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  On 1/22/2011 at 7:36 PM, TheMasterDude said:





2. There will be NO reveal of names, NO hints or ‘in character’ of their character. To do so could mean something very painful, or death!


I have to say that LED and Talya trying to get us all to focus who play3r is because of the pie thing is sitting wrong with me. The rules clearly state that we can't even hint qt our identity so they either dd not read the rules or are trying to lead us into a dead end train of thought. Neither of those inspire trust in me.

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Since this has been going on awhile, and you're the first person to notice that, I'm willing to give the benefit of the doubt. It wouldn't really make much sense for TMD to make that rule and then add in a compulsory character trait.


Aemon, if you read what I said was NOT to focus on it! :tongue: And if he was doing it as a character and wasn't modkilled it could be in his PM he was sent at the beginning of the game...ie his role PM. :rolleyes:

So stop trying to build a case on this flimsy rubbish for me and Led!


I'm not saying it's impossible, but now that I think about it, it seems unlikely that TMD would give someone an indicator like that. Maybe it's a scum ploy to hide in the open.

  On 1/30/2011 at 6:29 PM, aemonkristen said:

The rules clearly state that we can't even hint qt our identity so they either dd not read the rules or are trying to lead us into a dead end train of thought. Neither of those inspire trust in me.







FIxed quoting


The town has become anxious about to lynch next. Most were huddled around the fire, but some wandered off during the night. After a few hours you heard a blood boiling scream, then all was silent. You move closer to the fire and hope that no one was killed. You wake up to find that Led is passed out cold and cannot be waken. From his face it looks like he had seen something really horrible, especially since he clawed his eyes out. Someone then yells "Hey look over here! I found another one!" You all quickly run over to find Wombat passed out next to some bottles of rum. You pick one up and read "Property of Tayol. Do NOT drink!" Someone laughs because it seems that Wombat found Tayol's secret (or not so secret) stash of alcohol. Then the laughter dies as someone rolls him over and finds a dagger in his back.


Wombat AKA Damane the innocent mason godfather is dead.

Led cannot speak during the next day/night phase. He is in a coma.


It is now DAY. The day phase will end on Wednesday at 11am GMT-7.


With 19 alive, it takes 10 to lynch.


Ugh....Time to do a re-skim. I can't think of any connections off the top of my head.



Mason Godfather....Hope there were 3 members on that team and not just two....Or the mafia could try and claim they are Masons for awhile.


Well that sucks!


Well, they aren't going to now Ed, are they :rolleyes:


Now, as it wasn't Tayol's stash that killed him, lets have some and see Wombat off in the proper fashion! Poor Led will have to wait! We have a silencer in our midst!


People. I am not a character of TMD. Quote me on that ok. I am not TMD



They strayed from the path of Pie.... :sad:

I will continue preaching the holiness of Pie and hopefully save the remaining lost souls


I'm gonna guess the PR giver decided to try and make it look like Player has this as a part of his role PM. I don't think it is. Either he is faking or someone is trying to set him up for a fall. The only other thing can think of is jester.


I'm wondering why LED was silenced. I'm going to do a reread and see if anything sticks out to me. The only thing I can think of off the top of my head is him and Talya suggesting who player might be due to the pie thing.


I'm gonna guess the PR giver decided to try and make it look like Player has this as a part of his role PM. I don't think it is. Either he is faking or someone is trying to set him up for a fall. The only other thing can think of is jester.


I'm wondering why LED was silenced. I'm going to do a reread and see if anything sticks out to me. The only thing I can think of off the top of my head is him and Talya suggesting who player might be due to the pie thing.


Now...time to speak up on this Player Pie Pusher thing...


For now, I'm going with the benefit of the doubt and going to assume it's part of his role.

Reasoning being the BT has a history of pie and pudding lovers.

TMD loves pudding.



*snickers at last part*



But anywho...Aemon's last post pings.



Haven't had time to re-skim. I'm waiting for shakedown and locker inspction. :(

  On 1/29/2011 at 9:04 AM, Talmanes said:
  On 1/29/2011 at 4:54 AM, aemonkristen said:

I'm gonna go ahead and FoS Locke on the what looks like a pie PR. Pure metagaming, but Locke gave me a PR in another game where I had to mention my love of cheese and ask people what they would do for a klondike bar. Is the PR real or faked. Don't know and right now it doesn't really matter as far as I can see. Annoying, but harmless. However, I will be keeping an eye on Locke.

Um...I gave you that PR. Well technically I gave it to Wombat, but it got deflected to you.


Wait - I'm confused. Didn't Talmanes just say he gave out the PR?


@Aust- No, we were talking about Talya's Christmas Mafia where he gave me a food PR. I am accusing him of doing it again because of the food thing.


Thoughts after my reread: I see no reason someone would want to silence LED. He made like 3 posts the entire day and night cycle. I don't know what the thinking was behind this. Wombat FoSed everyone that wanted to wait for Vanion to talk before adding their votes. This seems to me to be a null tell as they were both town aligned. Red and Tinker seem to be playing a game of "I know you are, but what am I?". Distracting and I really don't see how it can help us. Perhaps an intentional distraction or distance forming tactic? Remains to be seen. Limi, and Talya both mentioned the possibility of Player being TMD before LED said anything. I am looking mostly at Red and Tink right now because of their back and forth on the Vanion lynch continuing lang after the lynch was over.


