder how we didnt see them coming


4) Tuon will be a 21st level channeller. I think she might be the Seanchan that saves Egwene's life.


More coming as they cross my mind. If anyone else has some, they'd be interesting to read.

#s 1 and 4 are pet theories of mine. #3 ain't happening. As for #2, I had a theory for like a day that Elayne was Ilyena and that his three women were going to merge. It was a great theory, despite its brevity.

I take it you don't still hold to your soul-merging theory? Pretty sure RJ has ruled such things out?


As for number two, I always assumed that it would be Min. Dunno why, I just like that idea.



BTW, Egeanin is the Seanchan you're looking for. She's been trained with the sword, and is already heading for Tar Valon.



Yep, Egeanin is the one to save Egwene's life.


I've always believed Elayne is the more likely candidate for Ilyena Sunhair(blonde, sits on the Sun Throne, etc)

Min is more likely a new Mierin(dark hair, met her before Elayne, etc). She knows they are destined to be together. Well, Min is actually right about that, unlike Lanfear.

Aviendha is...the icing on the cake. The dragon has to have a vast intercultural exchange with all the people of different lands. He just needs a Sea Folk girl and a damane(Alivia seems to have a liking for him) and he'll have the whole set.



About Tuon, I have an idea I hope will never ever ever happen.

She's a der'sul'dam, and maybe she'll have on of her crazy idea and take a damane and lead the attack on the WT herself. She'll be captured and Egwene will use a a'dam on her for a while. That will be very bad for the Seachan this side of the ocean, because they'll not follow her anymore. Of course, it will never happen. Please Creator, no.


Rand talking to the Creator? Nope, I don't think he'll start talking to himself again.


Egwene stopped herself from beating Joiya Sedai with air after taking repeated beatings herself, she thought to herself that she was not like them. Are you suggesting she'll put an a'dam on another woman just to teach her a lesson? Unlike a forsaken, I think Tuon could be controlled fairly easily other ways, given she knows zero weaves. It may be done to try to prove it to Tuon, but it would be brief, and not broadcast to the world. I doubt Egwene is going to parade Tuon around in public like her new pet, which would be how everyone else would find out about it.


As for number two, I always assumed that it would be Min. Dunno why, I just like that idea.



BTW, Egeanin is the Seanchan you're looking for. She's been trained with the sword, and is already heading for Tar Valon.



Yep, Egeanin is the one to save Egwene's life.


I've always believed Elayne is the more likely candidate for Ilyena Sunhair(blonde, sits on the Sun Throne, etc)

Min is more likely a new Mierin(dark hair, met her before Elayne, etc). She knows they are destined to be together. Well, Min is actually right about that, unlike Lanfear.

Aviendha is...the icing on the cake. The dragon has to have a vast intercultural exchange with all the people of different lands. He just needs a Sea Folk girl and a damane(Alivia seems to have a liking for him) and he'll have the whole set.



About Tuon, I have an idea I hope will never ever ever happen.

She's a der'sul'dam, and maybe she'll have on of her crazy idea and take a damane and lead the attack on the WT herself. She'll be captured and Egwene will use a a'dam on her for a while. That will be very bad for the Seachan this side of the ocean, because they'll not follow her anymore. Of course, it will never happen. Please Creator, no.


Rand talking to the Creator? Nope, I don't think he'll start talking to himself again.


Egwene stopped herself from beating Joiya Sedai with air after taking repeated beatings herself, she thought to herself that she was not like them. Are you suggesting she'll put an a'dam on another woman just to teach her a lesson? Unlike a forsaken, I think Tuon could be controlled fairly easily other ways, given she knows zero weaves. It may be done to try to prove it to Tuon, but it would be brief, and not broadcast to the world. I doubt Egwene is going to parade Tuon around in public like her new pet, which would be how everyone else would find out about it.



She never had problems in the past with keeping someone collared, especially with a pretty necklace.

She even tried some tricks on the sul'dam that trained her.

