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The Pink Loincloth Tavern

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Dice wanders in the Loincloth to see what all the noise was. He looks around and sees corki  sammy  "welcome back Sam!"   keeps looking around and then suddenly his  head whips backwards, his mouth drops and his eyes go huge.


Tay???  or is he having delusions?? he wipes his eyes and looks again  it seems to be her.


Suddenly he is running  then jumping so he flies thru the air and crashtackles his adoptee to the floor in a huge hug!!




eventually he lets her up but is ready to grab just in case she tries to disappear again


looking like he is about to cry he finally speaks "about time you came home tay....you have been missed"


looks for a george "oi georgie! Bandy and a guinny please and right quick! if we keep her drunk she wont be able to leave again"


Oh and about that authority thing??  I didnt even ASK for it!!  they kinda shoehorned me into it so if it all goes pearshaped its not my fault!

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But Horn, I was complimenting how smart you are and that your arse is just so brilliant.  :wink:


Sam I Am, I'm good.  DJ and I have a wee one now.  :biggrin:


Dice...I didn't get a reaction like that.  Maybe I should leave for a while and try again.  =0p


*pokes AJ for good measure*


(sorry for the late replies to some, totally missed all the posts between me calling Horn a smart arse and Tay's arrival.  LOL)

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*eyes Horn eyeing Tay*


Not if I beat you to it my Heroness!  :tongue:   But wait....who's going to make me stay?  :huh:

So I just noticed it looks like I'm calling Horn a female Heron...ha ha ha!  Guess I should say Hero-ness to be more clear.  Or I can just keep Heroness and make people wonder what the heck I"m talking about.


Alrighty, you can make me stay.  I mean, what's a Grouper without his Groupie.  :cool:

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*pulls a wad of rather crushed looking paperwork from back pocket* Not that one... hmm, that has a spelling mistake... oh my, and that one was Footy's doing...moving along.... ah yes!! *waves around a slightly less crumpled bit of paper* ID.... signed by the ...err... previous incumbent (that'd be Corks). *aside to Brid* Well actually it'd be me playing with his MG stamp, it was nice and bright red after all, but you know how that goes when you get left alone in the office. A girl needs a few identities.


So yeah... where was I? ID ..proof that I'm not really 40 and am in fact not a grandmother either. *nods firmly and pokes Dice* Could you loosen that grip just a little bit please dear? I missed you too but I bruise like a peach. *twinkles at Horn* Go ahead and do all the persuading you like Warder mine... but what the heck do you need points for? 


*hears Jea's question* Sure we do... you could be an imposter  :tongue:


Thanks for the lovely welcome back people, nice to be home.... so far. Salutations to those I don't know yet.  :smile: Does anyone else find the idea of a mini Brid and DJ cross (I think that makes it a Bridge... :cool:  :hopper: ) running about rather scary??

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