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It would start getting really slow and choppy and eventually it would just freeze.


Alot of that has to do with the fact that Minecraft is java based. It may have more to do with the memory available on your pc (memory = ram, not hard drive space) than with... hdd - hard drive.


Do you play it on the website, or did you dl it to your pc? (They use similar, but different methods... If yoru using your browser, try downloading it. As the browser its self, uses more memory than the downloaded version.


I've been using the downloaded version. I honestly think it's my computer; I've had problems with it since about a year after I got it. Although I recently cleared about 14 gigs of memory, so it might work better now. I'll have to check.

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Well, HDD space shouldn't really be that much of a factor in it.


I hope you've done virus checks and all that?

How long have you had your pc?


I don't know that Minecraft runs so well on a Mac...


Has anyone built a good ship? I keep trying, but I fail miserably, and they look terrible. Trying to build one for the Zeppelin mod, and haven't had much luck :(

  • Community Administrator

I don't know that Minecraft runs so well on a Mac...


Has anyone built a good ship? I keep trying, but I fail miserably, and they look terrible. Trying to build one for the Zeppelin mod, and haven't had much luck :(


The key is Symetry, and Scale.

The larger, the more detail.

However, the larger it is, the easier it is to mess it up.

Hardest part imo, for 'zepplins' or 'blimps' is the actual blimp part. Getting something 'aroundish' in minecraft is not easy.


Theres a program out there that lets you take a 3d model file, and turn it into a template that you can use to build it step by step (like legos) in minecraft. The catch is, you gotta know how to make it in 3d, or find a site that offers free 3d files of good enough quality that'll work and not be ugly.

  • Community Administrator

I draw up my large builds in paint lol

one block at a time


That'll work but this program makes it easier :P

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I should show pictures of a mineing method for maximum material aquisition in a set area, as well as a mine/fortress with style.

Cant doit till i get home from work though.

My current design allows me to escentiaqlly clear cut a 16x16, 32x32 ect hole straight down, the ability to get from bottom to top fairly quickly, and a very easy and sustainable light level above creature spawning.


Course luck dont hurt either.

Ive gotten a lot of coal... Roughly 2 stacks ( clean playthru). Maybe half a stack of iron, and bits and pieces of other things but im only a couple of levels shy to the motherload.

  • Community Administrator

Alright heres a good picture of my 'plan'










Escentially the construction is easy, you dig, you dig somemore, and you keep on digging. You build a set of 'stairs' along two walls, one level at a time, as you keep going down until you get to the point where they stop, then you simply reverse it.

The key is, say you do a 16x16 hole. Your best keeping it 16x16 all the way down. Now,I could just dig straight down, and work back up, but this has the added benefit of escentially 'building' some kind of dwelling in at the same time. It Litterally allows you to harvest everything in that 16x16x64 area. Along the way you may find 'patches' of other stuff, like iron, or coal, and its just a matter of digging 'out' until you no longer find it, Patch up the hole, maybe add a doorway for future use.


You could easilly build 'outwards' in any direction you desire from any point you wish to, you could keep it as a 16x16, or litterally envelop all the way around your current 16x16 'hole'. (So, theoretically you could 'carve' out 17 blocks out, leaving 1 block space between, All the way around the perimeter of each 'level'.

Which with a 16x16, would make your permeriter a 50x50 easilly.


Mine is currently only a 12x12. ;)


I have a 4x4 hole in the exact center of the 12x12 steps, going all the way through the structure, thus allowing 'light' to shine in, littearlly to the most bottom levels.

I place torhces in only 3 of the 4 corners for maximum light, and thus no creature spawning inside the sturcture.


now if only Notch would invent some Mirrors. ;)


The roof of my structure is actually on top of a hill.

I built it up, 1 block, creating a 'pool', litterally filled it with water.

I farm on my roof, and have trees set up for harvest.

I'm working on luring sheep into my home...


I never really planned any of my builds out, everything was more of just how I geel at the momment...but as ive refused to go online and look at cheats, I am constantly enteretained when I find something new. Just made a portal yo hell the other day in fact :p


Me and a friend are currently in the progress of creating the "White" Tower in Minecraft, drawing inspiration from the following 2 pictures:





So far, we've finished the main building, and have begun the project of clearing out the ground around it to create a courtyard and park. Only "cheats" that have been used are the creation of diamond tools and tnt for clearing, everything else have been done within the survival rules






More pictures in this set:



My buddy sent me a free account awhile ago, let me check to see if I can still find the info for ya Krak. Your definately missing out...especially since new version is out soon.


I should have clarified.


My Mac sucks donkey balls. It won't work on my mac.





Weirdly enough, it works for the first...5-10 minutes just fine, but then it starts freezing for a second or so, then goes back to normal, then freezes for a few more seconds, and so on and so forth for about 5 minutes until it crashes.


gah, just started playing the 1.8 update, and is constantly freaked out. Even your friendly torch now gives a spooky yellow glow, instead of a nice bright light.


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