@Ed- any particular reason my post pinged or is it just a gut feeling?

  On 1/27/2011 at 2:26 PM, Vanion said:



I stop paying attention for a bit and the bandwagon rears it ugly head.


You all talk about making excuses for jumping on the bandwagon, and then a post later, you do it yourself.


No, I didn't read the posts before casting my vote.


Yes, I used random.org to make my vote.


Guess what? It's called "Day 1". You aren't going to learn anything from how people are posting. There is no information. And the first 2 pages of posts in a Mafia game are pretty much always "Checking in". Do I really need to read 20 posts that say "Just checking in!" or "I'm here"?


No thanks.


You can go ahead and vote me if you'd like, but you're making a mistake. Best to see who instigated the bandwagon.


I find that those who are mafia, are normally the quickest people to scream "That persons starting a bandwagon!! Lynch 'em!"


Anyone who's played Mafia with me knows better. Vanion doesn't bandwagon. I'm a statistical analyst. I go by how people react to situations and vote based on that.


As such...




Vote: Talya


Since she was the quickest to scream bandwagon, and I've seen how she plays Mafia before, I'm pretty happy in my choice here now.


So, lynch me if you want to, but lynch Talya next, because she IS Mafia. I'll take the Day 1 hit if I have to. Someone's gotta. But again, you're mistaken on my role.


true statement


  On 1/29/2011 at 6:45 PM, ed2funy said:

Oh, don't I wish.





But we all know it's actually Talya. :D



  On 1/29/2011 at 7:29 PM, Talya said:

I Keeeeeeeeeeeeeellll you Ed... :biggrin: Or maybe I should do Play3r and his pie, then I can have it all...Lemon Merangue!!


I don't like this play bewteen those two, since I know Talya is mafia.


  On 1/30/2011 at 6:29 PM, aemonkristen said:

I have to say that LED and Talya trying to get us all to focus who play3r is because of the pie thing is sitting wrong with me. The rules clearly state that we can't even hint qt our identity so they either dd not read the rules or are trying to lead us into a dead end train of thought. Neither of those inspire trust in me.



  On 1/30/2011 at 6:39 PM, Talya said:

Aemon, if you read what I said was NOT to focus on it! :tongue: And if he was doing it as a character and wasn't modkilled it could be in his PM he was sent at the beginning of the game...ie his role PM. :rolleyes:

So stop trying to build a case on this flimsy rubbish for me and Led!


I agree with Aemon. Especially since I know Talya is scum and the godfather. I know it may be stupid for me to come out, but I usually get nkd early on in games, and I can help the town get one mafia member, I'll be happy and take a hit, though if we have a doc, I would love to be protected tonight.




Geeze.. -_- Wombat wasn't exactly all the threatening to any one, however.. didn't some one say they where going to go back at look at his posts? Did I miss that?


Secondly, I am inclinded to believe Song, Honestly she plays the most like me and totally did what I would do (and have done) :p


I don't really feel mafia would offer up a player so soon in the game.. although it has been done before to make another look good.. However I haven't been getting a pinging from her that is real hard.


So I am going to Vote Talya



She has been leading you all to the point where just me mentioning Pie has become a scum tell and called me TMD which I am not.


She is against the Pie and all that it stands for. Let her be smited


hard to argue with a revealed finder VOTE: TALYA goes without saying that if she doesn't flip scum Song you're next. finder if this is a false claim, please dont counter!


  On 1/29/2011 at 9:59 PM, Tiinker said:

WHAAAAAAT? You just brought it up again! This is a never ending cycle >_>


If you want my reply just read the response a page or two back..


Lol or are you just trying to pin me..


no not trying to pin you, i'm applying presure on you because i find you scummy.



  On 1/29/2011 at 9:59 PM, Tiinker said:
why defend someone unless you're trying to align yourself with them to secure your own innocence; or if you know their alignment? Major FOS at you!


I told you already.. it didn't have anything to do with Vanion cos in MY opinion I thought the argument was silly so I said so.. If someone was bullying a kid, even if it wasn't a friend or even if it was someone i disliked I'd go over and say something even if i was going to get my ass-kicked. How can you not get that? If you don't then sorry, that's just the kind of thing i do.


because its a known scum tactic thats why. what i find scummy is the fact you defended him. did you know he was innocent is that why? typically a townie wont align themselves with someone who they don't know is town or not. is it wrong for me to question your motives? why are you so aggitated about the fact i bring this up and why don't you answer my questions directly??


I'm going to try and see if this code works...







If not, when I get on my laptop.



Just a gut feeling Aemon...I've played with you before, so you're one of the people I feel I can get a better feeling on. I'll have to see though.




Can I just say, "Health and Welfare" Inspections are freaking....oh if only I could cuss on this board.


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