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i know she didn't reveal finder, that was what I was saying, everyone else said about if the finder said it it must be true, before I even came on here today! I said it was convenient for Ed to say that it could be something other than a finder claim, so that she doesn't have to claim finder, so the finder can't think that she must be scum, if that makes sense. The fact she hasn't is odd! She didn't say I viewed Talya last night etc...This is why I think something odd is going on. She hasn't claimed anything aprat from "she knows I'm Godfather or Mafia" (can't remember which) and everytime jumped on there as If she was a finder. Then Ed claims she could have something other than a finder....all just a little odd and a little too contrived!

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  On 1/31/2011 at 2:18 AM, Song of Ice and Fire said:

I agree with Aemon. Especially since I know Talya is scum and the godfather. I know it may be stupid for me to come out, but I usually get nkd early on in games, and I can help the town get one mafia member, I'll be happy and take a hit, though if we have a doc, I would love to be protected tonight.




first AJ - yes Song did say talya is mafia, Scum mainly means mafia, and if she's claiming the Talya is the GF, again that points to Mafia. so i made the obvious conclusion :wink:


2nd, for everyone. if she's not finder then howelse woudl she get this info. only finder type roles are able to veiw peoples roles or alignments ... by finder i'm saying finder type role, not a specific type of finder.



  On 1/31/2011 at 6:21 PM, Tiinker said:

1. For the reasons stated by the others above.. If this proves wrong then Songs a fraud..

2. Yea we don't know for sure why he was silenced. But I'm more inclined to believe there is a silencer because if it was for that reason I've a feeling that a few more people would've been knocked into a coma.. And reading back it looks like you didn't even know he was silenced


Did you even read what the Mod wrote? Or did you just jump on this when looking for info to make me seem guilty. I thought you stated that not reading was scummy?


3. Call it what you want, I named it silly about thirty times already. It's worked once so why shouldn't it this time? Okay seriously, I find that ridiculous aswell, no offense. That's like saying "yea okay I haven't studied for my physics test tomorrow so I guess i'll just wing it". How many times are you going to get a good grade with that strategy.. Hey, maybe it got people into the game, doesn't stop it from being a silly statement.


4. The only result I'm getting is that you're helping mafia whether you're town or scum.


1. it still doesn't explain why your trying to detract away from a possible scum. if your town then shouldn't you want to have this solved rather than pulling your vote to another person. after all, we do need a majority vote to solve this and with your vote on a different person your not helpign use achieve that majority.


2. i explained this already. yes i read what the mod wrote; but considereing Led only had about 2 entire posts this game i doubt we'll be abel to gain much info from him being silenced; if it is infact a role that silenced him. right now i'm more concerned on facts we know; Song has claimed a fidner type role and has outted a scum, ths will actually get us soemwhere.


3. it's how you play the game. if you find my strategy offensive, dont; mafia is not a game for those light of heart, so if your easily offended you might not enjoy this game so much. not hasseling or being nasty, just stating the truth. just because you dont agree with a persons strategy doesn't make it any less valid or useful. agree to disagree on that.


4. and it's the same result i'm getting from you, especially considering your actions today.



  On 1/31/2011 at 8:44 PM, Tiinker said:

Yea I came to the conclusion that we're not getting anywhere a while ago I just felt like I needed to keep giving her answers for some reason >_>

I've voted for other people cos I think they deserve more attention.. the only reason I'm not voting for Red is cos our whole argument has taken up a good few pages..


Well keep em coming Red, i'm well ready :P


so you want to keep me around cause this convo is raking up the pages?? wow, sounds liek another mafia technique; bury an outted scum in lots of pages. at least you know not to use spam :wink:


I'm not offended. I hope you're not.. :happy:


  On 1/31/2011 at 9:18 PM, Red2111 said:


  On 1/31/2011 at 8:44 PM, Tiinker said:

Yea I came to the conclusion that we're not getting anywhere a while ago I just felt like I needed to keep giving her answers for some reason >_>

I've voted for other people cos I think they deserve more attention.. the only reason I'm not voting for Red is cos our whole argument has taken up a good few pages..


