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January Sign in


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Please remember to only post once in this thread, as it is used for people counting in my report and linked in said report, too!



So, our discussion point for this month is...



Snow. Love it? Hate it? Never seen it? Elaborate! :)



Discussion thread is here: http://www.dragonmount.com/forums/topic/55327-january-sign-in-discussion/

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As for me, I'd love snow if it didn't have to be so darned cold for it to happen. Since that's the case, I prefer it in pictures. LOL



This means I am a true Southerner at heart, I believe. I live in SOUTH GEORGIA for a reason, after all. Ok, quite a few reasons, but this is a big perk! ;)

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oh wow, I'm glad I checked this. I thought I already posted! As for snow, I have very mixed feelings. I hate, hate, hate the cold! But snow is pretty, and I have a lot of great memories as a kid being out in the snow playing with my dad. Everything from snow shoeing and skiing, to building snowmen and snow forts, to walking in big empty fields in blizzards where we couldn't see our hand in front of our faces. I still hated the cold back then, but it was time with my daddy and they made some really great memories. Today I prefer sitting in my nice warm house looking out the window at the snow covered trees and roofs. I do try to get out with the kids in it, but its hard to pull myself out there. Luckily Nanny and Auntie like to play in the snow with them. And as much as I hate the cold, Winter just isn't Winter without the snow.

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Hate is not a strong enough word for how I feel about cold in general. Cold being any temperature near freezing or below. I used to love snow, it meant I'd get outta school and could take my sled and slide down a steep drive building enough speed to attempt crossing US70 (a highway) between passing auto's. Later I paid big money to strap six foot boards on my feet and slide down mountains ...


Now? Not so much and especially where driving (my job) is concerned.

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Love snow. Not a huge fan of being too cold, but I'll take it over being too hot any day. It looks great and I still enjoy playing in it! lol Don't so much like the inconvenience that comes along with it when it's bad such as power cuts, blocked roads, shops with no food deliveries etc. I do appreciate having a white Christmas though. This year was brilliant.

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