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I hope we see ________ again!


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I have to enthusiastically agree with all calls for Uno!! One of my favourite scenes of the series was...

Moiraine: "Have any of the rest of you dreamed about swords lately?"

Uno: "I dream about flamin' swords every bloody-- I mean, yes, Aes Sedai, I have."


Uno's swearing always cracked me up. :D


About Nynaeve's parents, this is what WoT wiki says:

Nynaeve's father thought of her as the son he never had and taught her to track, hunt and fish. Unlike fellow tomboy Min, however, Nynaeve later integrated femininity in her adulthood. Older than the rest of the Emond's Fielders who left after Winternight, Nynaeve was the village Wisdom, or healer, by the time Moiraine Sedai and her Warder Lan Mandragoran arrived.

She was orphaned around the age of fourteen and was apprenticed to Doral Barran, the Wisdom of Emond's Field, shortly afterward.


It isn't really explained to us much, which I never really understood. Surely someone orphaned at fourteen would have memories of her parents and would remember them sometimes. We don't know how they died, as far as I know, either! Makes me suspicious. Fourteen sounds about the right age to start channeling...


I'd like to see Ingtar, Verin, and Jain return as Heroes of the Horn.


Also Uno and Ragan, who deserve better than to be stuck with the Tower's army (especially since the Seanchan will most likely make toast of it in the near future). Uno would probably have some hilarious reactions to finding out what Elayne and Nynaeve's been up to since he last saw them.


It isn't really explained to us much, which I never really understood. Surely someone orphaned at fourteen would have memories of her parents and would remember them sometimes. We don't know how they died, as far as I know, either! Makes me suspicious. Fourteen sounds about the right age to start channeling...

In "Ravens," where Nynaeve is 17, it says she was orphaned three years earlier when her mother died and taken in by Doral Barran. It's also mentioned that Egwene's older sister Berowyn lost her husband and baby to breakbone fever, so it's possible Nynaeve's parents died of the same.


Egwene thinks Nynaeve started being able to sense her presence "last fall," which means Nynaeve was around the age of 16 when she Healed Egwene from breakbone fever. If she had channeled before then, she wouldn't have experienced the channeling symptoms she told Moiraine about in TEotW.


I wasn't actually suggesting that I thought Nynaeve accidentally killed her parents! It was a really, really bad joke... :P Thanks for the explanation, though! The Two Rivers needs to be visited the next book for certain!


The Ogier, specifically those around Loial. I would like to know the results of his speaking at the Great Stump, and see them in battle. The ones with the Seanchan are supposed to be terrifying afterall.


The unfortunate badgers Mat seems to keep catching.




The Emond's Fielders on a whole, definite agreement with you there. And with Tylee as well.


And so help me, if I see any mention of Bela I will burn this thread to the ground.


I too have to say Bela, just to see if Rand Therin will really burn this thread down.


Anyone whose died, in the style of Shakespeare ("Avenge me! Avenge me!" "You killed me, wooooo!"


Uno and Ragan. Agelmar. Estean and Daerid. Aldieb. Demandred. I also have a strange curiosity about whether RJ had something else for Floran Gelb to do.


The Seanchan Ogier. The whole deathwatch guard in fact. You can't show us this supposedly supersweet force, talk them up like they're the greatest ever and then never let us see them in action!


I miss Bayle Domon :( He was a veteran from tEotW, then after Leilwin or whatever she's known as now makes him her b*tch, he fades into the background. Plus he saved the wonder girls several times in the story, he can come back in AMOL and demand a mat-style apology :biggrin:


I feel like there are several characters who were very important for one or two books and then dropped off the face of the wheel. Valan Luca, Bayle Doman, Juilin, Hurin (especially Hurin! He was like a major character in TGH! He was in that book more than Mat!), and I'm sure I'm missing some. All of them were really built up and had some development, and we haven't heard from them in forever. There are also characters who I think deserve more screen time than they've gotten. Sharina? Alivia? Both of them are more powerful than Nynaeve. Alivia at least fought in WH and KoD, but Sharina hasn't been on screen more than twice. I hope that as people mobilize for Tarmon Gaidon we will get to see some of these characters again. Especially people like Bayle Doman who has heaps of personality, and even a POV once or twice.


I miss Bayle Domon :( He was a veteran from tEotW, then after Leilwin or whatever she's known as now makes him her b*tch, he fades into the background. Plus he saved the wonder girls several times in the story, he can come back in AMOL and demand a mat-style apology :biggrin:


I agree that we need more of Bayle, I keep expecting him and Juilen to form a Legolas/Gimli style friendship. But of course they both recently left Mat's party and are headed in the same basic direction so I guess it could still happen


Oooh Sharina. Yeah would be nice to see her. Maybe she finally makes a connection with Nynaeve. Id also like to see Uno (Ragan too!)have at least 1 more conversation trying not to swear. Its too bad RJ put him on the sidelines for so long. Id also like to see the all of the Great Captains in action, preferably with Mat creating some awesome tactics. Would be hilarious to see Mats family hold him down while they inspect his eye while he tries to bat them all away.


I agree with Logain. He was introduced in the first book, destined for greatness in the fourth and has since had a minor role in four or five scenes. It would be nice for him to eventually get around to having a plotline.


Also the King of Illian. It seems really random to have kept him alive and then have everybody ignore him and not care that he's alive. It's almost like he's a resurrected Forsaken. What's up with that?


Faolain! I know, random.


It's just that she was a well written complicated and interesting character with surprising developments--turning from sour rival into secret (but still lemony) ally. When we first meet her it seems so clear that she's going to be a Red, her personality was like a mini-Elaida, but she decides to go to Salidar and surprisingly chooses the Blue. I Just like characters that aren't so obviously black or white. In WoT many of the characters we meet are so clearly heroic or villainous that Faolain was refreshing.


Other than being a slight nuisance and jealous classmate, her only real plot significance was as a spy for Egwene. However, Egwene has Lelaine--and the Hall, mostly squared away and there's probably little space for more Hall intrigues in AMoL so her significance as spy is shrinking. Hopefully we'll get some mention of Faolain when BS wraps up the Black Tower thread--since Faolain is part of the SAS embassy to the BT.



Faolain Orande

She has dark, curly hair and a round face. She has a dark complexion.

Last seen with Theodrin, Myrelle and Nisao as part of the embassy to the Black Tower.


Lord Agelmar!

The guy's supposed to be a great captain, and he's king of one of the boarderland, he's got to do something.


Plus Hurin, yes, I join the others.


I'm afraid you're mistaken. Agelmar isn't the King of Shienar, he's just the Lord of Fal Dara. King Easar Togita is the current king.


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