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How do damane react to being stilled?


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Is losing the ability to use the One Power still seen as a nearly unbearable loss, if that ability results in centuries-long enslavement? Or would stilling met with relief by damane?


I can't recall anything in the books that addresses the question, one way or another.

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channeling is described as something like opioid addiction in the WOT. it brings bliss. closing off the gateway to bliss creates despair. i think that even though their channeling/access to bliss is controlled by suldam, damane would still feel the bliss of channeling, and the despair of stilling.

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When would this happen? The Seanchan would never still a damane... I mean why? You just get a sul'dam you trust. And the a'dam, as a form of linking, forbids damane burning themselves out. The Seanchan also never play around with ter'angreal--the only ter'angreal they recreate is the a'dam (and yea, bloodknives wtf, but it has been directly stated that this is the case...)


When would this ever be an issue.

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Don't forget Damane want to be chained. So I think it would be the same for them as for free channelers. I wonder if it has effect to a sul'dam with the bracelet at the moment the Damane is stilled. Maybe she is stilled too (and no longer a sul'dam).

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It wouldn't happen in Seanchan, but on Rand's continent it would be possible. It would be a tough question to answer. A mix of happiness that they are no longer abominations that must be chained to sadness that they can no longer serve the Empire to depression at not touching the true source ever again.


They would likely lead a sorry existence though. I think at best they could be useful as da'covale, since they were conditioned to being subservient most of their lives.

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re: Stilling damane: when they are trying to shield a really strong channeler and the other channeler breaks it.


re: Prefering slavery: so far, it seems that Avila is the only long-term damane who would prefer freedom, although we haven't seen the others taken with her or captured at the WT. Even then, she acts like a guard dog.


re: Stilling = Death: the Kin shows that maybe a lot more stilled women survive than thought.

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When fighting Ma'rath'damane who have the capacity to still.



Based on previous experience the only thing the Ma'rath damane will do is run around screaming if they face Damane.


Thats a possibility, except Ashaman fighting are quite ruthless, a fight with them could result in potentially anything. I forget what Seanchan call male channelers, so ill stick with Ashaman.


I always thought it odd that "Ma'rath damane" aren't a target when someone is fighting a linked pair, if you think about it, they are the easier one to beat, due to the fact that they have never actually held Saidar they should be extremely weak meaning they could be stilled easily, has no one ever thought about that as a way to fight them? If it doesn't harm the damane, it is a good way to capture a damane since they wouldn't be able to move as soon as its done.

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When fighting Ma'rath'damane who have the capacity to still.



Based on previous experience the only thing the Ma'rath damane will do is run around screaming if they face Damane.


That or blast 30+ Raken from the sky, capture ten damane, whilst only losing one Aes Sedai out of the forty she rescued, and three of the novices she gathered. Oh yeah all that while stoned on forkroot too...


With the Tower reunited and the BA, Forsaken and Fain's influence gone there will not be a similar reaction the next time Damane come calling. Goes without saying but Randsc has a valid point.

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I think that's the point I look forward to most. When the Seanchan attack the WT, and are held back by Egwene and hundreds of Aes Sedai, led by Egwene (who, of course, has Vora's sa'angreal again). Poor Seanchan...

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It wouldn't happen in Seanchan, but on Rand's continent it would be possible. It would be a tough question to answer. A mix of happiness that they are no longer abominations that must be chained to sadness that they can no longer serve the Empire to depression at not touching the true source ever again.


They would likely lead a sorry existence though. I think at best they could be useful as da'covale, since they were conditioned to being subservient most of their lives.

Sid's right AGAIN....pulled the words out of my mind.... :biggrin:

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Part of the reaction might depend on whether or not the damane knows that stilling can be Healed.

Another part of the reaction might depend on which culture she was raised in.


Damane from the Seanchan continent; the reaction might be disappointment at first.

Damane that were former Aes Sedia; maybe same reaction as an Aes Sedia that was never collared.

former Aiel Wise Ones; all Aiel seem to handle any kind of hardship well.

Other main land saidar channelers; not sure. Same for former Sea Folk Windfinders.

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What the heck is wrong with you people? I already said Damane suffer when stilled and TWO PEOPLE PERSIST TO COME WITH BASELESS ASSUMPTIONS?


Just go frigging read Rand's campaign against the Seanchan in the south.

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I'd say they take badly as any channeler. Channeling feels, as described at any opportunity, better than sex on cocaine. Long time channelers are basically One-Power addicts. It takes a very strong person to overcome drug addiction withdrawal without help.

AS are intelligent, strong willed, and educated by definition - the Tower's screening process and training see to that. They are much better equipped to deal with said effects.

Original* damane however are treated as dangerous animals and are kept on a very short leash their entire life... meaning hardly any mental and emotional maturity and growth. Damane are, mentally and emotionally, children. Loosing the only reason of their existence would hit a damane much harder.


* Seanchan damane who accept their life. not anyone captured in Randland.

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What the heck is wrong with you people? I already said Damane suffer when stilled and TWO PEOPLE PERSIST TO COME WITH BASELESS ASSUMPTIONS?


Just go frigging read Rand's campaign against the Seanchan in the south.


I dunno about whether they had been stilled or not in that battle.. I remember it as either they are killed or captured, not stilled. Some Sul'dam were upset because their damane were killed, obviously no damane survived if their Sul'dam were killed because they experience twice the pain that the Sul'dam feel, which i think is a terrible thing for the a'dam to do, since in some situations a Sul'dam may experience excruciating pain which does not disable the Sul'dam but twice that may disable or kill the damane.


I think another more interesting question is how do Sul'dam react to being stilled!

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What the heck is wrong with you people? I already said Damane suffer when stilled and TWO PEOPLE PERSIST TO COME WITH BASELESS ASSUMPTIONS?


Just go frigging read Rand's campaign against the Seanchan in the south.


Maybe because the book doesn't say that? Like, at all? The sul'dam suffer when their damane are killed, yes. But that's not the subject of this thread.

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