Well keep em coming Red, i'm well ready :P


so you want to keep me around cause this convo is raking up the pages?? wow, sounds liek another mafia technique; bury an outted scum in lots of pages. at least you know not to use spam :wink:



Aaaand... I'm lost.. more attention as in we've taken up enough space for people to have realized both of us already we don't need to be brought further into the loop. Or was that sarcastic..? Duuuude.. :sad:


Whatever happens though I'm not retracting anything.


Oh and I'd rather wait till my votes needed for the majority until I start pinpointing Talya because I don't get how Song has managed to deduce that she's the Godfather if the role shows innocent always on first try.



  On 1/31/2011 at 6:21 PM, Tiinker said:

1. For the reasons stated by the others above.. If this proves wrong then Songs a fraud..(duh)


Well, I'm pretty sure the hammer vote has been give. (by Aust)


While I find Talya being mafia rather believable, the whole godfather thing rankles at me. However, having a name adds a lot of credibility and since there is only one thing against it and several for it, vote Talya.


If Locke is right, my vote isn't needed? But Song's given more than enough reason to vote for Talya, and Talya kind of contradicted herself (she DID actually say Song claimed finder, I don't know if that was a typo or not but she still said it and changed her story later on), so to ensure Talya does actually get lynched, I'm going to add my vote.






Doesn't that look tasty? >.>

  On 1/30/2011 at 7:13 AM, Amadine said:
  On 1/30/2011 at 6:46 AM, Talmanes said:

There is a humorous typo in the above post.

Yes, i noticed after posting.... though i should have known if anyone would point it out it would be you :tongue::laugh:

Ok why are you two still voting if you know she is already hammered, and why do you keep posting pics like that Meesh?

  On 1/31/2011 at 3:30 PM, Red2111 said:

Ed, a day finder woudl have still only given either Alignment (Town or Anti-Town), not both alignment & role.


how is me questioning a valid claim defending Talya, last i checked my vote is still on her. i want to know exactly what info Song got off Talya, because few roles would give both the alignment & role; plus the fact that with the GF role you do get back an innocent alignment. the cats already out of the bag if Song is tellign the truth, so why do you find it scummy that i want more info to be sure it's not a gambit her & Talya are trying to pull. after all Talya was the other half of the Kivam Gambit.


and with your defense of Song, it makes me hink your part of this; maybe on a team with Song and/or Talya and trying to use this to clear your name as well. after all if Song is telling the truth and Talyas an outted scum, it woudl be ideal for one of her tema mates to use this situation to their benefit. your trying awefullyhard to link yourself to Song imo.




Red, I had a role in your Scooby game where I got Talya's role Day 1. She never said Finder, and people assumed.

Someone brought up the point that Finder wouldn't get a GF.

Well, LOGICALLY, she isn't a traditional Finder. KNOWING there are varied roles on Finder...well, ta dah!


You voted her, but still question every single little thing. Some of them are valid, others are common sense.

And I openly admitted to defending Song too much. Oh well. When I see something that will get scum, I'll jump on it.

And I think you could possibly be her buddy atm!


  On 1/31/2011 at 4:23 PM, Talya said:

what worries me Ed, is that Song has actually said she is finder and you are saying that she could be another role, I don't know what that could be so maybe you could enlighten us. Or maybe it is because by saying this, the real finder doesn't come and say she can't be (not that I hope they would anyway), because you are saying she has a different role!


As for the LD, it would not come up as true or false, because it is something he does not know! The whole point is finding for people who are KNOWINGLY lying, so the have to have such knowledge. The Mod would know what he knew (which we know in this case is nothing because Vanion was a Roleless townie) so I KNOW that if she also tried this she would be so Lying or getting inaccurate results!


All I know is that information she has is wrong, so she is either lying, or has not got correct findings



Well, we cleared up that she didn't say it. But read my response to Red. We all use experience of past games to assist us in our current game.

I disagree with the LD....it's a Mod's choice to play the role how they will. Even though we know she isn't the LD, I still say it could have worked.





  On 1/31/2011 at 8:47 PM, Talya said:

i know she didn't reveal finder, that was what I was saying, everyone else said about if the finder said it it must be true, before I even came on here today! I said it was convenient for Ed to say that it could be something other than a finder claim, so that she doesn't have to claim finder, so the finder can't think that she must be scum, if that makes sense. The fact she hasn't is odd! She didn't say I viewed Talya last night etc...This is why I think something odd is going on. She hasn't claimed anything aprat from "she knows I'm Godfather or Mafia" (can't remember which) and everytime jumped on there as If she was a finder. Then Ed claims she could have something other than a finder....all just a little odd and a little too contrived!