She won't have to show an a'dam. She can control her with the necklace, and Tuon will have to play along or be collared by her own people(best case scenario).

And at the moment, the Seachan are at the top of her hate list. And I don't think she care much what happens with them.



And about Joiya, I really hope you are joking.

She stopped herself from killing her. But she did beat(or caused unnecessary pain, if you find the word too strong) her, and tied up a wave to hit her continuously.

Oh, and she wasn't even ashamed about hurting Joiya, and just that she lost time doing that extra wave, whyle the girls were still waiting for her. Only after this pang of guilt did she stopped, but if you are hitting someone unnecessary, it doesn't matter much if it's for an hour or two.



Don't forget that while trying to hold to the oaths, she had no problem what so ever with killing retreating Seachan fliers,

especially those carrying AS.

Which was a good tactical move, because they were security risks, but preemptive strikes are not in the AS handbook or covered by the oaths.


When the Seachan are involved, there is nothing she will not do.

And about Joiya, I really hope you are joking.

She stopped herself from killing her. But she did beat(or caused unnecessary pain, if you find the word too strong) her, and tied up a wave to hit her continuously.

Oh, and she wasn't even ashamed about hurting Joiya, and just that she lost time doing that extra wave, whyle the girls were still waiting for her. Only after this pang of guilt did she stopped, but if you are hitting someone unnecessary, it doesn't matter much if it's for an hour or two.

Go reread the passage you're talking about again.



My own (very) unlikely predictions-


1. Rand is still bound to the Eye of the World in a way similar to Mat and the Horn of Valere. The Eye of the World stills holds metaphysical importance.


2. Fain's Corruption effect will spread through the Blight, eventually weakening the Dark One enough that Rand and Co.'s ta'veren nature is enough to strengthen the Pattern and reinforce the Bore. Where destruction of the Pattern was once the enemy, true corruption will replace it. The Blight, already similar in some ways to T'A'R will become even more twisted by the Corruption and Rand's true battle will be with the Shadar Logoth Effect, not the Dark One.


1) Yes it's a volcano.


2) I hope Demandred thinks Ilyena=Elayne. Or even better, Cyndane does :) That could get interesting, regardless of whether El =Il in reality.




4) Unlikely. As of KoD, RJ said Tuon wouldn't be held by an A'dam. She hasn't had much time to practice her sul'dam skills and bring her closer to the brink yet.

So Egwene is unlikely to be able to collar her.

Even if she's a fast learner, and she's forcibly taught, she wouldn't learn enough, quick enough to reach her full strength and be of much use in AMoL.

Remember that the timelines of what's happening there should be quite compressed.

And about Joiya, I really hope you are joking.

She stopped herself from killing her. But she did beat(or caused unnecessary pain, if you find the word too strong) her, and tied up a wave to hit her continuously.

Oh, and she wasn't even ashamed about hurting Joiya, and just that she lost time doing that extra wave, whyle the girls were still waiting for her. Only after this pang of guilt did she stopped, but if you are hitting someone unnecessary, it doesn't matter much if it's for an hour or two.

Go reread the passage you're talking about again.


You are talking about this one:

The sweat rolled down the Black sister’s smooth, ageless face, now. Egwene wondered if she thought she was about to die. She almost wished she were cruel enough to do that. Most of the unseen blows she had received had come from this woman, like a pounding of fists, for no reason more than that she had kept trying to crawl away, no reason more than that she had refused to give up.


“A woman who can give such beatings,” she said, “should have no objections to a milder one.” She wove another flow of Air quickly; Joiya Byir’s dark eyes bulged in disbelief as the first blow landed across her hips. Egwene saw how to adjust the weaving so she did not have to maintain it. “You will remember this, and feel it, when you waken. When I allow you to waken. Remember this, too. If you ever even try to beat me again, I will return you here and leave you for the rest of your life!” The Black sister’s eyes stared hate at her, but there was a suggestion of tears in them, too.


