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How old is the average WOT fan?

Leopoled Boothe

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I think the range here is from around 12 to around 70. A wild guess at an average, perhaps 25-30?


IIRC, Jordan was asked about his fan base during a signing. While I don't recall the specifics, I believe the info the publisher has puts us as a normal demographic distibution.


Young to old. About equally male and female. All levels of education.


IOW, about as average a group as you can find.


I have the first run of almost every book. EotW was a Christmas present when I was 15 - so I've been reading the series since 1990, and I'm 31.


Pretty good series to be able to hook people's interest for 16 years!


I'm Twenty one and i have been reading WoT since i was nine. I think i might go crazy when the saga final endes. I have spent so much of my life "between books", shall we say. Heaven help me should story remain unfinished (or perhaps the final instalment burried along with the authour as his final grin much to the shagrin of his readers.) The thought makes me shiver.


started right around 1990 if I remember correctly- it was right when EOTW had just come out out on paperback and it was a christmas gift from my mother- i was 14 at the time.....since then i've waited an excrusiating (sp?) 16-17 years to progress to this point and i've reread the series countless times over- had to start doing that everytime a new book came out since book 5 or so.


29 now and really looking forward to and also dreading the last book. Excited to see how it ends and very sad to know that its going to end.


hehe i started WoT when i first moved back to the US 6 years ago. i was 13 then..now im 19

loved the series when i first read and still do


I started last year when walking around in Dymocks, noticed a pretty neat cover page design (the new edition of the books) and picked it up to read the back. What struck me is that the blurbs don't make any sense at all if you havent read any of the books yet...so i was like, errr dragon reborn?, aes sedai? wtf.. i brought it anyways and begun an addiction that has stripped me of much needed study time and sleep.

I just couldn't stop reading them (cept for some boring political bits in book 6-7) and the WoT world seems so real that its a place we can escape to; escapism, the thing that drugs do. Its awesome to find a community here at dragonmount where everyone loves WoT as much or more than i do.

I'm a senior at a french school in Hong Kong and i'm 17.


Are you australian dimmu?


Additionaly question, when did you start posting about WoT?


I started on another board, Shadar Logoth, when i was 13, and started on here at 16, though i took a long sabatical along the way.


Heh, I forgot to put my info in :D


I'm 30, started reading 93 when I had the good fortune to stumble upon TEOTW at my local library.


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