I say again. We all use past experience. It's not convenient. It makes sense with the events that transpired.




Let's look at this again....

  On 1/31/2011 at 4:23 PM, Talya said:

what worries me Ed, is that Song has actually said she is finder

  On 1/31/2011 at 8:47 PM, Talya said:

i know she didn't reveal finder, that was what I was saying












  On 1/31/2011 at 9:05 PM, Song of Ice and Fire said:

I get their name and their action, my results were that she is Roka, the mafia godfather.


Yea, sounds familiar.


  On 1/31/2011 at 9:07 PM, Little Miss said:

How is godfather an action?


It's a passive action. :tongue:




And I know it's beating a dead horse, but *beats Talya*






I'm ignoring Red and Tinker's arguing for now. It's distractingly annoying. :mellow:


LOL Tal... I hate when you say what I'm going to say before I say it. You and Aust both, in varying games. Annoying. *pouts*


I think Meesh has been added to the Pie brigade. It's a disease... unsure.gif


It's not pie, it's burek! And TMD never said I couldn't say, so I'm going to say it: I have to post a picture of it every time I post toDay.




And I voted in case Locke was wrong and the hammer hadn't been cast, as well as to ensure that if someone unvoted Talya, she'd still get lynched. Plus I felt like voting for her after her blatant contradiction of her own statement..... The one that Ed also pointed out a few posts ago.


Is there a problem with voting after a hammer's been cast that I'm not aware of?


I hate weekends and mondays... they always pull me away from the computer...




i think you all are very confusing and i would be tempted to say ALL of you are mafia by the way you throw accusations at anyone and everyone and spit out so many mindless, pointless theories that no one can keep up with who you are accusing what post... I think that Talya is as good a bet as any right now, considering that it's already done... at least it will give us information on Song and how truthful she is and we can pick apart the ensuing band wagon and perhaps divulge a little information from that, but i won't hold my breath because picking through this many pages of information is annoying :rolleyes:

  On 1/25/2011 at 6:19 AM, Kaylen said:

MCS because he just has always seemed kinda sneaky.... :dry:

Seeing as how this was the only thing you posted before now, forgive me if I don't take your words to heart. In fact I do believe you were lurking in the shadows and have only come out to say to look good after Talya is dead.



  On 2/1/2011 at 5:50 AM, Kaylen said:

I hate weekends and mondays... they always pull me away from the computer...




i think you all are very confusing and i would be tempted to say ALL of you are mafia by the way you throw accusations at anyone and everyone and spit out so many mindless, pointless theories that no one can keep up with who you are accusing what post... I think that Talya is as good a bet as any right now, considering that it's already done... at least it will give us information on Song and how truthful she is and we can pick apart the ensuing band wagon and perhaps divulge a little information from that, but i won't hold my breath because picking through this many pages of information is annoying :rolleyes:



Refering to the bolded sentence: That's mighty nice of you considering that you didn't vote for her or even give an opinion on anyone else. I find this post to be very scummy, Kaylen.


I just got off of work and am tired. I'll post up the vote count/lynch tomorrow morning sometime. (Since I think that is more than 10, I'll check then though.)


Aemon of course you find it scummy.. you would have also found it scummy if i had voted for Talya after it was already set that she's being lynched. You think EVERYTHING that EVERYONE does is scummy.. quite frankly i don't care if you find me scummy or not, I do think you would do better if you quit calling EVERYTHING scummy though and actually thought about your actions and words.


Quite frankly i find your ranting about everyone who posts an opinion as scummy a very mafia like thing to do. You throw suspicion on everyone, therefore it confuses people and does not allow for coherent discussion. By casting doubts on everyone you avoid looking like you are siding with anyone but you also show no real opinion on who you think is really the mafia and by taking no true side you think to keep yourself out of the loop and off of suspicions.. well i myself, though i hate to use your word when it is misused so much, I find that "scummy"...


This coming from the person with a total of three posts in the game. I can safely say that no one will accuse you of actually having an opinion on anything, so I guess you are doing all right in that respect. I only call scum where I see it and I have hardly FoSed everyone in the game as you would like people to believe.


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