Egwene felt a moment of shame. Not at what she was doing to Joiya—the woman deserved every blow, if not for her own beating, then for the deaths in the Tower—not that, not really, but because she had spent time on her own revenge while Nynaeve and Elayne were sitting in a cell hoping against hope that she might be able to rescue them.


She tied off and set the flows of her weavings before she knew she had done it, then paused to study what she had done. Three separate weavings, and not only had it been no trouble to hold them all at once, but now she had done something so they would maintain themselves. She thought she could remember how, too. And it might be useful.


After a moment, she unraveled one of the weavings, and the Darkfriend sobbed as much from relief as from pain. “I am not like you,” Egwene said. “This is the second time I have done something like this, and I do not like it. I am going to have to learn to cut throats instead.” From the Black sister’s face, she thought Egwene meant to start learning with her.


She almost wished she were cruel enough to do that..stopped from killing her - checked.


She wove another flow of Air quickly; Joiya Byir’s dark eyes bulged in disbelief as the first blow landed across her hips. Egwene saw how to adjust the weaving so she did not have to maintain it. - cause unnecessary harm and maintain a wave to hit her continuously - checked.


Egwene felt a moment of shame. Not at what she was doing to Joiya—the woman deserved every blow Not feeling guilt for that particular action - checked.


Three separate weavings, and not only had it been no trouble to hold them all at once, but now she had done something so they would maintain themselves. She thought she could remember how, too. And it might be useful.

Take time off to examine her awesomeness with the three separate waves, while Joiya was still beaten by her waves. - checked


After a moment, she unraveled one of the weavings, and the Darkfriend sobbed as much from relief as from pain.

She release her after a while, but it doesn't just delete her actions prior to that. - checked


This is the second time I have done something like this, and I do not like it

The a'dam incident, and although she doesn't like it, that didn't stopped her from doing it anyway, in both cases.


I still think I got it right, at least from my pov.

So, if confronted with an enemy she hates(Seachan), she will stop at nothing(even if she doesn't like it) to get the upper hand. Even if she has to get help from another Seachan.


Anyway, back to topic.

So, Tuon has to be a sul'dan for a while longer in order to be susceptible to the adam herself? I didn't knew that. Why are you doing this to me, RJ?

Oter prediction:

I still hope, against all odds, that Thom can channel

I hope there's a huge battle in TaR: Dreamwalkers+Heroes of the Horn+Perrin+wolves against bad guys. It will be awesome, and therefore, not very likely.

Mat will somehow play dice with a DF that has those ter'angreal dices, and he will still manage to win.

DF will also attack Cairhien at the same time as Caemlyn. After all, there is another waygate inside that city as well.


I think that rand and the ashaman/aes sedai should get all their sa'angreal (callandor/chodean kal/wand/etc) and angreal, create the biggest circle they can make with men and women... and then pick up dragonmount, invert it and dump it into the bore.


That'd be sweet.


We know that Rand has to "clear away the rubble" before resealing the bore. But what if he made Dragonmount the new bore?


Or what if in a desperate act of Tar Valon being overwhelmed by shadowspawn, the Aes Sedai or Ashaman erupt Dragonmount in order to "purge" Tar Valon?


I wonder how the shadowspawn will be swept clean of Caemlyn? Maybe Rand will cleanse them from the streets the same way he destroyed the shadowspawn only from the Stone of Tear?


Dewairah, that would be like Superman picking up the kryptonite island. That would be sweet!


Although, wouldn't moving dragonmount be like desecrating a grave? Lews Therin and all? Just sayin. :rolleyes:


Dewairah, that would be like Superman picking up the kryptonite island. That would be sweet!


Although, wouldn't moving dragonmount be like desecrating a grave? Lews Therin and all? Just sayin. :rolleyes:



I don't think he'll have a problem with that.

After all, it will be like he helped in sealing the Bore by creating Dragonmount in the first place, so he'll have a hand in the final win, even if he's 3000 years dead.


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